Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

6S2 Mafeer Cjrethbams'Readings after. For theythatthinke their judgement isper& enough,and their affeaions holy; `hadno needstohaue Chrift tobe their fchoolemafter,who teacheth the fimpleandigno- rant;theythat arewholeneed himnot tobe thcirPhifition,whocamenot to call thenigh- teous,but finnersto repentance. ButGod hischildren teeing their ignoranceand corrupt áffeetions, euen by experience(the fchoolemiftreffeoffooles)know,howneedfull itis dai- lytocrane knowled e,andcontinually to labourfora goodconfcience. On the contrary part, who foboldas blind bayard ; who fo loftie as hee that vnderflandeth lead ; who fò proud,ashe thathath but (lender knowledge?But furely the childrenofGod,who arecon. fcious Rill of their deadnes and dulnes in heauenly things, would cuco hauedcfpayred, hadtheynot teenthe fame in the Saints of Godbefore them, andhad theynotreceiucd fromGod thisholyPfalme, both for apatterne of godlinesto their inftruetion, and alfo for anexample howthey might be ridfrom their ignorance,deadnes and dulnes,and how they mightbe comforted,when after much ftriuingand fhakingthem off,they returns to them,againeto their confolation. Forwhen we fee thatthe SaintsofGod beforevs haue had fuch fights , not onely with corruptions of ill judgement and corrupt affebtions, which theyhadof nature:butafter they haue beenrenued by knowledge and thercwithall confider,ehat byprayer alonethey haue been reuiu'ed,weare alluredand comforted, that . ifwe continueandrcnue ourprayers,Godwill continue and renue hisgraces in vs. Thus we fee,as well to our confolationas in(truétion,thattheSaints ofGod were not onelynot fatefrom prefumptuous finnes,but alto they labouredto feethe errors ofthis life, and alto defired tobe ridfrom the dangerous and lluggifh hones of prophaneprofeflbrs, who will feenothing atall. Accordingto thyword. Thefe words will beare a double interpretation : for either the meaningof themis,giue me vnderftanding, whichis according to the prefcript truethof thy holyword;orelfe,according asthouhaft promifed inthe word,tothem that by prayer aske it of thee. Butbecaufe this latter (exile comprehendeth the former,I Morewillingly embrace thelatter. For ifGod helpe vs according to his promife, it is doubdefl'e actor. dingto hisword :for hepromifeth nothingwinds isnot agreeable withhis word.Befides, this may beproued by thatwhich is added in the verte following,where hefaith, according ' to thypromife. Now in thatherepeareth thefame thing, he flwweth, thatcertainlyGodhad promifed tohelpe andretie=his neceffitie..Neither mutt we thinke that this promife wasmade to Dauidalone, who alone-had not fuch infirmities, but heefpraketh as a member of the Church :for the promife appertaineth to theChurch,and toall intheChurch vniuerfally. . Tromi(esate Howbeit,lookewhat theLordhallpromifedtoallgenerally ,heapplied'tohimfelfe par- (:sserall. titularly. Forwemay fee both in this P(altine, port.17. z. The entranceinto thyword/beweth light,andginethvnda landing to thefimple; as altoPfal.19.7. The tefíimonie'of the Lordit fmre,andpiseth lighttothefmple: thatthepromifeisgenerall ,andaswellappertainethto vsas tohim. So that themeaningofthis latter part is nothingelfe but this ; as thouhaft promifed to glut knowledgeto themthat fake it, fo Lord ginsit me : for lams feeke Thus weefee how needful' it is to haste knowledge ofGodhis word, feeingnone obtains buttheythat pray,according asGod path promiled inhisword,according to that Ioh.5.4. This is theaffurance that irebaue inhim,thatifwe ask?any thingaccording to hiswill,heheareth vs.:Teaske,faithS.Iames, chap.4.3. andreceiaenot,6ecaufeyeaskeamiffe.Weemuff not pray then for entryphantafie, and for euerygrace that commeth in ourmindes, butfor thole things for whichwe aretaught to prayaccording to theword. But how can weedoethis ormwafbe without knowledge ? how fhouldwepray tohim,in whomwehauenot beleeued ? or how fhould we beleeue inhim,whom wehaw not knowne Whofoeuerthen will prayaright, kdgt. muff pray infaith,and he thatwill pray infaith,muftaltopray in knowledge. Againe, wee arehere toobferue thus much : thatWhofoeuer he be thatwill bedireéted in finguler aftions,hemuttacquaint himfelfe with theparticular knowledge ofthe word. Wherefore let vs learn to v(e often reading, hearing, and meditating ofthe word, and with often reading, hearing, and meditating, letvsvfr oftenpraying, applying, and exS. mining ofourfelues,that weemayboth feekevnderftanding inknowledge,and theobe- dience