Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the u9. Pf lme, 673 in them thatfeare thee not,lobferue thus much,how they are plaguedMere and there, and how in their chick felicitie they arc fubieEtto thycurie. Foras forthem that are dchehred with thy law,if theybe rich,they 1Well noc ; iftheyabound,they arenot puffed vp ; ihey profper in name, bodie and goods, they arenot proud, burvie this world as though they vied it not : ofthou callettthem to a contrarie eltace,they are thankful¡; and if theywant; or fall intoficknes,or infamie,they fret noc,they delpayrenot;thcy arenot to appalled in their fpirits,butltd¡ they bciceueon thee, they call on thee, theyglorifie thee, cuen vntsll their deaths. We (hall not onely fee the truth ofthis in the Patriarches andProphets, andApoflIts, and in the Primitiue Church, but alfo in the Saints .of God of late memoric in KingEd- wardhis dales, whovied their time as though theyvied is nor, when ofiétion carne, they neither feared, nor forefiveared themfelues, but quietly fuffered imprifonmenr, bantilh_ asent,tormentandmartyrdome ,asthedearechildrenofGod. We may call now tomind how the blefied sisan Dawidbeliaued htmlelfe in all his tnilèries,and how Saw! plunged himfelfe indifobedience,who thinking in time ofGod his iudgementsto follow hisewer wit,fcil from (inne to finne,vnttllhe fell into a furie, when her began toaske counlaileof the duscll,and afterward by the iufticeof Godhad a miferabledeath. Thelikewemay lèe in the Eggyptians,Babylomans,Chaldeans and Ifraelites,when theyforfooke the Lord.In comparing thelè things together, wee (hall marke theworkesof God, and howthey that loue not the truth in lone, are plagued ofthe Lord withangguifh, diftraäions,and terrors of toinde,fonse ending their liarsan treafons,fomein proplsanenes,fome in berefies, tome in fhame,and fomeotherwife. They that lone :by /an,t+-c.Rom. S _g lye know that all thingswork!.together for the6ofl,vn- tothem that lone God,,,c. This is a thing worthieobferuation,thatlie lankThey ;bat lostthy Lew.For it is an eafiematter to lay,thatwelour God,as Herenkes,Atheilts,andthe Famdÿ of loutwill bragge,but they loue not with themanofGod the word,wlich is the trueand. onely touchltone totrie vs,whether we loueGod or no.Wherefort theApoltle lohn faith, t.Ioh.5.3. This is theloseof God,:fwee !crepebit tommmdrments.Tins then mutt berenens- bred,whatfoeuer loueweepretend toGod, wee Inuit Beare into hisword ; and looke how littleour loue is to theworJ,fo little in truth is our loue to God.And this is that whichdif- cerneth the feruent loue of the godly,from the cold louc.ofthe wicked. Whereforeasthe Prophet faith,Pfal, t 6. f.TbeLord is theportionofmuse inheritance:to he faithPrat.) ty. a i T. Thy teftimomesboneir4enasmine heritage foe ram Wee mutt ehinke then that this do- aline itandeth in neede ofour meditation and prayer, totrie our fclues, ifwet fearethe Lord,howwe feare Isis thrcarnings ; ifwe loue theLord, howweearealfcited to his pro- mites andto that which hecommander). So fall wee fee that the godly haue theAngels ofGod continually waiting on them, leafs they Should Iliac their foote againft a Itone; and though theyhaue many troubles, yet they take nooffence at them. 'twee diligently confiderhowDawidprofpered,whileft he continued to the loueof God,what ddtrcllè in his affayres,difqquictnesof mein de,llreights in hiskingdone,and pundhmentsin hischil- dren heefelr,when her begancolour carnally,tvee(hall haura full-kin-It truthofthis do- brine. And for our example wee isaacferne, how theythat loued God, either dyed well, as they hued well ; or elle by their martyrdomeglorifiedGod,and edified others, whoneuer . fought great thingsinprofperioe, nor were impatient inaduerfstie. Ifwee feare withBa- ruch,Ierem.a Sthewofulltroubles at hand,we arevnfit topurchafe glorie tothe Lord: but ifwe be of leremsal, his minde,as confhderinghowGod hathalwaies affilted his, and that ifwe heart the trestle patientlywithhis chddren,wlowereiultified,lanaified andblelfed, wee alto ¡hallbe ;unified,fandtified, andblared, andball haueour faith ftrengthened, wherebywemay the betterglorifie him.For as thecurie caufeles¡hall the away,and do no ¡meme : fohaauen and earth (hall palfe,b ut not one word of the Lord (hall faile. àí in in Verf.