Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119.rPJalme. all ill eitherin this world or inthe world tocome, fhallbe remembred, and come to reckoning, vnlelfe it beburied in Chrifi his palfion. All good thingseither in this lift with theSaints ofGod, min the lifeto comeamong the Angels, (hall have their praile and commendation. Forour trial) then this is a true argument,that a man dothnot loue the word for riches fake, rricllofnar becaufe if he were the poorell man in theworld, bee wouldloue it (fill , and whileff bee is rich, lccerothc thinketh the word of God to be his greateffriches. This is an vndoubted token that a man doth word. loue theword for liberties fake,becaufe if he were in captiuitie and imprifoned , beewould (till loue the word,aswell as if he were in the greatelf libertie. This isa lure Ggne,that a man loueth not the word,becaufe therebyhe pathcredir,when beecan be content to fuffer dilcredit forthe word,&yet lone it as decrelyas if hchadche creditand countenance of'the wholeworld. We fee it cometo palle inall things;thebetter wemean, the worfeweare thought of ; yetif we (fill continuepatient, it is a token that we loue the word,becaufe it is the word ;andwe loue God,be- eaufehe is God; we loneChriff, becaufeheisChrill. Forif we can louethe word,thoughwebe in fickneffe,thoughwee be in pouertie, and fuffer dilcredit, wee lovethe word for the word his fake, and not foranything elfe whatfoeuer. If it commeth to vs alone, it is welcome, if it come accompanied withother things,it is anwelcome :as Ecclef.7, that wifedome is good with an inheritance,and excellentro them that fee the Some. For a man maythenhave indeed great or- ationof well doing;yet wifedome will deliuer thefoule,and giuerh life to thepofcfonrs thereof: So as though riches and inheritance will helpe well, being ioyned with godlinelle, to glue te- ffimonie of a. good confcience,yet though the manbean heire, it will not deliuer his foule; thisonely theword ofGodcan doe,all the other things cannot do it. And therefore this is anvn- Ípeakeablebleling of the word. Thuswe fee how theProphet tonednot the trued)for anyoutward relped, but for the appro. uedpurencffeof ir. Wee nsull hkc'a'ife labourto denieout clues and oar goodnatsies, the tao much louewhereof is a great enen, ie to godlineffc. Whereforewhen weare difcouraged ro continueunclose to the word, for feare of dilcredit, rrioU ofow weare greatly to fufpe d our lout. Many Princesand thechicle Gouernours would followour tone to the SauiourChrilt,but they were loath to lofe their credit, Wherefore if incredit, profperitie and word. health,we loue theword; and forfake itin dilcredit, in time of aducrfitie and licknes : it is ama- nifell token we loued it for our credits fake, for our pro(peritie,and for our health ;not fork lèlfe andthepurenelleof it; which was the only caufe, why this manof God did loveit. Verle 141. Thy righteoufnefe isan exerlaffing righteoc.fnefe,andthy Lamis trueth. He briefe meaning whereofis: Trueth it is, that flefh and blood may rhinke, that when I contemptcommeth forthy namesfake, therewere fuflicient caufe to forfakethy word: but Lord thy righteoufne(fe is not changeable, it isnot one at one time,and another at another time, but itbath been, is,and fhall be one and the fame ; and esthete is oneconflantrighteoufncffe with thee, fo the rule thereofisfet downe in thy word, which fheweth vs what righteoufneffe thourequireff. Here the man ofGod teat teethvs, hon/to retell ourovine reafon, which is as ready to be de clued,as Sathan is ready todeceiue it. Purin irouble thediuell wilibe ready tops: this intoour heads : Isthis, thinke you, the truerighteoufne(fe, which you do profeffe ? Doyounot rather de- eeiueyourfelfe? fee how you are in trouble: feewhat lolleyeemuff fnflaineby yourprofeflion? Thus hewould deludevs , and make vs as them that are ina burning ague, who hauing loft their tulle , and their fenIci troubled, thinke(nettrhinos fowee, and fowre things fweet. For fuchis the lfateofGods children in trouble,who infironger temptations cannot iudge,andtherefore the diuelltroubleth and oppreffeththe weakneffe oftheir fenle;as fetingreafon mollready to be de- ceived, and willmake theta beleeue, that white isblacke, andblackewhite; thatfweec is fowre, andfowre )weer; good ill,and ill good. Loe,here is thenaremedie, in thefenfe of thefe words: Thou art not, O Lord, as man, who vpon newoccafions,makethnew lawes; and vponevil) diforders,maketh new orders: botchy righteoufneffe iseuerlalling, which was with thee from the beginning, which to this timehat: been reuealed, and (hallbecur hereafter ; therefore I willnot yecld to this temptation: for Iii though 637