Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

68e Q%1as` er Cjreenhams 7eadings ofthiso6 onarieis,thathefritprayeth forthetruedireaionofhimfelfeit hisiudgement; then 'for the truefruicesof hisknowledge in his life. For in the4.former vedes, bee prayethfor found. nesofiudgement,and in the4.1atter,chat the iffuesof Gods promifes might appeare in agodly life. In thetwo fir(verfes hepraicth forvnderflanding; in thetwo neat he promifeth tobe thank- ful!. In thefirff l sh verfe,hedefiteth to b-e truelie direaedin the word;in the lecond,tobe ridfrom all ¡freightsand hindrances ofhis knowledge.In thefirft partofthefirfl Verfe,heasked) nothis fuite fimplie,bucearnedhie,as withcomplaint. Whatmeaneth this,that he fhouldpurl ahis oldargu- ment? itfeemeth chareytherbee was verieblockifh in vnderlanding, whodill prayed forhis di- reaion iniudgement,and that weare veryquicke in theknowledgeofthe word; whovfe fofew prayersçor that weare verie blockifh in Peeing our wants, and he guide lighted in hisowncor- ruptions. For it mutt needs beconfel1 d,ifthe manofGod could not withoutvfingoffo many means,attaineto thepurevnderflandingof Gods word,and wee perfwade our felues thatwee with fewermeanes canattainunto it,that there was either a mernailousdulnes inhim,& there Is Comewonderful) frefhneffe in vs; oreIs, that beefaw much,what anhard matter it is,eyther to come toot continue in the true knowledgeof thelaw,whichwe fee not. But (icingit ismani. feft,thathewasa titanofGod,andas aProphetgouerned by the fpirit of God,and yetforeue. rentlieand carefullievied all the meanes,then weare in ablockifh blindnes and fènfelesdeadnes, who hauing inno meafurethe likegraces,in nodegreevfe the likemeanes: And that as on him wasGods greatblefiing:founto vs isdue the cedingofhis deferued curie. It is amanifefl token that hehad amarueilousfight andfeelingof his wants, in that hee fo often reneweth his requelt tobecaught,and as mayeuidentlie appeare,by hisdoublingofhis praier,at theleaf' in curry por- tion. For to take forceCnortviewofall theportions going before,we (hall fee port.c . 5.he faith. Oh that mywaieswerediretledtokeepe thyfiatates. Port:.4. Bittedart thou, OLord, teachme thyflatutes.3s.Openmine eyes,that Imayfee the wondersofthylaw: I amafirangerupon earth, hidenot thy commandementsfromme. 4.3.. Makeme to vnderßandthewayofthytruth, &Iwill meditate to thywondrousworks: takefromme thewayof lying,andgrauntmegraciouflte thy law. s. r. Teachme thewayofthygarates,andIJhallkeep itvnto theend: ginsmevnderflanding,and I fhallkepe thy lawyea Iwill keepe it withmyne wholeheart: direct mein thepaths ofthy comman- dements. 8.8. The earth OLordis fullofthy:mercie,teachmee thyflatutes, 9.2. Teachmeegood iudgementandknowledge, for I bane beleettedthycommanndements: thouartgood andgracious, teachme thyArmes. t at.Thine handshauemade me,andfafhionedme,giuemee vnderllanding thereforethat I may learn thy commandements. r t.8. uicken me accordingto thylottingkind. net,fofhallIkeepe thetellimomes of thy mouth. In the t y.portion he fheweththe fruitesand ef- fe&s of theword.Porc. i 4.i.He fheweth that itwas a lantern to hisfeete,andalightto hispaths. i 5.4. Stablifbme according tothypromife, that ¡may line.! 6. 5.1am thyfermant,grant me eher- foreonderitanding,that Imay know thy teltimonies.17.ß.Dire?l myfleps inthyword, &c. Shen, the lightofthy countenance vpon thyferuant,andteachme thyfiatutes. t 8.8. The righteoufneffe ofthy teFlimonies iseuerlalling,grauntme vnderltanding,and¡filadhue. 19. S. Hearemyvoice according tothy lowing kindnes: OLordquickenmeaccording to thy iud ements. 20.7. _uicken meaccordingto thy sudggements.y. Quickenmeaccording to rbylottingndnes, and herehe faith, Lord/mike my pitifullmane vnto theefar thisknowledge. Washee not now, fhallwee thinke throughlie perfwaded, that the wordof God is a treatore,teeing hewould medicateof it, tonne after it,feekecalkand late,pray for it,andpra/ìife itcontinitallie? this muff make vs athamedof ourcold lone vnto ir. Well,wee fee here that the manof Goddothnotouerlie,or lightlyaske this heauenly knowledge,hypocritesmay ftretch ourtheir throtes,and yellwith theirvoyces as¡oxide as he : butthemanofGod inthe bitcernes ofhis fpiritcomplainechtoGod ofhis wants,and from the abundanceof theheart prayeth thusto the Lord.And betideshis much and con. tinuallpraying, wee fec his ocher exercifes inmeditatingat morning and euening, his wading God feuentimesaday, his teaching and conferring with others. Whereforewee muff needes feeandconfetfe,thae either hewas veryvile,and wee veryholy ; or lire mod holy,andwevery vile. Shallwe hope to attaine this without viing thelike meanes ?Did notheamine toknowledge without fomany meanes, and {hallweeattaine to it withv- lingof nomeanes ? Shall weethinkethe Lordwill bemore partial! with vs than her was with