on the 119. PP%alme. 645 redout their heart,therefore they haue not been heard. Thehart ofman is mollvnfearch- able and noman can finde it out,but the Lord difclofethit.Andtherefore neitherwe, nor others can fee it,Ierem. t 7.9. Thismay appeare bythole that immedíatlyvpon the faEt,or when punifhment is vpon them,will be forie: but a little after,whenthe fhame and punifhmenc is pall,thenare they no moretouched with it.So we when we are ficke,whenwe are in danger ofany lofte, we feemeto pray with our whole hearts : yet after weremember not our vowes, which fiiew- eth that weexamined not our hearts. As the Lordcloth fearch the heart,foBoth hisword : for allthings are open to it, and it reuealeth the ferretcorners andhypocrifie ofour hcarts,ifwee will applie it to vs,and not thinke that the word is fpoken to others. Astvecannot fee our face but in agtaflè: fowe cannot fee our hearts without the word. And if in the wordwee will feeour hearts, then mull we bringthem to the prelrnce ofGod: for hehateth hypocrifie,andwill beworship- ped in truth,and therefore we [null be true Ifraelites. For,feeingthat we haueto doe with God,we mull come in feare and truth : for the Angels court theirfaces,Efay.6.and Gods people rues, whenthey had ioyfull meffaoes yet feared, and Paid they fhould dye, becaule they had frene theLord ; as we fee in Danicl,Zacharie,,I'tary, &c.at thepretence ofan An- gell, muchmore ofGod. A naturall fubieel fcareth when he Teeth his Prince,efpeciallie when lire bathmade a fault : to wee ifwee bring our lelues toGods prefence, tyre (hall be greatly humbled ; as the man of God sloth Pfalm.t î 9. which is moil notable for this pur- pole. And this counfell giueth Dauidto his enemies, Pla1.4.Tremble andfnne not. And t .Cor. S .heapproucch huufelfetoGod in allthings,becaufe all mufl appeare beforeGod. AndAtl.a; .be beleeueth that the Lordwill come to iudgcthe quickand dead,and there- fore helaboureth to keepea good confcience. And fùrely ifwee could doe this, toft God beforevs in all our thoughts,words,and dceds,with feare,ashe is aglorious God;and with loue, as he is our God inChrilt : we fhould firefrom inne,becaule ifweeMould finne, it would be reuealed visto vs,andwee fhould alto be in fomemeafure prepared to prrforme thegood, and auoi 1e ill. When he prayeth that he may keepe Gods ltatutes, he fheweththat he defireth nothingbut that which isagreeable toGodseiL Somull we inourprayers firfldeliire thethings that are for the glorie ofGod, and thofe things that are good forvs; according to hisgood plealùre,whe- ther it be to receiuemetric, or to hauepunifhments turned from vs. This is the caufc why weobtainenor, becaule weaskeartfiffe, Iam.4. Many aske things not agreeable toGods wil, andyet haue them ; as heretikes,idolaters, witches, theeues,&c. yet they obtaine not their things in mercie,but to their further condemnation ; which he granted) to his childrenlot their good. Thushe gaucquailes to the Ifraelites , yet hefent !canoes to their foules, which turned to their defirutlion. And thus haue heretikes , &c. their euillrequefsgraunred. This is thegreatelligneof Godswrath,whenbythefethingsheprepareththemtotheiriuRde- firutlion. This then is noargument that we fhould aske things contrary to his will. As their faith iseuill, fo they haue accordingto their faith. Verle t 47. & 148. I preuented the morning light and toyed &c. Mine ties prenant the sightwatches &c. E map notehis great diligence in refortingofcen to prayer ,and his fundre times fee- 1/VeiEum, gof it. InwhileiEt igence, for ourinßruc4ton, let vs obfeme three things. often asking. Secondhy,wifedousaeiis this often asking. Thirdly,cheerefuineth in asking. .. Firfl, weknow,they that are diligent in prayer, will askeoften, and can hardly fatisfie them- Goodnotesfor lelues in their del, res , as wee may note its theProphet bythere former and fuch like fpeeches: Prays. where we mufllearne thus much. Weemuff notbecontent tovieone figh orone grone and a- " way, ora fewwords, and then thinke wee haueprayed well, but wee [null be importunate with t'tmportunate God. in prayer wrtb That thisholy importunaie is tobe vfed,weemay feeby ourSauiour Chrifts words, Luke2r. God ectf.36. atarch andpray conli'nuallie : andbythe Apoftles exhortation, t .The1LS. Pray cons- Luke i8.r.n. nuallie