on the 119. Pfalme.. 63/ laerie,the Lordcamedownsvifiblie with a fide Chariot, and fetched nab fromearth tohea- urn. Wee neednet herefpeakeof the greatzeale ofMofs, Phinees, and other of the fen,ants of God. We feeandknowthecaufe of this loue in the manolGod,was thcputeneflèokheword. Weheard in the fir(vcrfe,that the judgements of theLord were tighteous, wee haue heard in the fecond verfe, that thetefimonies of the Lord contained a fpeciall righteoufnes, wee(hall hearein the fistverfe,thatthe righteoufnesof the Lord is aneuerlailingrighteoufnes , wee may fee in the feauenth veife,thatitmade him delight in troubleond in the eightverfe, thatthe righ. teoufnesof the Lord is euerlafling.WherforeBoth hethis? as wehaue alreadielaid to llrengthen hisfaith : for afterhe had laide, that thetittersofteares through zeale andgriefe bur( out ofhis eyes,headdethand rehearfeth there things. What fha'Iwefay,they ate vainc repetitions i Nay, ,, Oararnbe- weknowthat the hoheghofl reproueththem,Mat.6. We fee thenthat in fo oft commending the teefeiafhew wordofGod,the Prophet Ihéweth tovsoutvnbeleefe,which he felt fo much in himfelfe.VVhen " ed vs m rh1 orn doe idlerepetitions fo muchdfplea(e the Lord i fúreliewhen our tongues walkeidlie , and in"tinsoj jibe our prayers we fpeakewe know notwhat. But when a mans heart is full offorrow, and fraught commenda- withgriefeof hisfrunes,orearnefllielongethafter aching,then let vs cry, Lordhawmercievpon.. úousojthe me,then let vspowre out our fpirits,andlay:Some ofDanielbanemercievponme:Lord Ibeleeue, a v cord. belpmy vnbeleefe, Thus when the heart is loath to beouercomeof vnbeleefe,-and when it defi- reth to (hewforth his lorrow,orwhenGods children would exercife their faith, orfeele in themfelues anyrare icy,which they would gladlieexpreffe, then theyvfe many repetiti- ons,as we may fee bothin thebooke of Chroniclesand the Plalmes. Praifeyeethe Lord, be-7o idle tepe- caufebeisgood forhis mercyessdurethforcarer: wherewe(hall fee in aó.vedesthis frill repea-rfafmé n air red:forbismercieendurethforeser. Whatthalwefay now,thathereis any needlesre etiti- on? no: well, wefee here then,that we mutt not fpeake fmplieagainf repetitions, but in great wifedomeof the 1pirit,becaufethe heart of thegodlie cannotfatifhe it felfewith faith' and feelingofGodspromifes,vnleffe it breaketh forthas a fire intomany fpeeches. Herebyweknow now,that the man ofGodhere expreffethhis faith,& weare tolearne,that withoutfomeliuely feelingof faith,ofioy,or ofgriefe,we ate nor tovfe oft repentions,vnleshap- pily they be vied to !litrevsvp the more to their or filch like. Socried rile womanofCanaan, O Sonneof Daaid bane mercievponme ; and being rebuked, the f illcried, OSonne ofDruidbane mercie?spot me. Wewould thinke it fomewhatlirange,and as a great matter,tofee a poore bo- dythoot i out Comanyprayersat once, when they fpeake out of the aboundance of their heart, which is fluffed with fo many griefesand troubles. Thyword ( faith the Prophet ).isproued true; itbath no changeablegoodnelfe, buthash in it aneuerlalhngrighreoufne llè, fettling for allages , for all perfons, and forall times. Mensopini- o.nsfayle,the wifedome, flrength and auchoritieof man in timebath allende ; but this Word is exceeding large, and neuerhath ende. Thy word isprunedpure : Maywould thinke this tobe buta fmall commendation for the word of God : but come to a milt whenhis minde ismuch troubled , and tellhimof the word, and whatpureneffe, what comfort willhe find init ? Surely he will be as one that bathno talle init,andasone that fcelethno morefweetnefe, thenafcke man clothtafle its achip. And not- withllandingall thattheword (halldo to him , he will f ill followhisrownewayes , andgoe on -forward in thedeuifesofhis owne head. Do men thenféele fuch infinite comfort in the word ?fo touchis their comfort as is their faith : and fo little is their faith, as little is theircomfort. Looke into Godschildremhowgreatly they lament their vnbeliefe looke intoDauid, looke onlob; lookeon thelate and bleffedMartytof GodBradford, whoalmof in all bookes,and , i.nred ¡ard in curry meditationcomplayneth of his vnbeleefe; notwithfandingthat he wasa man fo richinandho[ty afar- the gracesofGod, fo throughly mortified to the world, fo flayedin faith; and yetthe terrabee tYr, much ¡a- camedaily to Chrifi,themorebee fillceyeth againll vnbeleefe. Wherefore Paul !icing this to fonthexvnbo- be acommon difeafeamongall men,faith, This is a faithfull thing and worthieof all men tobe ¿cole. retnembred, That refits Chrìfl came intotheworld rofamefinners: this is4 faothfolfating,with foch like fpeeches,which the Apolile vfethas preparatiuesto f irte vp our faith. The purenef eoftheword ismentioned of theProphet,.when after hehad lamented themire- table dimof the godly,and thegreat decayof godfineffe, beecrieth out tothe Lord, fpeedily to