Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

656 e v afierGreenhams readings is farreoff.Well if faluaiion befarre fromthem,thatfeeke not Gods law; thenmay we gather on the contrarie,that faluaiion is necee them that feeke his law:for like is theruleofcontraries.lf we thenlabourfor faith and a goodconfcience,we may affureourféluesoffaivation. Where - fore,wouldell thouhaue affirzance tobe faced? let the word beteere thee in thymouth, and in thine heart,Rom,to:8. Lairdwell plentifuiliein theewith all manner ofwifedome, Col.3. 16. Here isalfo a good ruleas wefee,whereby we maydifcerne who be good,andwho be euill.Here the Lordbath lèt downeone fiedfallorder,which is a touchff;one to trieallmen,andhowfoeuer we accountof it,itis alwaies the fame,and liketo it felfe,condemning finte, commendingbo- lines.Ohto whatextremities fhonld webe brought in ihefe latter dayesoffrnne and iniquities wherin herefieshave focorrupteddodlrine,andvngodlines hash fo flainedoutlines, ifwehad not this confiant ruleofGods word among vs! Oh what atreafure is it!whereby we mayfee herdic and anoide ir: wherebywe stay fee trnrh and follow ir.Whichruleof equitie, tieing willinglie thewicked depart from,thcyare worthilieplunged and plagued intheir ownehunts. Verfe 156. Great arethy tender mercies O Lord, quickenmeaccording to .1-1 9,iudgements. `Hat is:True it is,Iam a finner,OLord,but yet I amnot adefperate finner,asmineenemies. 1 are; butInch aone,as onwhom thou wilt thew thymercies:therefore I hope, that thoú wilt belp.Itthou (houldéhbfimplie deale with meaccordingtomydeferuings,I(houldbe condem- ned: forwho can Handin thy fight iuftihèd:but I comparenot my lèlfe with thee, but with them whoarebecome mineaduérfarics: Acce'rdingto thyiudgements. Such is thyfatherlie mercie,whichforgiuethmyGnnes,and heareth myprayers,that thouwilt not rewardme according to mine iniquities, but wilt factourablielookevponme,according to themultitudeof thy mercies. Verfe 157. Myperfecutorsandmine oppreforsare manie:yetdoeInot fa+artrefrom thy tel. 2770111es. THis fentenceisthe fame in efgea with dicers other in dinersportions of this Pfalme. As theprotide haue hadme exceedingliein derifion: thepreside haue doggedpit, forme: the wickedhaw laidafnareforme,andfucbhke. , Now in that he faith, myopprefors aremany: hefhewetli that lidiad notto doe with one man or two,butwith manie. It is a matteras we liane (hewed before, to begodlie, among the godly:but he isa dinell,rhat is euill among.Angels,and thereforewas he worthilyeaft down into hell:and he is a finner, thatwill liane among- faints, and thereforeiuftly was Adam chrowne oítt of Paradife. Ifwe lïue:amongthe godly, what praife is it to begodly e nay, what an horriblethingwerek not ro be godly ? If the Church difcipline were truely executed,itwere a fmall commendation todoe well, and to ablteinefrom linne; yetnow in this want it is praife-worthle to ablteine fromfinne for feareof God. But it maybewe tall notof fuels troubles, as theProphet tatted of, becaufe we line not fo carefull of godli- neflè, as he did, which ifin truthmedid, wee (hould have troubles as hehad. Willi we areinthis world as (heepe among wolues to trie vs, whether we will bee corrupted with theeuill examples ofthis world,or whether we willfwaruefrom die Lord our God,whileft beproueth vs. Their carnall reafoning coinmeth to nothingwhich fay, the world is Pet on euill, the world was never fowicked, charitiewas neuer lòcolde, a man cannot nowprofeffwith- out taunts, fcoffes, and troubles. For we' fee herethat theProphet, inhis time,hadmany and great perfecutors, whomnotwith(tanding fo manifold corruptions could nothing moue. Wherefore wemutt learnt although fometime we are fclaundered, thoughfame- time weare euill fpoken of, taunted and troubled, our eftate is not worfe then our fore- fathers bath been, and the belouedSaints of God liaisehad beforevs. So-longas weare well entreated of God'andman, we will keepe the law : but when we Puffer reproches, taunts,iniuries,loffe or difcredit,we then run either to euill meanes, or to reuengement,or todefpaire. Where many iniuries liaisebeen offered, many haue been rendredagaine:if they