5b cJV1afler greenhorns `Readings downein theGofpell, forcommingBarely to the fepulcher of our SauiourChrift, who firft appeared vnto them, becaufe they firff fought him, Matth.z8. wereadealtoAß,16, that certaine womencame toPhilippi to hcarePastandTimoihie,andthata certainewo- man namedLydia a feller of purpleattended tothe things whichPaul fpake, who there- ;tore. ,, fore had her heart opened beforeother men. Well in lone thereis nolacke, inchrerefulneffe It thereis nonegligence, ingoodwill there is nowant. And furely if we' were more cheerefullin s, there things, we fhouldfee fuchgoodfuccch3 ,that weShould begrievedWith ourfettlesin » that we viedit notbefore. Thef,rth- Thenext thing weobferuedin prayer was faith, for that we might thusbe diligent,ie "weenie if/ isneedefullwefhould beleeue and beconfident ; for as we muft be thrownedowne with MI, is faith. the feelingof ourwants, fomuft we be raifedvpagaine, with faith inthepromifes;be- mini as neede pulles vs vpon our knees, fo faith brings vs to true prayer,hauing a fure perfwafton thereby, that we /hallobtaine. Thisfaith appeared) herein the man of God, raying, I wayytedon thyword, which he did, becaufe he beleeued, that theLordwould give votohimwhatfoeuerhe didaske. Wherefore our Sauiour Chrift oft vfeththefefpeechcs, 7hyfaithbathmade theewhole according to thyfaith beitonto thee.Iames faith í, r S.Thepray- er ofthefaithfull (hallfare the Ake. Rom.s o. Howfhalltheypray tohim, in ;theme theyhate notbeleeued? lama .6. Lethim that wanteth wifedomeaskeinfaithandwauernor, for he that saueretbts likeawaitsofthefradollofthewimkandcaryedaway Neither letthatman thinke,he /hallrecense any thingofthe Lord. Sothat it is thefare perfivafionof Cods mercie towards vs, that lifted) vs op hands andeyes, turn as the feelingof ourwantsdraweth out fights andgrottes. So that ifwe beleene, that God feedeththeyoungrauens that call vpon him, and giueth footle to theLyons, we mutt much more beleeue that his cares are open to theprayers ofhis children, and his eyesare ouer the righteouswhich callvpon him faith- fully. Hitherto faithChrift, Haueyeasked nothingofmy father, mkt; now inmy nameandye /hall obtame. And the author to the Hebr.4.t6. exhorted)vsraying, Letvsgoe boldly torho throne ofgrace, thatwe may obtainmercie. For nothingmore grieved, theLord then in- eredulitte, and they that will come to God muff beleeue Gods promifes, and that they (hall ende him fauourable to them. Howbeit wee muff alwayes remember this, that all thepromifes of God are in Chriftyea andamen. a.Corinth.z. for neuer arethe promifes effeetuall without faiths) and no faith without beleeuing inGod through Iefus Chrift. Fgiehandpc, Now thatfaith maybe the more firengthened, wemuff ioynethereunto patience. For that sienee, we may be faithful!, itiancedfullto waiton God,leifure, in tarying by patience, tehaucour prayengraunted, according totholepromWes,wherein by faithwebeleeued. We fee, theman of God hisfaithwasnotbere cut offat the firftbrunt , as beingdifcouragedor readie tobrake hisfaith,for he faith, Iwait onthy word.'Likewifehe faith Pfal. r 3 q. l hosewaitedonthe Lord,my Joulebathwaited,and 'hams stuffedin hit word, 6. My fordowaitethon theLord,more thenthe morning-watchwarehethforthe morning.7.Let Ifraelwait onthe Lord,efc.Behold,afeet he made mention of the mercieof the Lord,hefpeaketh three times of his patienceinwaitingon him;fo that wefee this tobetheproperty ofGods childrê,fitlfundoubtedlyto takeholdofhis promifes, and then tofupport theirfaith by patience,in waiting for the accomplilhment of his promifes. Wbetemote iris laid, Pfal.147.to. The Lordbath no pleafureintheflrengrhofanhorfe,nei.. therdelightethbein thelegsofman. it. But the Lorddelighteth inthem thatfearehim andat- tend oponhismercie, that IS,on them, that tatriton Godsieifure for their fuccour. And when our SauiourChriflwouldhauevsperfeucre, hefaith,Apocal.vlt.Icomequickly.Wherebyas he wouldincitevsto attend the more patiently vponhiscomming, fowee muff know, thatthe caufewbyheyet commeth not, is, becaufe we arenotyet readie toreceiuehim. To conclude, Habac.s.I willEland oponmy warch,andfame opon the towre,cfrc. faith theProphet; and the Lordanfwered him and laid, a. writethe oi er, , andmake it plainevpon tables, that beemay runne that readeth it: 3. For thevifion isyet for¡an appointed time, but at the Ira ir/hall fpealee andnotlie : though it tarie,wait:for itfiallfurely come,andfhall notflay. Heewill uric long to the iudgementof fled) andblood,when hefcemeth not toheare vs, butheewill come quickly,that is foToone aswe are prepared. They