on the it9.PPJalme. 611 Theymoflkethefruitof this doélrineiwhich are moll giuenvntoprayer. Now, weare not Prry r, toprefcribe theLord histime in hearing ourprayers.or grauntmgourrequells,but that wemull tarieGods appointed time, whereinwee (hall feethemightiewonders of theLord. That wee may thus bepatientand notfaint,but beconllant,we muff feedour minds with the meditation ofGodspromifes, whereby we haue(hewed the Prophetof God here fupporteth himfelfe,nei- thet is any thingmore neceffarie then this. For when to proue our patience and trieour faith; there isoften a great difianceof time betweenethemakidg and obtainingof ourrequlìs,wee .. mulfhaue theword (till recourfinginourminde, vmill the promifed time come. For want of which meditation, togetherwith thenot obferuing the ruent dfour prayers , and the want of mufing,and diligent examiningourvnbeleefe,weoften failein obtaining ourrequells,andfaint in taryingof the Lords leifure. We fee whatthe manofGod hismeaning is,whenhe faith, Mineeiepreuentedthenightwat- ches ; in that hedeclareth thatthey which watchedwerenot fo diligent in theirwatching as lice was intarying to fee Gods promifes accompli(hed. Wc fee then,how needfull a thing it is, tomeditate onGods promifes,at filch time,as=fide hangethhillat the throneofgrace, withoutgrant andeffebi. Vc f.r 49. Heartmy'voyce according to thy lowingkindnes s O Lord,quickenmeaccorda'ngtothy carbine. THe laft propertie whichwee are to obferuc, is to be acquaintedwith the dealingsof God,either inrecompencinghis Saints,or reucngmghis cnemies,either in our !clues obferued,or inothers.WhereoftheProphet makethmentton.whenhe faith,quickenme as cording to thy itedgyement,tliat is,according to thy culiome,or asdiou artwont todealewith thypeoplein aflltc3ion,and as thouhaft donebefore both tome, and alto to other of thy feruants, That this obferuation ofthe judgement ofGod bath beenat other timespraaifed, wee may feePfabaa:where,afterthe manof Godhad complained of hismanifold extremities, and had rehearfed his grieuous foroweswherewith:hewas vexed, her recouerethhimfèlfe and groweth in hope,laying : q. Ourfathers trailed in thee,theytrufted,and thou diddeft flt- linerthem. S. They called opon thee,andweredeliaered,theywafted in theeçundwore notconfoun- ded. As ifhe (hould haue laid : Lord, thouart wontto dealeotherwifc in timeof oldwith our forefathers,thac feared thyname: wherefore feting thou art now the fame God,I will not beout of hope,becaufeI truth thouwilt dealemercifsilly altowithme. We honeoften (hewed, how judgement in this Pfalme is taken either for theaccom= pli(hment ofGodspromifesveto his children, oi/ the executingofhis wrath on his ene- siudgemnt mks : fo that there is a judgement ofmercie,and there is a judgement offeueritie :the firft ofmwt+tasd whereof is vnderliood in thisplace, as we may gather by the wordsgoing before, Heare of frrutritie. myvoyce,0 Lord,according to thy lootngk'ndnes :of which couenant of mercie bee alto ma- kerbmention in the next portion veri.7.Confider,OLord, how Iloue ihrprecepts, quickenme according tothy lottingkndnes. This is thht couenant of gracewherein theLord bath pro- niifed to pardon our hnues,andto heareourprayers: wherefore though inrefpea ofGods wrath and our finnes,wedarenot appcare before hisMaieftie,yet incomparing our caufe, : which is theLord: caufe,with the cauee of our aduerfaries,whoare allothe aducrfarics of God,and in refpe/h ofhis merciein defendinghisowne caufe,and inpreferuing them that maintaine a good caufe,weemay comewithboldnes vetohim,and with anallisred hope that our prayers (hall be heard. Thus weemay call to uasunde howGod us accul'conaed ro dealewithhis people,fearing beforehim in refpelhofour felues,butrecoueringour (clues through hope in his fweete promifes, whereon wee mull fo flay our felues,as thereinem- branteof themmay (upport vs : and to doe thisthe better, wee muff obferue the accom- pli(hmentof them bothunour lelues,and in others. Thus weemay fee what a great flay ie is in trouble, co know that no other trouble ouertaketli vs,none other temptation bath inuaded vs,tlian fuchas haueouertaken and inuadedother ofGods children,and where- in they hauefounddeliuerance. Kkk a Further