Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

66+ e9lafferCjreenhams Readings itfeòurgefhallrunne otteryou,andpaffethrough,thenjhallyoube ttodenunder by it, And though1, fomettmeswefcare withPharaohtheprefent tokens of Gods wrath, as the thunder, the lightning,theearthquake,andlach like : yet wemakethem fcarcelie esthewonders that Taft nine dayes,ncyther feare wethe wordofGod ,Inheadofall the plagues whereofwee read inthe old teltament,as of theopeningof theearth , of the ouertlowingwith waters, of firecomming downefromheauen, wee heare bùr one named in thenewteftainent, namelie,that theythat doe fuchthings, forwhich chofeplagues did come, shall not enter into thekingdome of heauen; which one doth fo terrificGods clrildren,thattheyhad lea- uer beare all theof liftions of lob, and allthe plaguesof/Egypt then that one; for allthofe are but forerunners of this one judgement, andthis is the full heape of all other threat- flings. In thathefaith,my heartfiandethinawe: bee fheweth his fearewasnotcouerlieasin thevngodlie. For atone time or other the Lordmay (hake thevile(} villaine in theworld with feare ofhis judgements,and fometimes tofeele terrour: but thiskinde offeare foone vanifheth away , and finketh not into the heart,howmuch foeuer it beftriken into the head. Forwe feewhileftGod lyech fore vpon vsby borneterrible judgement of thunder, lightnings,or earthquakes, howcurry prophanc man canbe content to pray , and for the timewill be verie godlie and religious,fo long astheplague lafteth;bucwhen that is once Jn°heare. ouer, their feare isalfoouer. The molt defperatefeart;butitfittcth not ,itdwellethnot ,: long vpon their hearts;but as a Bafh of lightningfodainly itriketls the face, and lòdainlie isgone: foa Bafflingfight ofGodsMaieftie ftrikeththeir hearts, and fodainelieis dcpar. ted. Weemuftnotthenhamanouer_hearing of Godsthreatnings, noran oncr-fearingof his judgements .For manicwill like the word,becaufethey like it in iudgment,orfor thatit increafeth their knowledge,bnt fewloue it in heart; bccaufe itrenueth theiraffeltions.For though ouriudgement bewrought vpon, yet theheart isnot wrought on, which isGods place: wherein ifheby the miniferie ofhisword once take lure hold, it will forthwithgot totheeye, rare andhand,andwholebody, and will beeffeftuall. Nowwhat is amore ef fefhuall bridle againft finne,thenflilltothinke that weare in the pretenceofGod? Forif all men intheworld fhouldbid a usan doe any thing contrarietothewillof Go4, though in doinghe might be nexttheking, or innot doing with Daniel bane his bodie.giuento the Lyons,yet would he not doeany thing againftGodslawes. Neyther didDanielfuffer all this,becaufe he wouldnotbe ánidolater, but for thatleewould not denie theworfhip to the true God,but profefted thefame openlie,in letting open hisvvindowcs, andmant- fellinghis truereligionfor the fpaceof threedayes. And why didbeethus? euenbecaufe the feareof Goddid lb touch hisheart,that thefeare of man did nothingdi(inayhim : fo thatneyther the gaine nor promotion which beemight haue had, by the king on theone fide,nor thedaunger andlobe which was laiduntohimon the other fide, could make him at all todifpleafe God. And asthe feareof Godhails thefe effectsin Godhis children, that thepoorea creaturelhall Band ingreatcourage beforethe face ofaking: fowhere thisfeare ofGod is wanting,the migh- tie Prince fhall (landin awe ofhispooreft fubieft. r .Sam. r5. When Saulehada flat comman- dementfrom the Lord,who from a meane (lockeand bate parentage wasaduauned to theking- dome todeftroy the king,hecontrarie to the Lordscommaandement,faueth flgag, yea and a great while (loutlic iufifieth hisfinnebeforeSamnel: but when bee hadBreightlie chargedhis confcience, headded, thefeare ofthepeople monadmeto doeit, as ifhe fhould haue Paid , I wasa- fraide that the peoplein fodoing would hauegone from. rime,apd hauedenied mee the honour which they were wonttoyeeld vntome.Thus wefee apoore foule,andwithGodsfeare,feateth not a Prince,and amightie king withoutthis fearefeared thepáorepeople. Thisfeare of Godalto keepeththe godlie , that in all theirdifireffes theydarenot opentheyr ., mouthes to any foulefpeech,or corrupt language.When fob was fpoyledofall hehad,andwic- ked men had takenit from him bee faithin the humblenelreoffpirit, and feare of his God, theLordgiueth,andtheLord takerh,óleffedbethename oftheLord. Her duellnot chafeagaunll the Chaldeanalthough he was in this milerable perplexities for thefeareof God fo gaged his hearr,thathedurft neenourifh anycujllchoughts ,orbrcake out intocuill words to difpieafe the Lord;