on the 119.7?/a/me. 65; greater than we¡hall be able to beare ; wee putt know,that when the godly once beginto taint, and theWicked thinks they are come to their height, cum then it is duetime with the Lord to fendhappieddiucrance to the one,and a fpeedie ouerthrow ofall the counfels ofthcother. Theman ofGod then batting thefe ei s in him, was necre his deliuerance : but the wicked being in their pridewere neere Gods vengeance. HOW necelarie this do&rineis, common prattifèmay admonifhvs : for thus rea(oneth fiefs and blood in time ofaduerli- tie : We hone thus long kept a goodcon lcience, neither haue weedone again It thewill of God ; wee haue fettled the Lord this while,yet this is our gaine,our caule isnot heard, our enemies crucltie is nothing diminiu1oed, but much increafed, as though the Lord either beard vs not, or hathforgotten vs. But let vs learne to rcafon with the Propi,eton the contrarie : Our enemies,0 Lord,arenecre to hurt vs : but thouarc as ncere to dcliucr vs : what doe weebut obey thee ? what doethey but difobey thee ? wilt thou thenforfakc the godly : and can't thou litffr the wicked toprofper ? No,drou are theIudge of theabate world,it cannotbe,for thy deliuerance and laluation is roadie and ncere for them, who la- boor tokeep: faith, and to ioyne thereunto a good confëence. Wee fee thciiwhen fiefs and blood would perfwadevs, that all time of deliuerance is pall, cum thenfaint behol- dcth it to be necre at hand : forwhen we thinke that we are at the lathcalt, then ive lee fat- nation and helpeis necrelt. As this do&rinc leruethfor ourcomfort,fo wee moil !carneforour inllru&ion,rhatifhappily INC fuffer the longeryet we (hall receiue for our temporal! coil l,a !pinto all recontpence :remei n- bringa lwaicstheApo!llcsconfolation,t. Pet.q. whowouldnothauevsdilcouragedwitensrce fuffer : for they whichhaue donevs toil!, (hall bee fudgedofhim , who will come to judge the quicke and the dead. Althoughwe lèe notthis by the lodgementof thetic, and by thelight of rnture,yet although we firoold die,fullèring as wcldoers,curfedarc they, that (ball ouerlievs; bit fièd !hall webe,lòt we (hall tell from our labours. God is the lodge of the whole world , of the quicke and of the dead:he will not Grrfakehis, nor leavehis enemies vpreuenged. Well , although weperlwadeour fettles of this trueth , yet it is to be feared , when the abomi- nation ofdefolation(hal be lèt vp, weewill notwithltanding allthis,fland in a mam:rering and doubting,what is nueth,what isvntruc[h;whatisgood,what is cuit. But alas, ifthe Lordfhould ' be any thing the longer from vs in helping, nomaruel,feetngwe were the longer from himino- Note. bcying. Experiencewill proue, thatthoughwe haue neuer Po many onward gifts,neuer foglo- tiouswifedume,yet vn toilewe !tilldepend on the word andpromile, we (hall (tagger and falter in the timeofTemptation. For thiswas the onely flaffethat upheld the man of God,at what trines bewas readie to Nagger. They are farcefrom rbyLaw: i. asif he (hould bane laid ; Thoucarril not O Lord, but pu.. nifh them, for thouhall long fuffered them , ro fee , if theywill turne ; but there is no hope that theywill concert: therefore there is nocaule ofdcfpaire, that thou wilt norpun i fir [hein. Oh true faith ! Oh foundperl'walon of Gods mercie moft needful! in rrouble!yea,when the faceof all things hall be changed and things frail be turned vprde downe,wee (hall know thevie of thisdo&rinctobe abone gold and Glace. The like were theman of Godhis Meditations, as we ninny fee Portion rt.when histies failed him,his heart fainted,his fpirit panted and wasas the bot- tle in the fmoake ; Theprond,faith he,dinged pits forme,which it not after thy Lam, alt drycom- mandments are true, theyperfecute mej'al f ly. Thus wefee he vfeth two effeawall reafons , the one dramaticfrom his o.wneperfon, who maintained agoodcattle: the otherfromhis aductfaries, who defendedan illcaule. Verse r ço. I ham.Fnowne longfence, bythrteffimonies , that rhoshaf clLsblißsed themfor crow. T KnowO Lord, notof late,but long lince,that thou euer haft been,andart theIdle fame God, 'thou art nochangeling,thoudoff not fometimemaintaine the caule of thy children, and lime other timefotfakethem. Iknow now by thecouennrrr and recordsof thy loue, that thoudoeft Kkk 3 defend