Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

636. Matter greenhorns `headings hisbrethren,andexcelled their in the gifts ofGod,heewasfeet(' keepe fheepe in the field, when therefs werefent to advancethemfelues in the warren. Then,when hehad (lainthe Beare,andwas comeamonghisbrethren,where hefaw thevncircumcifed Philiftine brea. thing out blafphemie againif the Lord;and hispeople, and through faith inGods promi. fesand zealeoldie fpirtt,could notabide him fo toblafpheme the liningGod,marueiling ',amid again)? thathis brethren without greet indignationfhoitidfuftaineit,heefettethvpon the great Goliath Galiah,which when his brethren faw,in contempt theyaskedwhat that princkockecould doe,and cell him,that it weremore fit forhim rò deále with this fheephooke, than to at- temptto fightforló noble aviEtorie. Befides,whenas afterwardsbyhisfingulardomed. tiewhich hehad,by playingon theHarpe,hehad appeafedSaab furious fptrit,they could not ceafeto defpifeInsu, and opprobrioufly Paid ofhim, Isnot this the f nneofIlhai? Then being offeredone ofSasslsdaughters in mariage,they mocked him,-by difappoynting her òfher dowrie: afterward, when /lee fhould haue had.the fecond daughter, who hadher dowrie appointed and allotted, curry clawbacke (corned him ; yeaDoes (that was the heardfman) was fuffered toflaythe children ofGod:So Maidensfaine to flit for fuccour to theHeathen kings,hisownemen contemning and forfaking him. Andyet lthíl he faith, Iamfmalland:defifed,yet doe 'not forget thyword. Well, let vs fee, did not the Lordpro. mote him, after bee had thus continued in patience ? we know theLardmade hisnigh. teoúfncs glorious,andhis good nametothine abroad,and his innocencie toappeare to all men after the deathof Sad: By faith (faith the ApMtle,Hebr. t 5.2.) ourElderswerewell re., portedof: whereof fomeare there laid tobe tried bymockings and feourgings,verf36. we fuppofe (faithPaul)weare madeagazingJlocke,andtheoffcouringoftheworld:yet he fainted not,becaufe heknew that howfoeuer vilehe was in the eyesofthe world,yet theLord de- lighted inhini;the Angels ofGod inheauen,the Church ofGodsSaints on earth reioyced in him,his owns confciencefeltioy and peace,through that patiencewhereinhe polfeffed his foule. Wherefore our Sauiour Chrift laid tohisDifciples,Matth.e. Bleddareye,whea menreuileyouperfecuteyou;andfay all manner ofeurllaoainfyou formyfakefally,rc. Wher- forelet vs learnt that wee are to fight daily againit felfè-loue, and loutofour credit,and let vsbe ascontented togiueour names tothe Lord,as weareto givehimour goods, our lines-andour countries.Let vs offerall that we haue-to theLord, ofwhomwehauerecei- uedie,and ofwhom in hisgood time wee (hall receiue it ágaine. Abraham gauelfaac his tonne to the Lord in facrificc,and yet hereceiued him againe. Solet vs giueour namesto theLord bywhat meanes foeuél!hepleafethtoreceiue-them. Formany would becontent todoe fo,ifthey might leefe theirname,becaufethey haue beene famous inwarre,or have come byitby fomenoble fuffrings : but to fuller difcredit wrongfully, and as traytors,or rebels, andtohavemolt falfe inditements in theface ofthe worldproceede againftvs, fo thatpeopleclaptheir hands atvs,as notable naaleta&orsorheretikes,is aching very diffi- cult. But ifour SauiourChrift be contemneddasa deffroyerof theTemple, and Steambe area-eel to fpeake blafphetnoufly againff_Mofes,letvs be contentto leefeourname as wel- doers alfo, knowing that theLord in timewill rake away theclowde, which Sathanas a vault dot' put before vs,who would perfwade vs,that when our naine is gòne,GodTeeth not nor regarded'cur righteoufües.But he that draweth thelight to fhineout ofdarknes, he. canalfo in time dehiuer ournaissesout of-difèredit. Doe thewicked thinke thento ob. fcure theglorieofGods Martyrsl Noah, Lot,Eliah,andall theSaints andMartyrs ofthe Lord are moll glorious, theLord pathglorified them, we Mill praife them,and daily they are commendedin theChurch ofGod. Alexander thegreat in allhis royaltie,nor Pompey, nor cefar,nor 7u/liehaue euer received fuch commendations in their greateftpomps, as haue thedeare Martyrs ofGod.And although withthe Papillawemake them notas lialfe Gods topray voto thesn,or asAngels topraife them, yet we praifeGod forthem. Let vs learnetherefore to giue our nainesfreely to theLord. Somemensfrnnes,faiths the Apoffg saebefore to itsdsement, andfame mess followafter.Some mens fisses-go before,and thegodiy Magi@race feeth. them, and punifheth them. Some finnes comeafter, and fhallbein time rernembrcdand reuenged, iftheybenot pardoned in thedeathof JefusChrift. Ttueth is thedaughter of time and in timeall hall bereuealed, whetherit be goodmilli and all