on the it9.P /aline. 6$i with his beloued Prophet?Did not the man ofGod obtainewithout askingoften,and (hall weobtaine withoutaskingat all? Shall hecrie andcall, prayand complaint, watch and waketo get vnderftandjng,and fl:all wellugge and doenothing? Or did it more a perraine to hum to doe thole things ; or doe they lac concerne vs,kcing licedid them for our infiruajon ? The holyGholt hash for no other end bided the commendation of fo good mentovs,than for a typeof god lines which themutt follow, and whereby he vouch- tafeth as it were toopen 'stoners gates forvs,and to giuevs acceire tothe trealures of bra- uen. Surely,it was not for anyprofit ofthe Prophet himfelfe, whodid it butfor all potleri- tie to come,toput vs in mindsofour corruption,to flew howwee fhould Itriueagainit it. Wherefore it tiandetis vs in hand flore carcfully,sccorefrequently, moreferuently co vie prayer, if euer wee will hope forthe likegraces. For the Lord fiat!) promded, that ifwee knockon this fort,thedooreof knowledgeshall beopened ; ifwe lecke wiledon:eon this fort,we (hall Purely godeher ; if wecrauc vnderllanding with this affection and al acrntie, we(hall recciue plentifully. Wemidi then in our Wolfeknow,that we mutt knockand that inllantly,wemutt lhekeand that carefully,wemull asksand that diligently, with an holy smportumne. Away thenwith our old drowfines,God .viii not beltowhishidden le- crets,his trealures, his niyltcries, his jewels upon them, who vouddafe not to asks than.. For feting the things which her promiletl in Isis word be no finals things, but fuchas the eyebath not fcene,the care heard,tongueexprefcd, nor heart concerned; !hall we chink to come to them by (hutting our eyes, by making dull our cares, by doling vp our mouthes,and bard rungof our hearts? Surely no. Behold then tois vehement prayingof thenun of God,for a prefident for vs tofollow. But why ihould theman ofGodhe:epray for vnderllanding?had henot often prayed for it before ? was lie a nouicc inknowledge being a Prophet? cloth not our Savour Chriti a eoeritions in reprehend repetitions and babhng in prayers True it is our Sauiour atilt dothrepte- P'rrlovro- bend that babling,which is withoutfaithand knowledge,and a feelingof our wants, but puwed. he Ipeaketh not agamti thcfe lcrious and often repetitions, o Inch proceede from a plenti- fullknoxledge,abundantfaith, and liuelyfeelingofour necc(lirues. Agaue,although it cannot bedeny ed, bit lice was a man ofGod, and had recciuedgreat graces, yet Godgi- ueth knowledge to hisdearth Saints in this lifebut in part,and themolt which we fee and know is the lealtching,whichwee feenot nor know. Befides,when wee haue knowledge, and knowledgemolt be brought intopraátife,wee (hall finde fuch difficulties, fuch wai- wardnes,fuch forgetfulnes,luchwants,that althoughwehaue had with the Prophet a very good direction in the general! things ofthe word, which are vniucrlalland few; yet wee !hall finde many ditlradions in our praetjfes, which Inuit be particular andmany, and wee (hall eitherfade inmemoriebyforgetfulnes,orin Judgement bybhndnes,orinale- . &ion by dulnes. So calilymay wee thppe when wee thinks we may hold our journey on. Wherefore the man ofGod,through that examinationwhich lie tooke of his heart and af. feetions, Peeingthole manifold ttreightsand difficulties, prayed, in the verle following, not for the renuingof them in generali troubles, but for thebindring ofhis particular e- ftateand condition. Verla70. Let my fupp(ication torpe before thee,and debutemeaccording ro thyprofii fe. E11now,ifiveonelyconfidertbof formercaufes,tvelhall fee that here isnovainc VV repetition, and that innothing thisprayer was made too often. For befndesthat, as we laid,we know herebut as part, we forget alto which iveknow,and we cannot pra- ftifethac,whichtveremember: lothatitisararethingtohaueagoodiudgemcnt ,butra- rer when tree hauea good judgement ro hauea good affeftien, andmolt rarewhen wee haue a good Judgementand a 1 mand affcttion, cohaue them 11111. For wee haue not in vs any indwellingnghteoulnes. Againe, asit had not been fufhcienrfor vstohaue bad light simile. hrrefore,and not to hauen now ; orhailing it now,vn tcfie .Ne haue it hereafter : lo it is re. qusfstfor our life whichwe hold inChritl,thac tutehaue not oncly had judgement hereto- fore,vnleficwehauen now ; andit isnot fuEìicicnt to haue it now,vnlefiewe hure it hhere