on the 119. Pfalme. 669 wereminev:ter enemies.Prou. _9.m 7. Awicked man isat: abomination tothe ixff, andhethat it vprightinhircanfeh an abomination to thewreked. True hatred haththis nature, toabhorrcthe thing hated, as adaintie woman abhorred' to toucha toad. And wee expreffe this thing in our -. affealons, breakingoft into there fpeeches, I abhorreit , I cannot abide to heareof it, I quake,I (hake, I amthe workwhen I heare it. We are here taught then, that as louebeingcold willToone faile, fo ourhatted being coldwill Lometo good foone( iacke; and as lout mullbe hot, ifwcwillhaueitconrinuall ,fo hatred muflbe%vitlsab- j" hotting, ifwe willhaue it permanent. Wherefore weefee , where our fir({ loue waxethcold to ig, ¡,tg °máÿ not prayer, and thenot abhorringof the wantof prayer is, there we fall into acarelefneffe of pray fr,ke invs. er : andwhere ourzeale isnot hot againfl finne, and fiances, and wemake but a icfl of it, when Pra rr we thouId make warm againß them, to the (pendingof theheart blood, weearcoften ready to fallinto finne. Andalthough webe not maintainers offinne,(for that were thehigheßdegree of finne, ) yet if we be not abhorrers of finne, we may for a timekeepe in, yetin the end welhal bewrayourfelues. And thus whenwe=too fmoothand toogentle( although I reprehend not that louing rebuking and admoMfhingof Chriflians) wefhall be taught to be zealous. Wefee, A oaition. that wecannot fay,that wetruelyreioyce inthe word,vntill we hauca perfithatred of falfehood. Nomarvel then,though wereioyce nomore in God,feeing we donot fo abhorreour fine as wefhoulddo. Neither dowe Ehroughlyabhorrefinne,becaufe neuer feltthe ineflimable and vnfpeakeabletreafutesof the peaceof confcience. Wherefore as we mull not onely loutGod, but loue exceedingly ; fowe tnuft not onelyhateill , but abhorre it zealoufly. For when abhor- ring e of liianefallethcohating ;and hatingof finnefallethtomi( liking, andmiflikingcommeth l'f littletoefleemeof finne, weare in a relapfe. We cannot then loue God tootasuch, norhate ill coomuch. We muli alfo labour to haue our loue andhatted proportionabletothe things lotted and hated,snd our affeaions mull be anfwerable, eitherin lilting the things whicharecomman. ded, or in mining the things which areforbidden. lfourfitli louedecay, it will flrl'rcome tobe cold,and then to be none. Wherefore the holy Gfalídothexhortmen in thebooke of theProne; bs,that their loue (houldbe wholy feeon their wiues,andfo they lisouldnot courtany other. And ifeec, who is laid to loue hiswifeRebecca tleerely, nouer fell into thefinneofPolygamie orconcubines : So our loue to the word mull be Potygotnie. tothrougha loue, thatit takevp all ouraffellions, and fo may(hut out all that comes inthe way, whicheithermight empairepurrof ourlottc,or Ipoile vsof thewhole. We fee in them,that are irreconcil iable,whar hatred is inthem. Wemay lee,how many halting found lomeumes terrour ofconfcience,have fallen from the hatredof linnetothelike of it, and fo have maderelapfe ey- ther into old finnes,frotnwhich theywere deliuèred, orcls into tome new linnes,wlserewithbe. forethcywere notacquainted. Whereforewe mull pray, that our loue togood things,and ha- tred toeuill ,may dayly begrowing. For ifwee (landata flaywefhallconteto laicand leffe, yea in the end wee (hall fhake handswith finneagatne. For many are focold in rhepurfuic of,,jqe,eqe,, finne, that it isto be feared, that the Lord will plague vs, either with herefieor withprofane - p./ànote(( , neffe. Forwhereofcommeth our commendingofPapilla and heretikes chatwecanfay,Surely,,tkemnait he is anhonefi man,it is pinehe is a Papift,Iknew neueranyill by him ; itis tobe leated,we "1221 come tobe fuch Papilla, for want ofmoreferuent hatred againll them. Verf. t 64. Seven timer a dafdoe Ipraife thee,beeatoft ofthy righteotet iudgementr. AS before theman ofGod fpakeofhis ioy,feareand hatred;fonow he (hewed' his loue, which therefore teemed'to benocolde loue, becaufe it madehen fcuen rimes aday to praife the Lord.Asthe childrenof God cannot fitisfiethenfclues in thehatredoffinne, no more canthey fatisfie tltemfelun inthe loue of the Lord. And asfor theirtrue hatred of finne they abhorre it not onely inthemfelues but inothers ; fo for the true loueof the Lord, they loue it not onely in themklues but inothers, wherefoeuer they findeit. The meaning ofthe nsofûod briefly isthusmuch :becaufeI fee, OLord,that thou performel! thy promifeveto tlsy cl»ldren, andexecute(l thy threatningson the wicked,Ipraifethee, and when I confiderthe examplesofthy iudgementsand fee thy truth fo iull, Idelightin pray (mgthee. The