678 ¿klaFfer 9Jreenhams eadings asthe verymotions of hisheart were laide open before theLord, wherebyhe was armed with this careandfeare ç fo ifwe will be beautified with the like affeétions,we mu(: vfe the hkemeanes. True it is thatGod teeth all mens waves, and gagech the hearts ofall, as well of the wicked, as ofhis children, howbeitall beleetie nor, all fee not this in themfelues. The wicked mayconfe(fe it fo to be in outward things, but doubtleffe they are not in truthperfwaded thatGoddoth fee theirhearts. For if they were, how durfl they doe that in thefight of God andhis Angels, which they dare notdoe in the fight of the day light and of a little childe? But letthem couer their linnesin the depthof their hearts, let them hidethem with furely the Lord will keepethem inarcgifter, and in time will lay all theirinnes before them, that all the world may know how they ha ue buried the long fuffering oftheLord in the hollow graues oftheir hypocrifie. Wherefore curry man, that will !hew himfelfe thus to be perfwadedofGods al-feeing prefence ,anutt fhew it by an earneft careof obedience, anda reuerent feareof difobedience, whereof the one that is the feareof difobedience is Mewed in the fiat verlè of this oclonarie, the other is !hewed in the M. Shallwe then affureour felues, that we beperfwaded in deede that God sloth beholds vs, let vs fearch ourhearts whetherwehauethere or the likeaffeétions For dare a fubieft inthe prefence ofhis prince commit any thing againft the lawes for feareofachecke or rather willhe notbe carefuil in the eyesof his foueraigne to doe all things to his liking and contentatton? Dare a good childe in the prefenceof his father willingly breake his commaundement for feareofcontrolment, or will he not rather endeuour to bee very dutiful! for hope ofcommendation ? Then doubtlefle without this care and feare wede_ ceiueour foules with this droufie dreame and vaine perfivalìonof Gods beholding vs. Wherefore howdare the heretikes, papifts and familyof loue, perfwade themfelues to walke beforethe Lord, feeingthey hauenot fubmittedthemfèlues to his word, which is the onely inftrutnentthat maketh naked the confcience ofman, as it isHeb.4.ra. The wordofGod is lonelyandmeghtiein operation, &c. and it is added in the verfefollowing. Nei- theris thereany creature, which is not manifefl inhis fight: butall shiesare nakedandopen ontohis eyes. So that theywhich are not truelyinftrueted in theword, cannot truely haue their (innes laidenaked, andthey whichhaue not their Gnnes laide open, cannot in the feareof God forfake their corruptions. Wherefore in likemanner all ignorant perfons mayperfwade themfelues, that tj ey pleafe God and walke before him in care and feare, but theydoe but deceme their owne foules. But ifwe can tritely fay this, with pure triall ofit In ourhearts, itis moltcertaine, it will ferue in (trade of anhundred)rules betides for the right direction and holygouernmentofour liucs. In that the man ofGod faith, that hekept both the preceptsandthe tellimonies, he gi.. uethvs to vnderftand, thatifwe will in truthbeperfwaded that GodTeethvs in allthings, we mull beleeue his teftimonies, and obferue his flamesbecaufewe canneither beleeue aright, vnlelfeour faithworkethby loue, neither beour workesacce F table but as they be the fruitsoffaith. There is in deede a fearewithout thisfaith, but it is a feruill and Mani£), ferre differing from that childífhand filial! (care which is herevnderltood. For as aferuannnay obey and doe their outward taskerather for feareof (tripes of hismailer, ifbe fhould notdoe it, then for any pure loue; and thechilde is in all things obedient, not fo much that he is afraideof the rod, as he is loth to haue the lead difpleafureof his louing father: fowe mayvfe the outward obedience in a earn all feare, trembling at the feuere threatningsof God, as ofa iudge, butwithout this, wefhallleefethe care topleafe him,as lothtobede- priuedofhis fatherly countenance and affe/lion towards vs.. So that withoutthis faith we are indaunger towalke either in fewerpride, or elfe in llauifh feare. But faith maketh vs come liberally and cheerefully toobedience, when we(hall fee, that he will not deale roughly with vs,asfudgingvs according toour deferts,butas bearing with our infirmities, andfparing vs asa merciful father.Neither,as dare Iafñrme,did suerany truly obcyGod, which in tome mealure had not this (care of Godbefore his eyes, whereby they feared himas aGod,and lotted him asa father, Gods