on the 119. Pfahne, Lord; contrariwife,wberethis feare is not,w a(hall fee great murmuringandgrudging; becaoie Lewt. ao. the Lord faith: If anymancarneafterloch,arworke with f irits andafterfoutbPyrrs, thenwilt Ifcrmyface againfìthat perfora. Let himkeepe hisAnneas dole as he svihand hide itas muchas hecan, yet I the Lordwill flndeit our. In vaine then wee fee doe words thebrutiflhlje from woridlic men, who lay they feareand loue God, whenthey neytherbcleeuehis prom ifes, nor fearehis threamings ,norlouc thatwhich lice commanded], norhaseasst whichbec forbid. deth.Well,run they in the Iafl day, whither they will,yell they neuer fomuch, tohauethe rocks tocouer them,and the billes tohidethem, the wordwilliudge thole worldlingsl.eretikes and fcórncrs.. Buttheywill thus fay : we aske not counfell of the diuell as you chargevs : yea, but Witchcraft: God his word fo faith, that he that goeth to witches andwifards,goesto as!ce counfadeof the diucll. Againc, aswefaid before, for want of thisfeare wefee, how impudent lnnets arc in chore things which ciuilllawes doe not reftraine, fearing crud' puni(hment snore then Godsjudgement. Hethat fearer] God is no theefe;why? becaufe mans law faith, that be that ltcaleth (hallbehanged ? no, but becaufe Gods law faith, thoufhalt notfteafn Though the place beneuer fol'ccrecwhere he may finne, although it benotnanikitvn- righteoufucs,aitdgrolle iniurie,yet ifitwere but todente theIca(t thing,whichwere right and due,thc cbildeofGod both fearethpunifhment of God,ifhe had done ir, or ifhe haue notdone it, licetremblcth todoe it. And faint lames he reafoneth thus: thatlice that bads eommaunded one thing bath alto commaunded another ; and licethat forbiddeth one thing,bath forbidden another. And fureliehowfoeuermans lawpunilbeth one , and di-. fpenl ètb with another finne,yetthe wordof Godrewardech all obedience, andpunifleth all difobedicnce. So thatbe that bath raid as well, thou¡halenot commit adalterie,as t/rou(halt notdoe murder, Lathafivellprononnccd the fhuttigg of the kingdome of hcauen againit adulterers,asagaintl: murderers,' .Cor.6. which thingGods childrenknowing , makeas greataconlcience of fivearing,banning,curfing, breakingofthe Sabboth, drunkenneflc, adulterie and lying,which in manslaw efcapefcotfree; as oftheft,whichby cimil law is ad- iudged worthieof death: becaufethat God that faith,thauPlc not.rf(ea)t; he alfo faith, thou Aalt trot takethenameoftheLord invaine: thoufhalt hsepebelie theSahboth,&e. Suppofe they thatthole things arenot forbiddenby thelawof God, which are not prohibited bythe lawofman?Thenno unmade thoughthere be fo few theeues, & fomanic Sabboth brea- kers; why there be fo fewmurtherers , and fò manic (wearers:becaufe menabftaine.from theft andmurther,forfeare of temporali punifirment,&menbane no care toefcbue fsvea- ringand prophaning of God hisSabboth; becaufe they fcarr external) punifhment. Sec here is mess conlcience,hereis their religion,tbisis theirdeuotion.Well,haddcltthoune- uerfuchgifts outwardlie, without this rcuerent feareof God, thou lisait neuer enterinto God This kingdome.But peradventure, when thou (haltcome to anfwere before thetribu- nal' of God,thou wilt fay,O Lord,l knewnot by mans law that breach of thy Sabboth,or !wearingwere fuci, great (ttnnes: hearewisat the Lord will anfwere? T gaue thee my law, whereby thou Ihouldett begoucrned,neither did I glueany commandemeneinmore am- ple and flat words,then thelate of mySabboth; whereforefeting thou hafttnanifeftlycalf my law behinde thee, and made'rife account of my eommaundements, and judgements, then of trans law and threatnings, I adjudge thee toeternal) damnation. Great indeed is the benefit of mans lawes, torettraine fin , and to bringtorepentance; yeaoften topuniflsment ofman,and (name thereof preuenteth the judgement of God, and Inane ofbet fire:becaufe we fee many taut bin more afhamedof finat tlhe gallowes, then othersthat havedied vpon their beds. Howbeit where this law is not executed , and finnefeuerely punifled;orwhere therebeany fins , which comenot within theprecindts of mans turifdtbtjon,it is moll certaine, they (hall not efcape the punifliment of God. Whereforewemuff otherwife(land in aweof Gods law,thcn mans law clothpunifh, ifwe will withdie man of God fromour hart/cand in (care of isis word. This feare makrth (cruauts as faitbfullin their matters abfence, as in theirprefence, becaufe itkeepethvnder the moftfecretfinites. Forhypocrites the finne before men,but fume greedily bchindetheir backcs;andthey finnenotbecaufe manslaw wilpunifla diem, LII5 not 669