Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

614 enda.%r Greenhams Readings Chrift had taughthisDifeiples to pray forthe forgiuenes ofGnnes, in thenext words flee biddeth themprayfor the deliuerancefrom temptation. Now ourCreede teacheth vs to beleeue that our f innes are forginenvs ; andwe hueneede to pray,Leadevs not into temp_ ,cation: therefore euenafter we beleeìe the forgiucnesof fins,we maybe tempted to euill : and foPeter fo (wane as he had conferred Chriltto be the fonof God,wastempted to &- bonhis matterfromftiffering,yea to dente him,as he did indeed.And tberfore while& they have not lookedro this, the childrenof God, when they bane molt flourifhed, haue fouly fallen : as Noah,vhenhe had been deliuered from the flood bythe Ark,yetfell intoBrun_ kennes.SoAdam,Lot,Peter,andothers. Thereforetheremanifold infirmitiesofourfoules ought to moue vs to pray. Andas thefoule bath in it therooteof all Gnne, fochebodie bath in it the route ofall difeafes : and therefore topray againli fudden death,which path fotnetitneraignedin theChurch, though nowwee be freefrom it, and manifold `difeafes which nowwee are fubie&to; their things feting they are inour Ielues,therefore in refpeet ofour flueswehaue swede topray. Againe,themanifold neceffities andwants ofthe Church both in fpiritualt and cenipo- rail graces,the wants ofour wiues,whom aswe haue receivedofGod, fo we mutt yieldto God againe : alfo thewants ofour children,and fuch like,ought tomoue vs continually to pray.Butthofecovetous men,which hue and dye to themfelues, thall oncefeewhat node they had to pray,andfeehe thewant oftheir prayers. Againe, ifweéhadno needs at all to pray, yet where isour zeale toGods glorie; how shouldwebe mooed when we leeGod difhonouredby thewickedhues ofmany,andalfo by theherefies which doe greatly flourifh ? Altothe dulnes of ourwit,andweakenesofinemorie,and othergiftsofthe mind,which areoften greatlyweakened, and often taken away : thereought to mouevstopray that theymaybe continuedwithvs. Alio in profpericie, for then the diuell doth moue vs toprefume, as hemoueth to de- fpayre in aduerfitie : and herpreuaileth by accufationof fine in aduerhtie again&none, bur tholewhichhaueperfumed in profperitie. Againe,in our goeds,the danger of fire,theeues,&c. that weeare in. And ifweethinke thatwee can by wifedoinebe warst,thenwee deceiveour flues : for themolt wade have been deceived. Alio in ourionrneies, the danger that we are in : likewife in our names weehauegreat taufetobe careful( : for that an iljname commonly followech theprofeffion of the Gof- pell : and therefore in the Pfalmtft they often pray again& tulle tongues, efpccially that Godmay beglorified by their goodnames. Alto thewantsofwiues,children,fcruants,and every man inthat calling whereinhe is, as theMinifer inhis calling,as Pat&Who isforie andI amnotforte? and theMagi&rates in their circuites,wheneither they areIluggifh theinfelues,or for want of lawes,cannot doe what theywould. Alto the vntowardnesofourkinred, wherebywee areoften difcredited. Likewife when wehaueenemies,wee haue neede to praythat we benot circumuented by them,and alto wemu&pray for them. Then intheChurch we (hall fee fuck fcarcenes of Preachers, filcha companieofHere- aikes,and other wants, as, ifthecommunion of Saints bedare to vs, mutt needes moue vs topray. The Common-wealth alto, being fubie& to primeconfpiracie, and forraine warn, whereby it might bee ouerthrowne : theft, havenbee lovers of their commie, will teach them what neede they haue to pray. Then ifwee fee there wants, wee muttpray that Godwill touchvs with the feeling of them and alto that hewould make vs thankfull for turning tomany judgements fromvs, and fo manymercies tovs. Withmywholeheart. That is,without hypocrifiehee laid itout beforethe Lord,that lice might receive helpe from him. And this the Lord required) in our prayers. For though many doepray andyell,yet becaufe they praywith great eorruption,andhauenot pow- rod