dóz en/l4Ffér Greenham.c Readings led into theCourt, and that everyman is a Kinginhis priuiechamber:the fpiritofGod chargeth .our confcience herebefore the Court ofheaven, and tellethvs, that ourchambers are the Lords chambers alío ; and therefore as truelfraelites, men in ferret we fhould thinkenoguile , for the Lordwill reucale it, andpumfh it openly, yeaeuenthe foulesof the gyrefhall bewray our va- faithfulneffe. Tocome lowertoourfelues,becaufe we muff notth inke,that thisaffetlionmull be inDavid, andnot in vs, forth(hallwe make vnprofitablewhatfocueris taught; whereas theManof God did feare tooffend, menwhenPrinces were againft him ; weenot onelycannot fuflainefogreat confuting atriallinthefeateofoutGod, butiftheloff èofalittleworldlypelfecometovs ,wearef}raight witbWYitches. voydofall feare,and cannotabidetobe taughtany good thought;weare vnquiervntill we haue confulted with wifards,and witches, not (landing in aweof Gods threatntngs again(( that fin, DeutaS."o. Letnone beefoundamong you, thatvfethwitchcraft, tt.Orthat isacharmer,or that counfelleth with fpirits, or afoathfayer,orthat asl ethcounfellat the dìad. 12. For allthat doefuch thing., are abomination to theLord, tic. where the Lord counteth no otherwifeofehefe things, thenof the vpheapeoflime. Againc ,, a h3 . ti is laid that Sauldidforhis tranfgrefiion thatbee committed'againfl theLord, men againfl thewordoftheLorde,whieh bee keptnot, in that bee fought and asked counfell of a famiiliar,fpirit, r4. and askednot of the Lord, ejc. where we lee, that inreckoningSaulhis finne, this isthe laft, and wrappethvp all the reft, in thatheaskednotcounfelioftheLotd,but wentto a witch. So thiswas theheape of his ftnne,this filled the iu(t meafure ofhis iniquities,becaufe when he fhomld hauerepented ofall o- ther Pnnes, he made this the fullheapc ofhis fins, and pulledconfequently vpon him the-height of Godsiudgements, forheewas cut offfrom the kingdome,anddefperatelyended rislife. E- faya Ssyhen the Lordreckoned vpthe firma thepeople,as their infidelitie, their obftinacie, he commethat the laitto their forceric,faying, 39. Lr'hen fuch (hallfayuntoyou, enquireof them - thathama fpiriteof diaination, andat the fo,, nth fayers whichwhiferandmurmure :Jhouldnot a people enquire at their God ?from the lining to the dead&c. Therefore the Lord denounced' plagues andpunifhmentsoneuery fideto fill vpon them. Looke into thedefirudionof the old cities, namelyof theEgyptians,ofthe Moabites,ofthe Affyrians, andof thePhil;llines,& ye íhal feehowwitcherie was the molt efpecialcaufe oftheir Y/Godrfeste de(trudion: Sofhallwethinkenow , thatthe feareofGod doch touchtheirhearts,who forJoffe be nó' offo1mall pelfcrunne to wifards>. ÿ7eli,weare here toleame,that as where the Lords fearedoth temptationfa foruleourhearts, thatwefanelifetheLordtherein, wearefreefromthegreateti temptations; great, batwe fowherethis reuetent feareof God is wanting, there is no temptation, thoughneuer fovileand e fallitaa it. groffe, butwe will yeeldvato it. The prouidence ofthe Lord being fo rich, andhis hand fowideand fo large, we muff notbe afraidof fo final!a loffe ofworldly goods. We knowthat Zedechiah being a Prince,Ierem.37. when thefeare ofGodwas gone from him, feared that the verycommon people would mockc hlna,fea that hecould notobey the Prophet. Againe,weknow that Jeremiah being the Prophet, having this reuerent feareof God feafoninghis heart, was nothing difmaid , withal! that eyeher Zedechiah,ot any other ofthe kingscoulddouotohim. Amongmany places,excellent is that, Iob 31. where the manofGod, partly toflop the moathesof his aduerfaries, partly to comfort his owne foulewith therecord of'a good confcience, and partlyto(hew the fecretiudgements of God, andthat he didnot Pufferfor his frnnes , as he was accufed,butfor fonte fecrec cattle belt knowne to the Lord ;he eeflifieth,how freehe was from fornication,fromaduherie,from iniuries, fromvnmercifulnes,fromcrackle with his feruants, and from opprefiion;,and (heweththecaufe whyall thefe things wereinhint,becaufé the Lordbeheldall hiswaies, andtoldallhitfleps, Fir(t, for fornicatió, he madea couenantwith his eics,becaufe there is noporcion,no inheritance,from the aimightiero the wicked, but delirudiou, and firange punifhments to the workersof iniqui- tie: andas of fornication, fo alfo hefpeaketh, how hewas preferued by the feateofGods iudg- , meatsfrom adulterie ; and afterward comming to (hew his innocencie innotcruelly dealing vvith his feruants,he faith, If IJhouldcontemnthelodgement ofmy ferteant &c.whatthenlhall I doe when Godftandeth vp? andwhen hefballvif:tme,whatfhall anfwere? Agatne he profclfeth, that theetude why he didnot oppreffe nor iniurieothers, was, not that herefrained forfeare of men,but for{care ofGod. For faithhe, e 'hamliftetpmineheada- ganJ 1