on the 119. P/alone. 677 they wouldexprelfe their vehement affection to any thing tofay, My(ode: as PfaL t and to} .T.Myfoulepraife thou the Lord.and Luk.i.MyPule dothmaomifie the Lord. So that here theProphet dothnot only outwardly commend the law,but fa¢h,thac hebath fworne and will performe the keeping ofGod his tcttimon ies, with theheart, faith theApoftle, we 6eleeue, (hewing that the heart is theproper place of faith, and not thebraine,and that we mutt as well be couched in affeetion,as inoutward bettering ofour iudgement. Theymnft be vehement paf lions of the minde wherewithwe mutt let the teltimonies of God fnke downe into thedepthofour hearts. Whereforeweareheretolearntthatouroucrpro- fe(fioo of the Gofpell will not acquire vs before God his iudgement feate. For! loue themexceedingly. i. They arenot of final' value with nie, I loue them entirely, becaufè they are things molt precious vetome. This is the high dignitie and ettimation whichwe owe and fhouldperforne to the fsveete teftimonics of our faluacion. Where- foreour Sauiour Chrift faith : rloe kimgdomeof bean,, ulikg unto a rreafurerohich a hidden, which when a man findetb, for ioy hefelled, aR that he bath, topyrchafe that. Thus we lee the niais of God hauing made mention of faith, niaketh mention alloof loue, teaching vs, that true faithworked) by loue. Alfohe fheweth vs, thatthecaufe why the comfortablepromifes ofthe Gofpell fo footle flippefrom vs,and ourcomforts arc fomomentany,and gnefes fo fore chargevs andouw- whelnievs, is, cum becaufe we haue laide vp thelè promdès rather in the braine, then in theheart. This is too fhort, cold and final) a loue forthe profefPion ofthe Gofpell, and be- wrayeththe want of faith; and thewant offaith declaretim a ivant of loue. For ifweknow aright, what an ineftiinabletrcafure thepromifesof Godwere, inthat in them wehaue the allurance ofall our finnespardoned, ofGodhis prouidencewatching ouer vs,hisAn- gelsniinilteringto vs, his creatures tvayting on vs,that we(hall becompanions not oncly with his Saints and Angels, but heires and fellow heires with Chrift, and that after this life a happie crowneof glorie is laid vp for vs, we(hould more highly efleeme of them, then wedoe, and moreheartily louethem. For what maketh worldlmgs fo to louegolde, but that they thinke it the molt precious mutual'? what caufeth ambitious men fo to let by preferment, but that they thinkcitthe bat thing for them w'hatcaufeth theman fo to loue orlike his wife,orthe woman her husband, but thatthey areperfwaded,that none inthe worldwere fitter each for other? When our Sauiour Chrift would haue Peter to be careful' in ouerlèetnghis flocke,he vfeth thistriallrlouefl thoumePeter t And theApo- filelaid, how through loue he was inforced to preach thriftto theChurch. This then mu/loot bea faint and feeble loue but, a ftreightned and labourfom affc&iun, which is l'ali occupied in adorningthe thing lourd, and cannot fatisfieit Idle in thinking ofit, and in fpeaking of it, and in doing it, fo that the grcatncs ofthe perfwafion draweth our the greatnes ofthe affection. It is thena drowliedamewhich Tome hold fora retied opinion,whothinke ÿ louegoeth before faith,w henthe veryheathen law by j' light ofnature,thata man couldnot loue that whichheknew not.And weknow that faith is a knowledge with afull perfivalon;lo that if we loue the word exceedingly, we are perfwaded byan exceeding faithof the word which we loue,and tinsfaith Chewing it(ehfcin loue, is huitefullin good workes. Lookein what meafure we are perfwadedofthe goodnes ofthe thing, in thatmeafure we loue it. Veils 68.1hauekeptthy precepts and thy teflimom es :for all my wages arebefore thee. vvE ltaue heardthe manof God Ipeakingoof his faiths and loue, whereuntonow hre ioyneth his feure, which mooed him keepeboth the tettimonies of theLord and hisprecepts. So that if we will grow to this meafcire ofobedience,wemuf4 fir(t labour for faith to beleeue, faith mutt worke by loue, and lout breede in vs a reuerent feareof Godhis maieftie, which fcare null engender in vs a careto pleafe God, anda griefe to difplcafc him : to that themay thus These the prephet hismeaning. Lord,' fet all mydoings open in thy fight, wherefore lam careful) to doeany thingwhich thoucommaundeft, and ahaide to doe any thing thou forbiddeft. Sothat wee learnt for our inftruF.tion, that Mtnm 3 as