on the 119.7faline. left vs dead fpirituallie, by cutting vsofffromGod. Foras aciuilllifeis when wceareobedient tothe ciuill lawes; fo we liue in God,whenwe hueaccording tohis law.Andas he is deadcivilly; thatby tranfgreffing thelawesof the realme,hath cutoffhimfelfe from thecommon people: lo we ate fptriituallie dead,when fine bathcut vsoff from God. TheProphet Abacnek faith chap. 2... Heethat li frerbvp bimfelfc,hisminde Is nor right in hina. Where theProphet (hcweth,that thougha man fora timefwel,00r basingan upright heart, yet afterward he fodainely vanilheth away, asabubbleof water: for as a bladder with the wind is fooncdrawneour; fo the vngodlie with conceitofhis moronfeemethtohe puff vp, but all isbut inconllancie. The lull man faith theProphet/ball/ins byfaith,not bywork!, (astomewould dreasie) for all Me (hilt ofthem that will berighteous in them(elues, will beas a bubbleofwater : but lull man belceuingthe forgiuenesof finnes,looking for euerlalling life,flaying himfelfeon thepro- mifesandprotcidenceof God,hathtrue foundriesinhim. He/ballh'ue, faith the Prophet, noting perpetuirieoftime. So theniais of Godhis meaningis, I (halt flue, i. perpetuallieand for men We lee then thegreat mercieofGod,that commeth by theknowledgeof the word, in that init wee finde howhedeliuerethvs fromwrath,and taketis vs into hisfauour : berefcueth vs from fin, andclothethvs with righteoufnes: hetaketh from vs death, and reforcthtovs life, Bat marke who fpeaketh thole words; cloth this manofGod attaineto fuchan heroicall fpirit, as to cric, grams mevnderflanding? and (hall we thccskeour feluesfufiicientlierich, well lighted, and that we are fowell cloathed,t hat weneed no fuch prayer?Weare like the Laodiceans , who hearing thewordwere neitherhote nor cold: Seeing then wee arerather Laodiceans, thenDaniels; wee muff trio,Lordgismo vs vnderflanding,thatwemay line. Then let vs learnt by other mens harines, which is aprincelieandheroicallkindeof teaching. ;, For as Princeschildren aretaught themfelues intheir ownperfons, but are not beaten,feeingra- ther others beaten beforethem: lo theLord preaehethto our perlons, but puniliscthother per. Eonsround about vs, (paringvs,that we by their fsnnesand flripes may learne to amend and to repent inprayer. There is a winterafterhantefl,after heavecolde, and it is vfuall with the Lord to temperhis blelfingsmoll tweet , withTome crollingsmoll lower. Wherefore let vspraywith our Prophei for the vnderllandingof Godhis word, notonelie to be bettered inour minds, but alto refor- medinourhues.Thennodiuell,nohell, no plaguee, no pea ilence, (hall hurt vs; yea thofc eroublefometrials,whichvnto othersaremil imoniesof Godhiswrath;lball beonto vs feales of bisloue: which although theworld cannotdifcerne,yet by faithwe (hall bothfinde it and feele it. PORTION. so. Vert c.ç . 'banecriedwith mine whole heart: heartmee, O Lord,and willkeepe t ffa- rWtes. Verfr 146. I caged vponthee :fareme,andlwilll¿eepetbyteflimoniet. N the laff verleof the former part he let downe the rigisteoufneffeof Godslaw, heprayed therefore that hemight hauevnderllanding andhue; and therefore they that are ignoranthaueno life in them, becaufe life is onely reuealed in the word. Sinnersthen liaisingnot recessed theword,aredead:for the lifeof(looris the death ofman. Asour firll father was deadwhenhe had finned, and they who hued inpleafccre, andallother linnets are dead ; though they for awhile prolong their life on earth, yetat death the foulegoeth tohell, and wayteth therefor the bodie : and this curie wayteth on all, turfedareall that continuenot inallthingt,rc. andafter Gods great (offeringthey Thal! be cutoff. He knew that the beginning of his lifewas in theword, and healtoknew that thecon- tinuanceof it,was in theword, by thegraceof God; and therefore he laboured to haue itincreafedby the word, becaulehe was conuinced by his infirmitie that hemight tole it, as Adam did : and therefore bee feelieth to fmifh the courleof his faluation with fare. Iii3 If