668 e `/faller CÇreenharns Readings row(houldbe as great in the other : andas INCreioyce when we hauegotten the viéìorie;fo muff weforrowwhen wehaue loft and they hauegotten thefpoiles. For ifwe findby ofconlcience, to make aflew ofourenemies, becaufewe have (polled them ; euen fowhen they fhaflfpoyle vs; that our vnderlanding be blind,our heartsmade dull,whenwecannot withcomfort cal God opr Father;when wecanget no powerofour hones;when went wauering inóur perfeuerance; if therebe in vs any regardofourglorie, or anyrefpeét ofour dignitieandour kingdome,when Sabanbath fo fpoiled vs,great (houldbe ourfarrow. But this is thecaufe,whywedo notfoonerrecouerour felues infighting,becaufe we feelenot the Joffeofourípoiles, andtherefore no maruell if in Chrift we leek notour flrength renewed. Ic is no fmalldignitie, tobee a companion withtheAngels, to bee the childrenof God , fellow heireswith God;it is nolittle prerogatiue, to be royall Prieftsbefore the Lord; it isno final) ho- nourto be counted Prophets; itis no little preheminence, to wait fora kingdome: but(ball we looke to be the membersof Chrift, and fellow heires with him, and (hall wenot (ever ourfelues from the world, theflefh andthediuell? nay,as heoffreth tovs theone,fo he forbiddeth tovs the other. If we were redeemed, not withgoldand filuer,bnt with themoll precious bloodofthe immaculate Lambe, how thankeful thouldwe be inall mannerofobedience? Ifwe werecalled to an holy conucrfation,and not to thelu(ts ofthe flefh,how holily fhouldwee walke ? W'hete- foreiftheLordfo call vsto the banquet and allure vs toInch richfpoiieson theSabboth day,if any(hall fay, I cannot come, Imull marriea wife ;Imull go fee my farine; I mull go about my butneu r : Oh howvnworthyguefls (hall webe !and howworthytobe trampled vadee the feet ofour aduetfaries? But heremay arileaqueflion: howeanfeareand my dwell usaman at onch? that he (houldtruely feareGodsword , and heartily reioyce in the fame , when as notwithflan- ding in the holy Scriptures, we may often ob(eruethis thing, asPfal,y.7.Iwilcome intotbine reareand Joy haul?inthe multitrtdeof thymercies,and inthy fesrewillworfbip toward thyhob, Temp! t : and in temperedtoge- Ptai. z.ir.Serue the Lordinfeare, andrejoice in trembling : andin this Odlenanewhich wehere haue in hand,I f?aodin aweatthywordLeIreioycedafrhy word:Weanfwer,wemulll knowwhat kind of feare this is, it is not that fearewhichisof the iudgensencs ofGod alone, bitta fèareioy- nedwithhis mercies. For there is a feareof hisiudgements alone, which landereth the certaincie offaith: andthere isa fenceof his iudgements, temperedwith afeare ofhis mercies,whichbea. teth downethe fecuricieof theflefh ;ofwhich the manof God (peakerh, Pfal. r 30.4. Mercieis with thee,therefore thou/halt be feared : that is, Thereforeare thineafraid todifpleafe thee, be- caufe they haue calledofthy goodne(fe, and becaufethou ofnature are merciful). Heefpeaketh thenof that fence, whichis alluredof Gods mercies, as ofhis iudgements. Wherefore asthere is adiflerencebetweenethe feareoffcruantsand the feare of tonnes; bemale Ceriumdotheir bufineffemorevnwillingly; and tonnes dotheir duties morecheerefuliy : fothere isa difference betweenthe obedienceof the godly,proceeding fromachildillt feareto obey their Father,and the grudging obeyingofthe wicked,in a feruile and flauifh fenceofpmnifbment. Vale t6g, ¡hatefaljboodandabhorreit, but tlyLawábelloue. T1 Hemeane, how the man ofGod came to this ioyof theword, was, inthat his heartwas wellpurged of the thingscontrary vntoit, whereinhe Iheweth that itisnotpollìblc lot vs truely toreioyce in the word, until) we bebroughtto theperfithatredof thecorruptions,. By falfehond her meaneth not thatbreachofchancie, whichis forbidden in the ninthCom- mandetnent, but whatfoeuer is oppofite to the true word ofGod. In this fenfe wedid alfo take it, Portion 4.& f. Takefromme :berylsoflying,andgrauneme gracioufly thy Lam. Wherely- ing isnothing cis, but that which is contrary to the word, either indoéìriueor in life. Likewile Portion I 3.2, Ihate vayne inuentions,bnt thyLawdoIlone, In this meaning, Sachanisfaidto be thefather of lies,and wevieto fay, Godonely is true, andmanisalyar, thatis,asGod isgood, foisheetrue ;as man iseuillofhimfeife, to is hefade. His meaning then is, chathechated that, whichwas contrarie to the word. Ihate andabhorre,&c. This fhee'cth that hehad no light hatred, but a through hatredof ir, which is alto(hewed. Pfal.r;9 z T. Do Inot hate themOLord that bate thee? Anddonot fear- uaí7'ly contend with thofethat rife vp againg theeIhat themwithanvnfained hatred, as they wore