Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

6;g Majler.Cìreenhams `Readings thoughtfuffer fotthy trueth , yet it is thetrueth ; neither canall the fubtiltiesof Sathan, or Vier kneeof manmake it mutable. O rare gift of Godto beleeueand acknowledgeOne immutable righteoufneffe, andnot todepend on mensdcuifes or (bits , whereby they dereiue themfelues, asbeingtoofhadowifh,fading andmomentany. They.are, faith the Prophet ,plaufiblc,but there is nofoliditie in them; they ebbe and they flow : but thyrighteoufneffe (O,Lord) is euerlafling. Nowwhereasthe diuell himfelfe,theTurke and Pope withother heretikescannot denie,but wilt confeffeandgtaunt , that thereIs one only righteoufnes,conflant and euerlafling, that herein Chri(bansdiffer from them , in that they fay withthe Prophet,ThyLam is trued). i. Thou haft fetdowne anexalt ruleof all righteoufneffe wholy in thyLaw, concerning all things that thou commandefl; andas Ibelecue therefore thy rightcoufnefle to be euerlafling, fo Ilooke forit ito thyword; becaufe that righteoufneiie which is allone with thee, is made knowne andreuealed tovs, in thy written word. Wemull thenrellin this, that as in fubffance there is onerighteoufneffe ; foGod hathlefthis word, againfl the whichheretikes cannotpreuaile;becaufe as Gods righteoufneffe is pure,euer- laftingandunchangeable, fo his wordbathfitit downe tovs, which isas pure, eueriallingand unchangeable. This isno (mall comfort in temptation;wherebywe maybeflayed: and whereas it may ferme to force that in accefftons andadditions therewas riot one gouernment both of Iewes and Chrillians; wemuff know,that theyhadone ruleofregiment vntoCürifl,wherewith ourlait addition infubaanceiaall one ; fóthat when Satban andthemenof the world willpull' vs from it,we may fay,Thy righteoufneffeiseuerlasling ; and if they askevsbow weknow it,we anfwere, Thyword is trueth. tiowChriftlans This is then the thing wherein tve differmuch from heretikes, for though theygifle an 4tfosmuch great and glorious titles to Gods righteoufnes as wedoe; yet they will not with vs as fromberetikes. knowledgethat Gods word istruth. Foras we feemany men, that will come, andare driventofubfcribetothefegeneralifpeeches That thorighteoufnesofthe Lordisenerla4ing, fo they will eafily be brought to difcredit the word, whereuntothey will notfland. For theTurke cleaueth tohis dreames, the Pope to his traditions, theheretikes totheir reue- lations,the heathen to theirfantafes,the worldlingsto theirpolicies. Thyword is truth. i. As there is one Pure andDeuce changing righteoufnes, foIwill not clime vptolreauen to feeke forit there, I willnot goe downe to [belowplaces ofthe earth to feeke it out there,neither will I defcendinto hel foric,but Twilllooke for it in thyword, accordingto that Deur. 3 14. This commanwáement which I cammaundthen thisday,is nothid fromthee, neitheeisitfore off: itit sootin heatttn, that thoroJhouldef{fay, mho fhouidgeevpfor vs toheaven; neitheris itbeyondthefea,dc. AndRom. t o:6. Say notin thine heart, who¡ballafcendinto hearten, whofhalldefcendintothe depth,dc. Here then is the difference, betrveenethe heretikes andCisriftsans Idolaters willhaue Gods word,but ioyned with their traditions; heretikes will haue the word,butwith their reuelations:But we fay, that it is all perfìt,it is a through truth, and alltruth, hailingno- thing too much, norany thing too little, For it wereadifgrace to ador detraa fromit,to afcribe excelfe or defeat to it.So theProphet irisfenfe is this : Seeing Igoe not to theright handor to theleft, though Iam contemned ; yet hereinI flay myIdle, becaufe thou haft one righteoufhes,which thou haft certainly fetdowne in thy word,how thy children Thal begovernedby it. Here wemay alto fee the,infinite wifedotne and goodnes of God, becaufe otherwife, what miferie should we hauebeen in, feeingfo many heads,therewould haue been fo ma- rry religions t Wherefore the Lord bath fet downeone perfit rule togouerneall, wherein nothing is either abounding or wanting. Our Sauiour Chrift faith John '17. Father, fantiifre them,thyword is truth.i. Father fandtifle them,arxl feucr them out beingthine,with theword; itis true. Saintlames faith, We are begotten by the pure word: this is thatfwordof Heretikes ras thepint, which heretikes cannot abide, and putter' Sathan to flight, and giueth vs not abàdethe anhappie iffue, and fpeedic out-gate in,all our troubles and temptationsifwe flayrp- word on it. This doetrine is as neceffarie alfo for manners : every wicked man will confelfe, the word to be true, yet if wecome to examine their life they will faile forif theywereper- (waded