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on the 11:9.T%lme. _ 667 theProphet Efaifheweth ,chap.58.whatis the ioy of Gods children : t5.lfthéx turn a warthr foorrfrom theSabboth, from doing thrwill inminebabe day, and call theSabbath ade- [ight to colafrn'ate it asiforioui tothe Lard,6 c. Andthe Prophet Daniel P!a1.63. Thy louMg kindles is better than bfe,therefore my lips'hall praife thee. AndPlal. 84.4. Blotted arethen that droll in thy boufe,theywill everpraife thee. oc. Aday in thy court isbetterthana thonfaudother- rehere:lhad rather be adaure-kec er in the boxfeofmr God, than to dwellin the tabernacleofric- krdter. PíaI 4:.4.1 +"c%t with themultitude, andled them into the lmnfeofGod,roitli the voiceof fnoingandpratfe,as amultitude that keepeth afeafl. This is the toy ofGod hischildren, this toy trill neuer kaue vs,nonot in the grauc,icwill accompanie vs tothe judgementfate of God. Ifwee will reioyce inGod his word,Godwill reioycein vs. But alas: doe not all nun reioycein vanities? and yet they (hall perifh with men, and men (hall peri(h with the a- bLife ofthem ? Whereas that ioy to farce excclkth this ; how is it that this is fofarrc.pre- ferredbefore that ?Doe we not thinkehim to be a foolish man,whowill make the dayof hispleafure in playing and (porting, whereas heefhould make it the day of his profit in S;mae buying and felling ? Would we not account hima mad man,who mightbe encouragedto goo into theheid,withapromife to carrie away theviEtorie, and to triumph oucr his ene. inics,ifhe linger the time uncial theoccafion hepaft, by the incurfe of hisenemies, and to he willinglyleefctheviéorie, andmakehisaduerfariestotriumphoucrhim ?Hotvfoolisit . then arc they to path the Sabboth, which is the market day of the fouls, and wherein the Lord callethvs to come buy hony,wine,milke and oyle,and thatwithout pent' or p:n y worth,invaine pleasures willingly,to leek Inch fpirituall and beauenly profits? And how Mad are they that onthis day may receive both counfell for politic, and furniture for ll rength,toencounter again!} the world, the fiefs and the diucll, and runne rather tofil- thiepleasures, fulfcring themlelucs willingly to be a pray for the diucll, tobe fedaced by linne,co be ouercome of the flefh,and trodendonne oftheworld ? True it is,that wesane many bickerings, and fight many skim-Mlles in the werke dales : but on the Lords Sah- S^jUa11i both efpecially wefall to the maine hattaile, andwe come asit were tohand-ftrokes, and buckle with our enemies hand to hand. Doe wee not thinks this a dangerous thing then,when the Lord cloth offer as it were into ourhands the fpovlcof finne,Sathan,the world, and the flats, and wee willingly and vnthankfully willlùfferour (clues, and offer our fettles tobe fpoy ledof them ? Where is now our iefy in theword ? where is our 1povle wherein tree (hould triumph ? Well, ifmen reioyce fo much when they glue the Coyleto theirenemies,and pray vpon the fpoyles,wemayealily conieEture howgreatly they for- row,thac takethe foyleat their aduerfaricshand, and are become a pray and a fpoy le be.- fore them. Forthe fame isthe reafunof contraries. Andto applie this lame to vs :if the tru- ly reioyce,whenwee haue libdued our affections,murdered our temprations,and put to flight theworld,thc fiefli and the d itiel,making a (hewof them through Chrilt; how much mutt wee begneued, when our affchlions haue carriedvs captive, our temptations !lane Nine the foule,and our enemies haue taken the 1poyle of allthoie !pirituall graces which before wepollàllèd. This then mutt trio our repentance whetherwee haue this forrow or no,when the rageof finne bathfpoyledvs ofGodhis graces. This affe@ionwe fee was in theProphetDauid,Pfal. 5 a.who crycth,Hawemerdevpon me,according to tby losingbmdner, makeme heare ioy andgladner, that theboneswhich thouballbroken may reioyce : Create inmea clean hearr,0God,remiearightfpirit withinme : Caftme notaway from thypretence, and rake not thineholy fpirit fromme. Where Dauidcomplaineth,that his heart was hardened,blind washis vnderttanding,troubled was his minde,and his foule in bondage oflnne, and in Aangcr to lofeGods Ipirit. Thus wee the how lire felt himfelfe Ipoylcd ofall the graces of God. Du!arrin When thenwe(hall fee the flefh or theworldhuhtaken fromvs allcomfort in the word h a, a and in prayer,& that webegin to bedull ingood chings,we mull know for atruth,that ci- ii¢r ashy thelSaran,rhe fiefh or the worldhaue giuen vsCome foyle,andthat theyhaue taken rich trtifri. fpovlcs from vs. Wherefore wee are not afterfinne to be too quiet with our klues,aswee vfctobc, ifwe trulytonfidcrof this : forour ioyihould not befogreatinone,butcurffoV