Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119.Tfalme. 671 ptaife him facile creationache world,for his louing promifesmade vnto vs:but weecan neuer feetrueliethecreation, vntillweobferuehisprouidence,ncythercanweeffeÓluallie praifehim for his promifes,vntillwe diligcndieobfcruehis judgements. For then wee truhe praife God for his promjfes and threatnings,whenwee praife him for his executingof them. This thereforerequi- reth an experitnencall faith,and therefore we(hall feein all thePlalmes ofMofes,Deborah,E.e- chiab,Dauid,and Efay, that itwas ofuaH to them then tomake them, when eytherthey had te- emed Come notabledeliuerance,or their enemies had foam notable ouerthrow , or tcChurch obtained tome fpeciall benefit:As after the deliuerance by the red fea,alierthey had lafclie patted through the wi!dernes,andhad put coflight the armie ofthe aliants. For whatels dot), theHi It o- rie,which is the imageof things pall, teachvs; butto praifeGodby feeingGod cobe lucha one in truth,which he is in his promiles? Lookc whatthe law generallie fpeaketh of, eytherconcerning there things which are tobe done,forleftvndone;eitherofpraifes or threamings:we (hal fee in the lermonsofthe Prophets, the things done which were commaunded, and thepromjfes performed to tl:e, which did accor- ding to Gods commaundemenr,the thingsvndone,which were forbidden,or els thethrcamings executed on them whichd id contrarie to the Lordscommaundement. Thiswce fluff fee won- derfullieto increafeour faith,ifwee thus compare therime of the Prophets with the tinteof the law. Ifwecompareour timeswith the Prophcciesofour Saviour Chrill, Math.; . t4. that there fhailari fefa/feChrif sandfahfe Prop/uu,we aretofore, thatthey whichwould not learne ofthe truth,(hall Icarneofillufious and herches. We maycall to minde,how manyearner}profcllòurs in king Edward his time, became verypapilla in OueeneMarito dayes , and how manichere- coforechrilliansin QuecneMarie: dayes, are nowbecome 7calelefleworldlings ; and they that were then papills,to what height they are growne , and wee (hall fee Co (6c ient matter to praife Godhis righteous iudgements. Againe:fweconfider the great mercie of God , in reiloringour commie men,who were inbanifhment,wa (hall hauegreat caute tobe thankefull. Verfe 16S .Theythat loue thy lawJhall hauegreat profperitie: orrather, ßoa11haueno mannerof offence,eroccafon fflumbling,andthey.lhallhaue unhurt. -Hefe infink agreewith that which themanofGod faid,Port.6.5. Iwillwallre arlibertie, for/feebg thyprecepto. in whichplaces the Prophet (heweth , that they (hall haue peace in minde,and (hall walkeat libercie, and not be entangled , they (hall haue no mannerof offence, neytherfiall any (tumbling blockesbelaid in their waies,whichcardiac reciter° obey the will ofGod. This is thebenefit of them,that know and recciue theword in loue,that they ß ia1 ekape dan- gers,doubts,in ilreighrs and plagues: fo that in all there they (hall findehappie iflues, and whol- fome ourgate in whatllreights or troubles they areforner. They then that walke in thisknow- ledge& loue ofGodhislaw,fhail haue this grace,and noman Ill al be able ronkeit from them: feeing then it is ingraffed in vsal,to be careful ofnothingmore the robe dire/icd inourplagues, yet moll of vsfade in theway tochis,by following toomuch'their own deutics, and no the pre- fcripc rule of the word. Here then is defcribed thehappieeftate of God his children, thatby faithand loue (hall pane aretied minde,and continuall ie haue theble(fing of God, watchingo- tter them in all their doings,andwhatfoeuer tumult come on them , yet they (hall pofre(fe their foules in patience,& not beplunged and oucrwhelmed in there milcric, as other meare. Omoll Singular commendation ofthe word in working fuck peace, in promrftngSuch fctcceffe in our affaires,and in dcliueringvs from all ill things! Thar lotee thy /.rn.We leehere is required thatfaith which worketh by loue:forma niewill fay The true /aitb that theybelecue whobewray their want offaich,bywantoflone. It is the,thar faith which wet- workrrb by keth by lout, that maketh vs foto delight in the lawofthe Lord. Herehence commeth fo much Isst. dilquietnes,and lbmany crorre blower inourattempts,becaufe our faith is fo fmall,and our loue to the word fo lade. Whenwe (hall fee then the dilira/ìon ofmindcs,fo manie ditches,hedges, walles,grins,& fnares,we muff confider the chide caufe,to be our want ofloue to the word,not that it alwaics lo appeareth to fiefs andblood,butthat to faith it is apparant,whichlearned, out of the word,Iohn 17.1n theworld they"hallham trouble,but mmerhryßhallhauepeace: as if our rob. cr. Sauiour