on the 119. Pfalrne. 679 Gods children darenot dallic withtheir moll priue thoughts , for they know that God feeth in darkenc(fcas well as in light : lice is theGodof thenight as ofthe day,and tohim they are both as one,hc belloldeth their thoughtsafarre off, and there is no word in their tongue which he knoweth not: they know he is priuie to their downe lyings, & vprdìngs; to theirgoings out,and their conunings in;neyther can they in any place, highor low, far or ncarc,carlieor latethe from hisal- teeingpretence. Ifthey doe ill,they tarrsenot long to fcck reconcilement,becaufe theyknow that his indgenicnts arc according to truth : if they doe well, they are not proudeof it. This worketh in them a wonderfull boldneffc in Gods caufes,and bnngeth themto fare, when theircaufè is not good. Aga ine, it breedeth Patience in trouble, profit in 'launders, socekencs when theworld concerti ncth thcm,feare in fecret fins,knowing that when the world Isatispalled in judgement on than, there flsall judgement in greatertruth bcgiuen ofthem by Chrifl. Andagaine , though they cicape the lodgements of man: ycc they (hall not efcapethe judgements of God. But as the Lord throweth thewicked with theirhypocrites tohell : fohe will humble and punab his tini- dtenwith fore corre ions. So that this is the way ofthem that walke before ;he Lord,they know in time theLord will reward,andmake knowne their fecret godlinelle, and incin e punifh and makeknowne their fecret tones. Ifit cometo palle that Gods children forget eheinlelues fometimes to be in their fathers pretence , as earthlie children reicyce fomertuieto be from their fathers that theymight play the more: neuer:helc(íeafterward they come tobe affianced and gneued , whin they confider that allthat time their father elpied and marked them : and though they did for- getthat their father law them,bemg canedaway with tonicfkrong lull,theheft theyknow is to returne in time.For thg they begin to realononchis manner:Oh what a wretchwas I, to doe this in theeyesof myGod,and in the pretence of my father: fo that as wee lèe this con fidcracion of Gods preence bringeth grade for finnesprcfent ; to it ma leech after the examination ofour felues alhamedof tnncs pals. We heard beforehow it alto werketh patience in vs, when our good caufes, haue not good kicceflè,becaulè the remember that Pfal.34.The eyesof theLord secosier theiuff , and insearesare open to theirprarers Whereupon wee recouerour clues, with riss and inch like meditations: well I amniildeemed,l ans lulpeeted, I fee I ans ill thought of, I know in the end,that theLord teeingmy caufe tobegood, & to be v fed with agond heart,will defend osee; and lice (ding theircaulc to be ill,and how they maintaine it with an ill heart, will in time giue therm theouerthrow: and I holding a generals good thing,though in particulars I faile,yet inertie beingwith theLord,that heought be tcarcd,know that hewit lookevp- on inc. And asGod his childrenare afraideof their fecretcorruptions: fo in theirtroubles,They dare appeareto theLord,who feeds all things.We further arehereto learnt, if we looke on the law, and on the gofpel.sv ithout any confiderar ionofthis prcfcnceofGod,i c wil worke in vs amerce- narie feare,and s ill breed a care todoe wellin hopeof commodi tie, and a kart to difpleafe for lease ofpuni fliment. Trueit is, aswee becarnall,wce needeInch fecond helps of promifés and chrearnnings. yet weemuffknow thatto be truc faith inthe promifesof Godwhich is mixed with , faith in his threatnings;and that istrue fcareofhis thteatn ings,which is tempered withfeare of his mcrcies.For thuswe that walke in a feare ofhis maiellie,ashe is aGod,& in feareoflofing hisfa- thcrlie mercie& countenance as he is our father: and fo that l we not commis grolle fins,for feare of his judgements,mor feare toonmch when we commit fecret fins,becaufeweknowhim to be mere iful,in that hew it not tooth nor cockervsMany fsn,aswanton mothers do their c hildren,not alwaics becheckingand taunting vs as a léuere andauflere father to dull vs for our fecret firmes. Portion .. _ . Verle t 59.Let my complaint come before theeO Lord, andgivemeevnderlfandingaccording vuto thyword. He argument ofthat whichpathbinbefore,is (I ill continued, whichwas briefhie contained 1 in chcih rss'o shings,eyshccr in that heprayed foraclearer vnderhlanding ofGods word, or els,that with his goodvnderllandiog hemight haue a more godlie lift.So thatthebride fumme Mmm 4 of