66o Mailer greenhorns Readings . then our faith with affurance, that as his word is true; fo alto his executingof it is righ_ trous. So thatthe wordof God!hall certainly haue an ilfue, either tohumble vs by profs. ting,or elfe todebarre vsof hiskingdoine in refuting it. Thelenle then ofthe manof God isplaine and euident,in!hewingwhatfoeuer the Lord bath fpokenfor good inhis promife, he will perfortne it to his children. Whatfoeuer bee Inch threatned for cuill,hewill execute itvpon the timers : fo that weemay bealfured of the fullaccomplifhment ofhis promifes, and of the righteous executing of his iudge- assents. PORTION. zt, Var.' 6x. Princes baneperfecuted me without tattle: butminé heartflood in awe ofthy word. S the manof Godnot long before (hewed that hehadmany perfecutors : fo herehe fheweth theywerenomeane men,norofthe inferioiufort,but migh- tie Princes;neitlter Princesofaprophanepeople, but rulers oftheclsofcn of God thelewes ; and that hedidnot fullerfordefects asan illdoer,but inno. cently asone thathad neitherprefumptuouily tranfgrellèd againit the sna- ieftie ofGod,neither difobediently done againit their authoritie. Doubtleffethis was no fmall temptation, in thatPrinces (who fhould haue taken his partagainft hisenemies andby whom hefhould haue received countenance in his saute, beinggood) fhould perfecutehim and goeaggainft him. Forwhat a triall is it to haue the rulerstobe our perfecutors, who fhouldbe the gouernoursof Gods Church, in that bee Mould be driven to thinke, that either the gouernours ofthe people were ill, orthat his owne mulewasnotgood. Whereforeweemuft beprepared not to fufferof thecommon fort alone, but alit) of the Princes and rulers-; according to that, Match. so., 6. Behold j fendyou asfheepe into the middeflof wolues,&c.Bewareofmen,for they willdeliueryon vp to the Councels,e.c.andye ¡ballbebrought to thegouernours,andkirgf formyfake,&c.And then is ad- ded in the z 8.verfe following : Feareyenot themwhichkill thebodie, butarenot ableto fill the foule : but ratherfeare himwhich isstóle todeflroy bsthbodieandfouleinhell&c.Inwhich place our Sauior Chrilt'heweth nottohis Apodlesalone,but to al true profefforsofhis Gofpel, that it is common tothe whole Church,that weefhould not beafraidofthe faces ofPrint ces, nor feare them that canonely like bruite beafts feafevpon the carkalfe,anddeuoure the bodie,but yethaue no commiffìon to touch thefoule.He addeth inthatplace furthers verfzy.Arenot twofparrowesfoldfor afartbing,andoneofthemfhallnotfallon thegroundwitb- outthefather?Tea, andall thehaires ofy000r headare numbred:feareyenot therefore,yeareof morevalue than manyfparrowes, As if he fhould fay : Nay, they cannot touch one haire of your 'head ; ifnot one haire,muchlcllè yourbodie ifhappily thebodie,yet not thefoule. You feethe littlebodies of feathered fowles,withoutGod hispermiffìon, fallnot intothe hands ofinen,which arcfo littlein value, that twoof them is fold for a peny ; how then can they hate power vpon your bodies,without leaveofthe Lord, teeing ye arefar more preciousin his Gght,and lice taketh afurther careof yourbodies? But if for my-glorie ye 'Mall lay do tune your hues,theycan reuenge themfelues but ofyour bodies, as for your foulethey cannot touchit. But mineheartflood in aweofthyword. Herewe fee the greaterfeare ouercamethe leffe. If thefaces of Princesbe terrible,becaufe their angrie lookes threaten euill, and their wrath- full words menace deaths,becaufe whatfoeuertheywill doe,they can do,and whatfoeuer theycan dee,they daredoe,yet feare them notfaith Cbrift,butfeare him who in hiswrath can calfbosh bodie and foule into hell. They cantake and attach thebodie, but thegood cfEáre of the foulecan theynot hinder : but ratherfeare himwho can arreft the bodie,and afterward canalfoattach thefoule. finemeaning then ofthe Prophet may bethis : I was afraid todifpleafe thee, OLord¡ and thereforeI laboured nottopleafemineenetnies, although they were mightier thanI. Thus 1