Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

6¢2. en/faller Creenbarns readings If Davidwhole zeale hadconfirmed him did yet in this fort pray,howmuch moreought we, which for currylittle troubleare difeeuraged in our dutie. He prayed) for.thevnderftaoding "ofthe word, becaufe the diuell will be readieto al- lure vsfrom the word, if webe inclined thereto : ashe dealt with Chrilt, when he laide out fcripture againft it. And yet-he liketh*not oftlrofè that reft Inthe literall fenfe, but hecraueth the fpirit to teach him according to the word :for the fpirit quickenech, and fleflt andblouddot', not reuealethefethings ; and lI that areof God,.muttbe caught of God,Ifa.y4.yet alwayesagreeable to the word. Novin this part heprayechthat he may bauevnderftanding.andcafefrom his trouble: this requeft hegroundeth on elide reafons : firft, ofhisearneftnes, in thefoure fidi verts : fecondly,in refpe&ofhis enemies,inthe fixtverfe: and thirdly,in refpeétòf Godsmercies., in the fifc,feuen and eightverfs. Inthe lourefirft vertcshe letteth downc hiscarneff defircand zeale thatliehad, andhe prayed] that hemay haue a good confcience,inthefirft verfe ; and faith inthe promifes,in fecond verfe: teachin,gthat thefe twowere all the 'comfort that he had in trouble, when he fuffered forwell-doing,and had his finnesforgiuen,andhad thefavourofGod, Then if wewill Rand in trouble, let vs labourto be grounded on the promifes offor- giuenes ofunnes,ofanew life,ofhis fatherlyprovidence; and let this purgevsfrom finne: and ifwe candoe this, then nothingfhali leparatevs fromGod, astax/faithRom.8.and againhefaith,thare is no condemnation tothemthat are inChrift,for theyhaue hisfpirit topurge themfromfinne,and to ftrengthen theirfaith. The want oftiefecaufech mento ftep backe,and theweakens ofour faith and the care- lefnes ofthefecaufeth lochfearein Godschildren,and fuch (irinking: forthe diuelllayeth theirfinnesto their charge, which they fee notdifcharged, and their faith is weake, and therefore they are dining vp and downe. And furely trouble mutt come to all, for fo it is ordeyned, though to Ionic leffe then others : and therefore when it commeth, we are . faint, ifwee haue not beencareful' to keepe a good confcience, and to ftrengthen our faith. But ifwee haue.done thus, thenfhall death bee.pleafant tovs, forwee (hall -bee hleffed. Apoc.rz. and our workesfhall followvs, thatis, ourfaith andthefruitesofour faith. Againe if wePuffer forourfines,&c.thenwe want faith and a confcience, and therefore we murmur andcryout, yea and goe to witches andwifards. Yea Gods children, though they comenot to this groflefinning, yewhey inwardlic giudge , and they haue ferret murmurings, becaufe they hauefailed in lhengthning their faith,and keepinga goodconfcience: butthechil- dren of Godthat make Chrift all it all,they fay theLordgiuetb, andtheLord rakerb, this is the patienceofGodschildren.And lob did not faile,till his faithrailed: and though histhroe learned aduerfariesreafonedagainft him topronehim an hypocrite ,yec his confcience fuflayned him, andthereforereckoneti vp his vertueschap.2 S. and3.1. And healfoconfeffedhis faith, I know rharmyRedeemer liuetha this was hisfaith, and this washisconfciencethat inhi§ troublefuifai- nedhim. 'There thingshaue nolefi'efruit in profperitiefor thewant ofthem caufemen to lift vp them. felueson high,but the wordrepreffethpride,luft,and loue ofworldlie things; fo that they are* humbleinprofperitie: for the worldlings feekeafter thethings of this world,becaufe they neuer felt the peaceofconfcience; they feeke their owne glorie,becaufetheyneuer feltwhat the glory ofGodwas, andneuerfeekeknowledge;becaufetheyknownotwhatthefouleis. Yea thechil- drenof God,becaufe they labournotcontinually to keepe a goodconfcience,and to lfrengthen theirfaith, they are caried away with the loueof earthliethings,aftertheexampleofthewicked: forprofperitie is as a floud whichcarieth allthingswithit, and aswell goodas bad ; and there- fore they areoften caried awaywith the loueofthefe outward things. But the childrenof Godwhich doe diligentlie labour after thele things, theybehauethem- Celtics fo,as that God maybeglorified-by theirprofperitie and aduerfitie: for in profperitie they chieflie fenby theforgiuenes of finnes,and euerlafiing life; and ifthefe be once Cure, then foro. Cherthings ifthey bane them, they takethem asouerplus ofhis fauour ; and confeffethat wife dome is goodwith an inheritance:yet ifthefe things comenot,thefeare ofGod andhis word is neuer