67z en/filler greenbelt. Readings Saviour{houldhaue faid :howfoeuerflefh andbloodthinke, andothers iudgeouervs, heauen andearthfhallpaflè;buthispromifefhallnotfai le.Ye(hallhauepeacein trouble: for God that bath fpokenisisno moreliberal' inpromifing, thenfaithfitllinperfourming. Ifthen weehaue eroubles,it is for waneoffaith and loueof the word. Andashere isa plenufull comfort forthem who loue the word r í is there a fearelull threarning rothe wicked, which the Prophet EA, in his47.and48.chapters fpeakethof: there is nopeacelaith theLord,vntothe wicked, but theroic_ Wopeaceto kedareliketheraemgfia thatcannot reff ,whofewaterscoy? v'mireaixddart. Inwhichplace af- tbewieked, teethe Prophet hadpromifed ibis good fiteceffetoGodhispeople, bee addeth,that the wicked fhallnotbepartakersofie. Foras the feahoyuierhvp,arsdis ifirred more vehemenriic with the tempefland w'inde,and beingoncctnoued,one wanefighteth with another: fothat inthat con- tinuall cónfliêt,much frothand fihhie feumtne iscaft and fpuedout: fo,fo (hone asany tempeft of temptationhach flirtedvp a wicked mansmind; &one temptationbeginnethtofightwith another,manyfoming& corrupt affec`tions are fpuedout whichdiflurbethe eaceofchemind: and offendail the beholders. p God his children fetingchore troubles tohelpe them,which hurtthe world, findeonely the truthof this doétrine, howfoeuer intime ofprofperitie thewickedwould 1'ceme to be in as great quiernesas the other. But as the deepe kain a calme day teemed)tobe as ftill as other waters,vntill by the tempeft oftvindes the ragingoftheone make a plainedec.- rencefrom theother : fo the wickeddoe feeme to haueasgreatpeace as thegodly, whileft no trouble blowethvpon them : but.fo foone as the iortneoftemptation arifeth, then the heniil) wanesof theirfearefull tormentsyeeld a manifeft dillinétiou betweene theirrage and theeftateof the godly. Furies. Thevery Heathen had a taleofthefevnquietbruntsand angtrifhesoffpirir ,whichthey tearnredFuriec,whielt otfea mans confcience with fuch conrinuallaccufations,as neither eating nor drinking,norkeeping nor waking,nor fpeakingnorkeeping(Hence they can findeany quiet. Neither is there any greater plague than this,as tetlifieth theWifeman in the bookeof theProuerbs : Gine.mcany Plague,fining theplague of the beart,&c. Nomar- ùeile : for whenour reafon andappetitehght onewith another,and there isan burly bur- ly within vs, wee Mall finde nothingto bee more precious thanthepeace of confcience, which fo commendeth vs to God, thatwe (hall finde in troublepeace, in hanifbinentour countrie, in imprifonment libertie,in death life. What madnes then is ittoput thispeace fromvs,and to hale towards vs astral) cart-ropes thefe direful)plagues of thefpirit,which fotorment vs in this life, and withoutrepentancein death will bring vs to hell.Ifthen by graceof God his fpirit, weewould oft let before vstome ferious meditation ofdeath,ànd thinkearneftlyofourdeparture fromhence,euenas ourdeliuera+nce out of the flefhwere thenathand,doubtlelfa we fhould findeby that an approued triall ofdie imageof that e- ilate,which weIhouldhaue,ifdeath indeede wereprefent. And if in the quietnes of our mindes on ourbeds atmidnight,wee wouldwithout hypocrifie prefenr ourfelues'before God hisiudgement'feate,asif Chrift inthat infrancedid appeareinthecloudes,wewould redeeuré this benefitand peaceofconfciencd with all thegoods in theworld. Wherefore asthe Prophet exliortethvs, it is goodthus to examine ourfelues,and not to tarrie the triall ofour hearts,vntill afl3ieîion comment vpon vs,but in the calmeofour mindstovfe thispraaiféintrembling. Let vs pray then that this maykill found inour eares,thatva- to themthat loueGod, all things (hall turneto the belt, aswee may fee Iofh.¡ Pfalm. r. ,. $om.8. And as to them that loue, all things countedill doe turne to the belt : fo to the wicked all things that are countedgood doetame to the worft: fo that when amans con. fciencedoth boyle with finne,all hispleafures, profits andglorie willthe further feede on him to hisgriefe,and awake themore the troubles of titsminde. Contrariwife, thegodly inthe death ofChrir Thal' haue all their troubles fofanéhified, chat reafon would wonder' ro fee their happieilrues outof fo fearefulldangers. Yet we feeGodhis promifewill bring ittonoire. Well,we feehow this verle followeth ofexperience the verfegoing before,as if the Pro- phet had laid : I fee,OLord,ehaethey that loue thy law haue good fuccellè,andwhatfoe- tier befalleth to firthand blood moflcontrarie,itis turned to theirfaluation: contrariwife to