Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119.Pfalme. 68; elienceof it in our affeaions. Foroften reading,hearing,and meditating,bring ripen=of7tipenr,of iudgc,nent; often praying, applying,and examining our Outsbringquicknesnfour af- aqui {¡rr &ílions. We (hall Ice thenfor often praying,the Lord will drive vsto it withoften giuing of F,cu,oa,, ofhis graces, with the giuing of his graces hee will glue necelTities,with thegiuingof ne- vho,rc. eelfitics he will often glue occafionsto Ict forthhis glorie. How (lull weepray nowwith- out iudgemen_? or hot, (hall we meditatewithout knowledge? Weemutt oftenbeam for knowledge fake wemull oftenmeditate forconfcrence lake. For as wecannot haue profit in the generali knowledgeof a thing, without particular meditatingofis : fo can weenot meditatewithout forte troubling of our utinde,vnlcffe wee doe it of iudgement, no more then not hauing knowledgewe can pray,without great rurmoyling and troubling of our minde. Thuswe mull ioyneall meanes together ; as firll by conference wee null labour for knowledge , iomake our knowledge more effe uallweemullioyneiedication;and thatbothknowledgeand medication maybe fanEtified,wemu(f efeprayer. Lctmy fupplication come before thee,anddehwer me according tothy promife.Here lieprayetlt tobe ridfrom theft Itreights and encombrances, which did hinder this vnderftanding of the word which bee delved. For whereas fome vnderfland it of outward and common troubles,! tlunke, by tliofc things which got before, and comparing it with thole things that follow ahcr,tliat he meaneth that dehuerance,which might rid hen from thole things which are contrarie and preiudiciall to the things before prayed for, that fo both being enlightenedwith true knowledge, and delivered from all blindnes, he night praie God more freelyand liberally both for hisvndcrllanding,andfor theefcapees of chofedillrc0ès, perplexities,doubts and ignorancesof his minde. And thus con fidering that heprayeth to obrainc the good things,and to bedelivered from the contrarie euilithings, let vs confi- der ofthat which followed,. According to thy promife. If wee will obtaineany thing ofthe Lord,wee mull firftvow thankfulnes ; and as we be fuiters,we mutt be tl:anklgiucrs ; as we be I uppli ants, wemutt ofour Lord. For our crerion,tius is the taining,tuen plentifully topraiee the name ofour good God. Verf. t 71. My lipsfhallfpeake pratfr,mben thouhag taught me thyflannel. fAS wee learnt now that the endof all Godsbleflings is thaukfgiuing,and enteric wee Ti a¢rr,ivist purpofe and will performethis,wemull neuer looke to obtaine any thing in fauour: ihr rid of fowe arc alfo to learne,that beforeGod teacher', vsfrom aboue,we are as tonguetide,and G.4OPT. cannot pray,brfore lie by his 1pit it dotTi inhlrul vs,weecannot once fpeake ofhisword. This heVelvet, both in the firftportion and feuenth verle : Imi!!prai fe theewith an vprtght beart,when l final!haste learnedthe iudgemenuofthy righteoufnes : and in the lecond portion, _ where after he bath prayed to be taught In the ltatutes,heeprotnifedi with his lips to tell the iudgenents ofthe Lord. We cannot then Welk God beforehe inftruavs. When the Lord re6lifietb our know- ledge with cleere iudgement, and renueth our hearts with holy affcfìions, wee aremolt read ie toprailè the Lord, according to that in the Plainte : Lard open thoum) lippes, andmy mouth /ha!l Aim thypraife. AndRont.8. 19. Thefpirit hrlpeth our infirmities :for wer know not how toprayasweought,Qc. Wherefore if wee hue toeate,todrinke,toilcepe, andnot to praife Gód,we hue no better than bruit bealls,or rather worfc:for theypraieeGod in their willing feruing of mans neceflìties, and according to their kinde in their waics.But man, towhom tie Lordbath giuen eyes to looke to heauen, cares to heare his word, fpeech to found hisprailès,a minde co conceiue his glorious workesand blefled tvord,fecing Ile path thefègifts about beads, it is certaine there mull be thankfulnes inman about that which ism bealts,vnlcipe manwill be fudged even by thebruit bealls,00bemore gmlcieof his condemnation. For as there is no more prayingtn vs,than there is bciccuing: fo there is no belecumgwithout knowing God, and there is no tbankfgiuing, without both know- ingand allo bciccuing inGod. If inany mcalure therefore wewill praifeGod,we m (fins