f 674 eVfaFfer.Gréénhams Readings Vert t 66. Lord,Ihaue trs1Eed inthyfaluation,andhart done thy tefimonies. faEre themanof Godparticularly applieththattohirnfelfe,which generally beforehe had fpoken : whoremeaning is thus much : I haue feene that they that labour to keepa good corfcience,fhall haue peace: thereforeLlabourtokeepea goodconfcience, inhope thatthefame will come tome. .1pptication. Now ler vs firft carrie away thisleffon, namely,to appliethatparticularlyMomfelues, which weeheave, reade,or receiueofothers generally. And as bee feeingthepeace ofthe godlygenerally,laboured tofede the fame in hunfelfe particularly : euco fo we arenotto fatisfie our feines with the generali threatnings of thelaw, and promifes of the Gofpell, but to make them feuerall and particular toour felues.. Wee feewhatfoeuer the law tea- cheth generally, the prophecies inculcate particularly, whether it be in threatnings or promdes,inthings commanded orforbidden.Wherefore let eueryman delireofGod that hemay be aProphet to himfelfe,by laying the lineofthe wordto his owne confcience, in this orfuch likemanner : This thing theLord commanded,thereforeImuft doeit,for hce commandethme: this thingthe wordforbiddeth , thereforeImuft auoide it, for it isfor- bidden me : this the Lordthreatneth to fuch a finner,if I hein that finne, Iam to feareit thisthe Gofpellpromifeth to them that repent; they. I hopevponrepentance tofede the comfortof it. Forth is is the truevfeof heartng,whenby this meane weare either comfor- tedand incouragedto doewell,or terrifiedand difinaiedtodoe ill. Thewords intheir originali tongue liignifie thus much : Ibeur waitedfor thyfaluation. Whereinis commended vistovs a fpeciall effectoffaith, which muff be feenein waiting Waiting an for thatwhich is promifed. The firft generali truth that weemust here take profit by,is, efeCt found in, that ifwe willkee a oodconfcience,wemuft haueafound faith,which breedeth a good pin, 1' g a confcience, andwithout which it is fmposlible topleafeGod. Ifwee thenwill doegood good confci4e. chings,wemuff beleeuein God,as theauthor of allgoodnes,wifedome,and eternitie, and that he hash madea fweete couenantwith vs, andbeleeuing thistobe true,weemuftla- bour tokeepe hiscommandements. Forwithout this faith, wedoe good or auoide ill,ei_ ther forhope of reward,or for feare of ill : fothat our obedience is violent, constrained, and not free. He beleeuednot oncly, butalfolookedpatientlyforthofepromifes,which is here lhewed by waiting.Formany fay,theylouethe word,who doenot in truthbeleeue it ; or iftheybeleeue it,as theywill fay,theydonot patiently waite for ic,and many think they fearcGod,who worfhiprather an Idoll, and ftaynot themfeluesonGod his promi- res. Many fo perfwade themfelues. to haue faith, whowill make hafte thatGod fhould prefentlyhelpe:which ifit comenot,theywithdraw themfelues,and feekemeans to ferue themfelues.There declare themfelues not tohauethis waiting faith. Faith (faith the holy Ghost,Heb.i t.t.) it thegroundofthingswhicharebopeil for,and the euidencc ofthingswhich arenotfeene.So that it is a thingwhichbringeth vs to the hopeof that, which afterward we !hall polfeffe. As hee that bcleeueth !hall hue by faith : fo beethat waitethnot on the Lood,hath no truefaith, becaufeheewill not tarriefor theLords appointed time,but will prouide forhimfelfe. The Prophet faith, Efay.3o.18. Wed arealltheythat weitefor the Lord. And Habac.2.3. Though thevifonCarrie, (faith the Lord) waite:fora Jlmllfureycome andnot Againe,it is faid Pfal. t 9.7.1 r .TheLorddelightetb in them thatfearehim, abdat. tendoponhúmercie. Adoctrineworthieto bewritten withthe Diamondof Godhisfpirit in our hearts. This then is one ofthe chiefeft cffeasoffairh,whenweewaste on the Lords leifure,and make adiftintìion of thetime ofmaking and accomplishing Gods promifes vino vs. For betweene the one and the other,Godfendeth often crone things inthe way to trievs, whether wewillWaite or no. Indeedeat thefirst, whilcft ourfaiths but tender, it pleafetii him to feede vs asit were with pap, andto performe hispromifes plentifully veto vs : but when weearegrowninfomeftrengtli,hc will not fish dealt with vsas with children,butwill often proue vs by fufpending fora whilehis promifes. If wee confider how Abrahamwaited renne yeeres, vntill thepromife wasaccoinplifhed, and how Jacob ftaied