Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

670 Mailergreenhorns Readings The eaufe then whyweehaue nomorepleafurein prayfingGod, is becaufeweobferse nomore diligentlyGods mercie, and trueth fulfilled and executed inour felues, or ino- thers. Semen timetaday. If thisbe viedon any day, doubtleffeon the Sabboth day, becaufein refpeelofour callings, otherdayes are full ofdiftraetions, neitherare the mndes atfuch Jibertieas they are at other times., Be notdruake with wine, whereinisexceffe ,'hat6eyefuflledinthefpirit; ay.fpeakingvntayourfilms inpfalmes,Lynne, andfpiritnallfonges,&c. as ifhe fhouldfay, whereasother men cannot bemerk, vnleffc they bemad, and theycan finde nofolace, withouttheir owneconceits ; yetit isgood for you in your mok mirth to beeplentifull in the fpirit and ingood affections. Thefame thing isvrgedCololf.3.i6. Letthe wordof Goádwellplentifull in esinallwifidome,teach.' ing and admonifhingyour ewne films in Pfalmes, &c. What !hallnow become of them? who thinke they doe God greategood leruice, to come twileon the Lordhis dayto the Church, and thinke it a fufficient difchargefor them, feeing theProphet protefteth, that he camefeuen timesa dayto praifeGod.i. Oftenhe reform] to this facrifiee:for this phrafe offpeech is vfuallin theword to fet downea certaine number toexprelle an vncertaine thing. Theft remember nottheoften frequenting of private prayer, thankefgiuing, con- ference, admonition, preparation, vifctingof theficke, aimesgluing, which be duties of lone, annexed with theformer publike duties of religion, andas wellto be vied in the Lordsdayas the other. If this then be not to bedone on theSabboth day, whenfhould wedoe it ? True it is, that with the good feruants of God Dauid andDaniel, wetake yp cuery dayat morning, noonetide and corning topraife the Lord,butefpeciallywemul6 remember tofpeakeof thefe wonderfull workcs of the Lord inthe Sabboth: asthat9a. Plalme,which is aPfalme ofthe Sabbothdot: teach vs. Thus ke,how the SabbothMould wholy from morning tonight be 'pent. in thefe exercifes, and therefore is it fet apart fromall other dayes,becauicthat worlhip ofGod whichwe dobut inparton other dayes, maynowwho!), befpent on theLord. We fee in timeof Poperie,howholy men wouldbeat theirfolemnefeafts, as at Chrift his tide,Eafter,Candlemaffe as they call it,Holy thurfday andAl-faints day. Were they fo fuperftitcous inill,and thall webe coldin good things ? were they fofemme in idolatrie? and !hall we befozealelesin the Lordhis dayes, whereinwehalm allthings?dothnot this day teach vs the benefitsof Chriftsbirth, the profit ofhis Paf ion, thefruite ofhis Refur- reetion,theglorieof hisAfcenfion,the ioy of the commingof the holy ghott? doth is noe teach vs,how inthis world,we may praifeGod withhis Angels,and howhereafter we!hall be occupiedin heauen? Wherefore let vs prayoften in thatday, let vs examine ourhearts what finnes wehauedone,what benefitswe bane receiaed; let vs prepare our feluesbefore the congregation isgathered, when they are allembled let vs fopray and heare, that after thedeparturewe mayexamine our hearing by iueditating, applying, and conferringthe prayersby the cffeftsof them. Thus inprivatc and publikeexercifes in matters of religi- on andpraaifes ofloue,we aretofpend the whole Sabboth. Alas, how farreare theynow fromprayfingGod,now (eauen times inthe day,who paneit ouerin pleafures, and fpend it in their ownedelights ? whono meruaile muff needsflippe in commonlife, who fallfo deepely, into Godhiscurie. Doe Iprayfe thee? Bynamingone pare of theexercife ofGodhis worfhip,beecomprendeth many: for it is not like, that he contented himfelfewith prayfingofGod ; butthat he altopray- ed,heard,meditated, and conferredof the word , and letting downeby name that, whereunto we are moll vnapt,and moff beatificdrawnrheincluded: thofethings,which morewillinglie, andmanic weare brought vnto. Ifany haue occafion ( eauen times and often to praifetheLord; it is our age,who fromthe aboundance of God his hidings fhouldnot onelie haveourhearts enlarged: but alfofromour aboundanceof theheart, out mouthes with prayfes fhould bee filled. Becaufofìhyrighteousiudgements: This is not theoneliethingin the word; butthere arc promifpsand chrearnings:but the judgementsof God comprehendall, in that they are fceneas weehaue(hewed , in fulfillinghispromifes , andexecuting his tbteatnings. Trueitis,weemuft ,code