Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119.2'jalme., 49 Wherefore, feeingwé mull thus prepare our mindcsbefore, andeitamint otir heartsaf- ter, and we arc unapt to heareor pray, after .wee arc refre(led, becaufc our minds are zbe morning! laden and our bodies arc heauie, it (hall be good in the morning fo Tooneas weawake meeitatia,,. to meditate of God our creatour, to call to mmdetheglorie of the appearing of Chriff, to confider of the day of the refurre&ion, and to mule of our riling to mdgement. 3 Thus doingwee (hall fee as in a prefene view, all the graces of God let as it werebe- foreour eyes, and many comfortable things of Godsfpirit commingtoour minds. This we fee was the prabtife of the manof God in this place, /preacaated (faith he) the morning light. Againeifinthenight, wewillbutgiueagoodJgbwhenweawake;althoughImeaóenot Note, . to take away allnaturall refeaion, WC flasHhnde great comfort init. Thus if weMende ri the morning in the word and prayer, we !hall fowalke inthe f rength of thole things whichwe Mare andpray for all the day long as we fhall vfe thisworld, as thoughwevfdit not wefhall no furthervfe our callings, then they behelpes toabetter countrie : we Ihall have ourdireaionout oftheword, what todoe, and what to leauevndone, we (hall:dex alchings thebetter to Gods glorie,and to thepolfeffangofourfoulcs continuallyinpeacé and patience. Ifyct this do&rinebe not fufficient toperfwadevs, thevery idolaters will teachvsir, .: whowillrife earlyand breakctheirlleepes to goeto the,mafe : When Aaronhad yeelded to thepeople for making ofacalle, it is faid,The peopledid riferarely in themorning. lfthien Idolatersfor theirfupertitions câ cut offtheir Ileepe that in the morning they mightleaue in them the deeper iinprehlions, whyfhould we be Ilacketo bellow this time in the-mu- tingofthe word, that we may fede themore effcaualloperationof it all the dayfollow- ing? What (hall Ifpeakeof that Aél.m. That theholy Ghofl camedonneonthe Apofllesinthe morning, as may be gatheredby the fermon ofPeter, whenas he telleththem, that it was but the third heare of the day. Where it may appeare, that they before being Occu- pied in prayer and minitlring of the word, the holy Ghoft came downe vpon then. Thus wee fie the fitteft time toreceiuc theholy Ghoft is in the morning. In euery place lerein.y.i3. almoft of the prophecies it is Paid, the Lord llretched out his arme early by the Pro- f°h.8.a. phets, to teach vs that this (Mould be cheapteft time, both to deliuerand to receiue the Mauhat.iY. word. Ifthen fludents, worldling!, epicures, and idolatershauemade their gaineof themor- ping i ifthe holy Gholtwas then lint downe, and the Prophetsat that time would teach: let vs with the Prophet ofGodpreuentthe morninglighr,andtakevp thefirflpart oftheday in ,, wifedome ofthefpiritto theLords behalfe. The third thing which wenotedwaschecrefulnelle;whereby we fhould ditritli, feede zhetbird andfitpporte ourdiligence, without which we can.doenothingdiligently. long, but we.Point,threre- muff all() doe it paincfully. Wherefore the man of God faithPlahn.4z.4. /went miththe foIoaOinpray multitode andled them intothe boofe ofGod, with thevoyce offingingandpraife, at amttltitnde spiritof thatkeepethafeaff. This1pirit of cheerefulneffe ohthat it werein vs,that wemight fay:one obeerefirhiea another whenthe bell tolieth, as thoughthe Lord called vs, come, let vs goetogether.afingolor tothe bouteofGod,let vs gotcheerefuily:for we goeto'a feall,we goetoheart God IpeakegYOCt' vnto vs, and to bepartakers of thebanket of his word. Well, there is not anyone finne that will morefit vpcn the confcienceof Gods children, then theirnegligence inprayer, and wantofcheerefulnes inhearing the word,which is the onlyincanta tomakevs lance- full ingood things,and to withdrawvs from mill. Thus to fupport diligence, we mutt vfe cheerefulneffe, without the which diligence languifleth,fainteth andfaileth.Therefore theProphet faithPfalm.ç5. Comeledwreiorce, lays fingaloud, let vscome beforehis face, withpraife;let vs fingloud onto himwith Pfabner. Neither ¡puff women here¡hake offtheir duties,as thoughtheywere to exudetheinfelues fromconuning:fer inmanyplaces of the fcriptureswe reade of the zealeofwomen which ouerpah!hd the zeale of manymen. Luk.8.We reade how cercainewomen came and fol- lowed ourSauiour Cbrift,andwerehealedof their infirmitiea.Mary. iacomntended for her wifedomeinchufing and difcerning the timesaright. Mary, and-Mary Magdalen are let Kick downe