Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119.Pfalme. 663 piha the fatherlefe, &c. !thin¿:my'boulder bones worldoo out of their fockett,Godsiudge- ments were fearefull into me, and l co,ldnot be deliueredAmuhishighnef. And though flee might byhis greatcountenancewhich he did beate, haue dealt roughly with men , andmight hauemadeafraida great multitude ; T:t ( lathhe) themoil contemptible ofthe families didnot fear: me. Yea,thoughthe men werefarce Idle thenhe, yet becouldnothide his(inn: as Adam, hecould notconccalehis iniquuie in his bofome. Whofocucr thenwillbe truely religious,and makea confcience ofPenn in fynceritie,he muff thus walk: inthefeareof God; and though hemight fo do as noman couldeuer touch him for hisoutward conuerfation; though hedid notconneinto:hehandoftheMagifl rate; andnoman thoughhe would,could lay, Black: ishis tie: hemuff fubmit himfelfetowhat peril( focuer,and oucrcomc all feareof manspowerwith fenceof Gods punifhments. And wemutt know, that if therebe (nme1nne invs,on which the ciuill lawcan take nohold ; yetthe flareof the Lawof God mull be inHeadveto vsof all(awes; knowing that thoughweefcape the courtof men, we cannot efcape the judgement of God ; whowill iudgevs not accordingto the lawofthan , but according to hisown: Law'. So that thechildrenofGod arefofarreoff from flattering them- felues in there finnes, where mans lawesfaile, andwhich they do not punifh, that they labour the more again('them, fearing that Godwill puni(h thofe fsnncs moregrimoufly inthe world to come, whichby the lawofman in this worldhedothnot cortefì : And becaufe bymans pun. Ching weare oftbrought to repent of thofe fnnes,wherein nowoft times wedie withoutany re. pentance. Sothat we feehow effeiìuali an inffrumentofGod thisfeare of his Law is , agamff all kindsof fumewhatfocuer, Forthough inpohtike 'awes ,there be nolawesagainlifwcaring, breakingof the Sabboth,or flthie fpeaking;yet Godschildren notfoully caute fuchas call off all feare ; but filch, as by fo muchthe rather feareand fu fpeftfuch finites. Now in that the manofGod faith,inaweofthyworkfee,thc man ofGod performeth that feare toGods word,which heowed, to God himfelfe.This isproftablieto be confderedof vs. Ifanydeale nowad aleswithaprofaneworldling,in thingsconcerning the trueknow- ledge ofGod,and theway of faluation,he will anfwere. What tell yee meof there things? tell usewhat you can;I am fursofthis,you can tell meno morethen this: loueGod abone all,and thyneighbour as thy tille, & I craft I(hall loueGodas well as you or thebelt lear- ned. Buthere is their hypocrifiedefcricd,in thattheyhauefofmall loue tothe word. For our SauiourChrift witnelfcth,Iohn8. He that isofGod hearetb Godsword ifyeewereof God ye: would lonehiswords foone may fay tothis effettt; ifweteare God, we Randin awe ofhis word. Wherefore themanof God faitb,Oh, how lone 'thy law: protefting that loueto the law,wliich he liadco God. Andashe faith, O Lord thouarr maportion fohe lattis allo, thy teslimoniesham ltakenasanheritage. Thus weemuffhonour Godin Chrift, and Chrift in his word. For looke what honour God would haue, beewould hauevs fhewvnto Chrift, and looke what honour Chrift would haue,he would haue it done to his word. Wherefore the Apoltles not reuerenting our Sauiour Chrift onlie for his perfon;butalfo for his word Paid: Maller,wbitherfball seegoefrom thee,thou haftthe wordof f irisand life. As this corruptopinion of the feareof God is inthewerldlings,foalto is it in heretikes, and in thefamilieof loue,whoperfwadethcnsfeiuesto loueGod , when they loueherefies more then theword: but hereinarc thofe hypocrites and heretikes defcried, theywill ge. nerallieconfelfe they loue and feare God: but examinethan in any particular, eytherof dottrineor of life, and they will bcwray their wantoflouebyherefe, andtheirwantof feareby lying in tome gro(leRune. Here is theft a touchftone for them thatcan fay: Itritft I feareGod,ifI fearednotGod, how fhould Ihope toprofper,orhow (hould I line ? for iftheir frombe tried by the word and their feareoftheword be tried byparticular fins, they will Toone bewray themfelues. rrid lofoow Againe,manie therebe,who will (ay they feare God,whileft frckeneffe, pouertie, or Tome1 earl ofGod.; croie lyeth vpon them:butwhen offiftion ispaftover, and profperitiecommeth, let the Lord ltrtkevpon theirhearts neuer fohardlie,andtheywill nocfeare. WhereforethePro- phet Efaie faitlychap.t 8.r S. becaufeyeehatefaid,webane madea covenant with death pwith belayareat agreement,tbough 4.12-merge run ooervs,ppap through, in sa(lnot comeat vs.And i 8. thecovenant withdeath 'hall be dafamtüed, andyoteragreement with hellAtilt notfland,when L 2 a