on the ii9. `P/alme. 611 theyhauenot requited injurie for iniuriewith reuenge,they haue vied Come ill meantsto efcape out oftheirtrouble; iftheyhaue not vied ill meanes,yct they haue fecretly began to tfirtber4 mittruft God hispromilés andprouidence, and hauegone towifards andwitches : if they could doe nothing in malice,they woulddoe fomething in politic ; if they could preuaile withneither,they would fall todcfpaire. But theProphet of God vfeth hereno vnlawfullmeanes, hegocthnot in hisaffliaion toforcerers, he recompencethnot ill for ill, hedid not defpaire in Godhis promifes, he didnotthinkewith himfelfe, thatthe Lord would defend his enemiescaulé, and forfake him ; but hoped (till in God leis good andappoynted time to receivehelpe : wherein the manof God is let beforevs for our imitation, in that neither his faith could be (hakes, nor his obedience flaked nordaunted. And furely this is Sathans fall refuge and molt daungerous aflault to perfwade vs in afHiaion, thattherefore the Lord dothplungevsin miferie,becaule hebath no loue towards vs. But the man ofGodoppofinghis faith wall fuchtemptations,faith, I know,O Lord, by the recordsof thy law thatthou halt laidevp helpefortne, and that thou art my defender. How fweete and comfortable this is, they which arehumbled,andwell exercifedby temptations knowe. Whatgreater affaultvfed thediuell toour SauiourChrift, then this: what faith he, doch thou thinke if thouwerft Gods child, thou ihouldeft want breade? it is not.like if thouwerft the ioniseof God, that he would or could fuller thee tobe without foode?Likeare his temptations tovs,art thou; thinkelt thou,thechildeof God?then thou fhouldeft behelped, thenthou fhouldeftnot lie in this cafe. Thiswas his halt dart whichhe threw atChrift on the crofle,ifthou artthe childof God, thenwedoubt there is nothing, but thou canibhelpe thyfelfe. Well, we fee here,that themanofGodneithermiltruftethGods promifes, nor forfaketh his law. Nei- ther furely isour faith found, vntill we can beleeue in miferie neither is our obedience pure vnletreweecontinue,euenwhen weare oppreffed,not ofa few,but ofmany.For then wemay perfwade our feluesto hauetrue faith, when it iswrought in profperitieand try- ed inaduerlitie, and being voydeof all helpe of men, we Rill hope forhelpeofGod,that wemay fay. ¡willnot beafraide often thoufandsof thepeople, thatfhould befit me roundabout. Pfalm.4.6. Though Iwalke through the valise ofthefhadowe ofdeathI millfcare no eu,11, for thou are withme, thy rod and thyjialfedoecomfortme,Pfalm.a3.4. ¡amperfwadedthatnei- therlife,nordeath, nor. Angels, norprincipalities, norpowers,pot thingsprefent,northingsto come, nor height, nor depth, nor anyotherthmgfhall beabletofeparatevs frromthis loue ofGad,whichit inaril? ¡efutour Lord. Verf t 5 S.Ifaw the tranfgref/oxrsandwasgrieued:becaufe theykept not thywgrd. r-rHisalto in fubltancewe had before, where the Prophet faith, Mineeye: syt(houtwith 1 ruser: ofwater becanfe they kept notthy law mya cafehatb menconfirmed me becaufe mine enemies haueforgottenthy word. TheProphets words in awordhue this meaning: Lord, as formire owne things or private injuries, I amcontent to put them vp, but when I law theybegan to breake thy law, thispinchedme at the heart. Herewe fee hewas not very nice and delicate, in the defenceof hisowne cafe, but when it carne toGods caule hewas not finallymooed. Whereby we muft learne to tranlhateour zeahe toGods caufr, and in zeal': defenceof his glory, to baue our heart blond ware hot, fo that evena godly anger with griefebe ftirred vp in vs.For this is thedifference,betweene aholyand fpiritualanger,and prophane and carnali anger : holy anger is withgriefeofthefinne ,andwithoutreuengeA oftheperlon : carnall anger is with reuengeofthe perfon, andwithout griefeof thefinne. Wherefore ifwewill haueour anger holy it muttbe temperedwithgriefe,as we did fpcake beforeofzealc wherein wetaught, that ouranger fhould feedeupon thefinne, and coln- pallion fhouldmake vs bleede with griefe for the perlonsfinning. Wellwe may learne, that ifwewill notfwarue fromGods law,we muttnot onely be grieued for our finnes,bue alfo forthe finnesofothers. For this is the triallofagodlygriefe when wearchrftgrieued with ourowne, and then aregrieued withthe finncs ofothers, becaufetruegriefcbegin- netlifirft inourlclues,and from our fetuses itpaícthtruly votoothers. On