on the 119.PPJalme. 6¢7 But thisdoctrine is tweet to themthat maintains it, thattherebythey might auoideall laboriouscallings,and allcroffèswhich commonlie accompaníe the fame. For k is the tub- callings. till politicof Sathan , whey he cannotget vs to neglect prayer , to endeuourto bring vs prepofteroullietovfe and frequent prayer, by caufingvs to layafideour callings; which according toGods holy ordinance wehad profelfed : wherefore let vs labour in thiswife- dome ofthe fpiricwholic to take vpthe Sabboth to theLord, & fodeuide ourother times, as we mayfill perfeuere in ourcallings,which ifwe doe,we (hallhaue bettermotlllns,and notincurre fo dangerousopinionsas wefhould doe, ifweebaue our feint's to continual! readingand praying.But (hall we fpeake ofthis doctrine inthis our agc,whichrather nee- Diligmre in deth a fpurre then a bridle? wherein many praybut obtainonot, becaufethey are not dili- bearingand gent: manyheare but are fruitleie,becaufe theyvfe no diligence . For betides that they prayer. want this wifedomeof the Sabboth,that that is appointed for the growingoftheir fouls,rs fpentin worldlie cares. Thefekind of men haue theirfoules very barren,tvho neyther vfe the Sabboth,norredeemeothertimes oftheir callings,ro bellow any thing in hearingor praying: or ifhappilie they doeheare,they rather makeit a matter to carpeac , thento be infruSced by it. Thefe menasthey will heareno truethiugs, fo theywill hearefahè; and thoughtheywill marke no good things, yet tlseywill marke illthings : notthat there is any thing falfeor ill in the word;but in thacas to anhumble fptritedman the Lordmaketh the word the fauour of lifevnto lifc:fo untothé that are illminded, theLord maketh itthe fa- tour dam!, vntodeath,& giueththen ouer intheprideof theirheartsvoto Sathan,that he may delude thé,bydeceiueable colours. For maniewill be readie inhearùigtohatch ac this Sc that, ifany thing maymake to cloake their licentioufnes; whoas they haueitching cares, & greedy minds tohuntafter euill;fo bythe iuft iudgment ofGod,they fall into the mifunderftandingof theword.AndtoIpeaketlìetruth, doewe thinkr that the diuel like a raringLion compalrechvs abcut,the flelhdaylie rebelleth againihthe fpirit, theworldcó- tinually fightethagainit vs arcwe trulyçonfcious ofthat ignorancewhich ouerwhelmech vs,& guilty oftholc manifoldtemptations which daylie ouercomevs, & that wenot think that diere is great needto vfe the 'manes to withltand there, which is the word andpray- er?Nay,Gods children notwithflanding they vfe prayerferuentlie, and accufome them-'° felues to the word diligentlie,feele the dtuell toftrong,the flefh fo fubtill, theworld fode- Note, ceiucable,that they thinks not the Sabboth fuf dent;butredeemealltimepoffible, tobee bellow in the mcancsto withltand theiraffaults.Befrdes,ifwe mull needes cate euery day >, toprcfcruc natural Itfe,needs mullwe giueour flues to lse word and prayer euery day, saborb vo to preterite that lifewhich thebane inChrift fetus. Twqlennós on the Sabboth arenot fur- Sermon. ficienc foraman to feedon all thewecke after,ifhebe wel acquainted withhisown wants, if he troche confiderof his daungers. Our Sauiour Chrill w illethvs,ifwe willobraineto asks earner! ly , ifweewill firde to lick diligendme,ifwe will enter to knocke continuallie. Furthermore, this wifedome ofthe fpirit mull teachvs to bellow that nine in Gods worfhip,whichis moll fit in rcfpeóofGods glorie, &our owneelate:wherefore thechildrenof God willnotomit the morning, as being theficcc(t time for all good things. Humanewifedome teacheth, that in all things, wherein is any commendation and medlar- The moiling[ tie, themorning dinecfpeciailieistobefpeur. The !Indent for his (ludic , the worldling for his e nessenda, dcuifing counteth this time againe.Ycathedrunkard, faith the Frophet,ri f thearlie to befilled erai¡er with mine. \Vherefore iftheword and prayerbe our chiefeftpleafures; ifthe belie and the meate (hall perüh in time , but theword willmakeour foulescontinue for euer , teeing without it out foules cannot liue,and in relpeélof itall other things aeebst haogebyes and accefories:then true wifedome to amineto ic,wili maketbebe(t choifeof the morning. Andif in things which are agreeable to nature,wevfethe morning as anhelpto bringthingstogaffe in much morehad weneed to vfe loch helpsin thole things which areleffe agreeable to nature, about nature, yea » contrarietonature;asisprayer,and thefpirituallvnderllandingoftheword ,. at. Nature andexperience teachvs,that our memorieis quickeft,ourfenfes are readidl, our na- mall powers ableliin the morning for meditation;becaufeoutminde is then free from ill,aine, and worldlicthoughts; our memorie is rcnewed,aódhash recovered faregreater hrength; our fenfe