Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

658 MatterÇreenhams `eadingr Nlpocrifie. Onthecontrarie, weemuclibewray our hypoerifie ifive firft 'wade vpon other mens fines, and fuffer ourownetogrow : and ifwe canfretangerly atabate finne in another, and can no whit bedifpleafedwith a great finne in our felues, This is aprepoftrous griefe toweepe, toforrow, to figli for finnes in others ; and not to weepe for the finites of ourowne foules: and this is want of the true loueof Godsword, (H+ Tobepriexedirihenweoarfel msdoefinne,andtodenotbinsgriereedforthef :nnetofotbers.Where- fore it we be in place, -where wewant time and opportunitie openly to rebuke finneand reforme it, at theleaft letvs labour to begrieued,which griefemull htfo neareourhearts, that when any time or opportunitie feruceh, we ceafe not,nor ftayeo vtterit with our mouthes.For they that are throughly grieued at theheart, will atone time or other burner vntill theyhauevttered it with theirmouth.Wherforewe muff labour, whaNOeuer fin we millike iniudgment,to be grieued forthe fame inaffeaion:formany can miflike fin,and it isaneaGe thing;but feware grieued for I n,for it is anharde matter.Ifeuer wehad ncedeto mourncfor the fins ofothers,we had needeat this day,that ourgriefeof fin in timeof pro- fperitie may.thew vs, what faithwefhalllindeintrouble. But no marmite thoughwe be ,, nomore grieued with limns in others, becaufe we are fo little grimed with finneinour felues : For ifwewere throughly&fincerelygrimed with fins inour felues, weMould al- fobegrieued with it inothers, wherefoeuer wefound it : Which grietewe ¡hall nottruely baue, vntill wecan deuoureall private injuries. And feeing this is the ioyeofa trueChri- flian, to feethe Gofpell haue freepaffagr and this is the forrow and griefeof the childe ofGod, tofee this Gofpell hindred : they who reioycenot at theone, nor forrow for the other,haue either the loueof theword cold inthem,or altogethernone. Andas it is an argumentof Gods childe, tobe grimed more for one breachofGods Iawe,thenfor many privateoffences ; fo itis an argumentof felfe-loue,to taketo heartfo grieuoully private cuils,and little tobemoued askeye coldeto fee the contempt ofGods glorie.Wherefore it followeth in thenextwife. Veda 59. Confider ,OLord,howIlone tlyprecepts: quickenmeaccordingfo thylonfnglmd. here. uÉreisan argument oftruejoue: Lord, faith the manofGod, Iloue thy law inmy Jt7ote. l lfelfe, Iloue italno in others: for looke what good thing is inme, Iwith thefame in others : I hate finne inmy fclfe, Iam forrie for it in others : Forlooke whateuill Imitlike ,, inmy felfe,Iamgrimed forit inothers. Thatwe maymake this a rule, to examineourheartsby: doe we louethe law ofGoda howdhall weknow it ? teen when we areasglad, that others doe well, and fare well to their faluation, as we would befor our felues; when we are as much grieued, whenothers doe ill, as if weourfelues haddoneit. Formanywill come fo farce, as tomillike finne, andto fpeake vehemently againft finne, but few cometo:be grieued forfin: wherefore feeing finne is foripe, let vsfo begricued for it as wemay pray againifir, and let vs cram of God tohaue this godlygriefe thicken intovs, that bythat measles we may be furred vp to prayer, and fo we (hall in time tocome, eitherreioyce to feeourprayersgraunted, and our mournings effeélualh or elfe we Mall beare the tellimonie of a good confcience, and in as much asin vsdochhe, we ¡hall beguilticlfe oftheir finnes. Neither in faying, Confiderhow ¡lone thyprecepts, doehtheman ofGod layout his good deedes, but humbly confeffeth to theLord hisowne graces received, as may appeare by the words following $omd345 where hepleaded] mermeand notmerit. This loue wherewith he toned God came from Luk.7.47 that loue wherewith God firlt lovedhim. For he Peeing that great loue wherewith God toned him,hewas mooed andanforced to loue Godagaine:fo thathis purpofe is thusmuch. Thou feeft Lord, that I am an enemie to fin inmy felfe, for Iforget notthy law;thou feet lam an enemy to finin others,forI amgrieued to ice them tranlgrell'ethy law:Wherefore O Lord, quickennie and let thy toningniercie whereby thouhaft 'created me andredee- med mein Chrift, whereby thou halt deliuered ase from fomany troubles, and enriched same with fo inany,andcosatinuahlbenefits renew reuiue,quicken andrelloreme. Thus