Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119 , Pfalme For let vsbe in Paine, in fsckenes, iu pouertie, orany otherafflis4ion, and what prayers make we?what proceaations vowe wc? how often crywe Lordbelpe me, Lord banemercie upon me?ridme nowLord, and Iwill grue thanker ro thee ?But when the rod is off,how many among ten returne togift thankes for our dcliuerance ! peradventure one. Thus we fee, how hberall we are in praying, becau(cit is cafie, to fee our wants; and how (paringwe are in thankefgiuing, became we dot not fo calily feeour benefits. We fee howoften ive are in praying,how feldomc in thankefgiwng;wc fcehow fcrucnt we are in crauing,how cold we are in acknowledging the lupply ofour wants. Ifweattaine not to this ateafure and proportion ofthankefgiuing with the man ofGod, at the Ina let vscomplaine and mone our vnthankefulncffe and dulneffe. For wemuftbe allured,thatif weoffer not in force degree,the calm.; ofour lips,thc Lordh ath loft hismer- cies, andClient them as is were in vaine; and wedepriuc our [clues of the fruite ofthem,to be continuedveto vs hereafter. Vale 17a. A1y tongue thanintreate of thy word for all thycommas:dementt are rights.- OW. ANd though the man ofGod faith here, MytongxeJbail intreateofthyprai fet : We mutt not therein deny but that our hues mutt exprrlle thefruites of the fame, aswe may fee port. 5 .verf.t.Teachme 0Lord the way ofthyflatsttes, and / ivillkcepe it tolto theende. And port. i . verf. S. when the man of Godhad promifed to praife the Lordwith an upright heart,headded, in the verfefollowing,/ trillkeep. rhy latutes,d-c. As allo port . t 9.1. Heare IMO Lordand I trill kerpeth, flames : So that nor ontly in word, butinour trues muli we endeuour copraileGud. It followeth in the fame verfe, For all rho commaundemnnts are righteous : that is, there isno oneofthy commaundcments but ithash in it righteoufnes itfelte; neither is there any nghteoufnes,but it is altogether in thy law. This is an Hebraifine to call a thing righteoufneffewhen theywill expreffe it to be righ- teous in the highcft degree. We are here to learnt., what yeeldeth matter of teaching o- thers,and ofpraylingGod: Euen becaulewhatfoeucr is good, it is inGods law; andwhat- foeuer is inGods law,it is ab(olutcly good. Befideshere the nunof God teacheth vs, that the coldnrsof teachiiigotliers, and gl- uing olthankesproccedeth from hence, cum beanie mecivantthisthoroughperfwaIion, Oar wharineuer is in the lawof God, it is righteous, perfit and holy : and whatforuer is righteons,perht and holy,is in it. Verf. t 7 ì Letthinehard helpe me :forIhair cbofen thyprecepts. HErewe fee theeffea ofthe man ofGodhisprayers, whichhath this lenfe : As I haue prayed for vndcrltanding, fo that now I might fee the inure of it, let me lèe OLord thvtarherly and prouident careof nie. As afterward hefault, Let mete, if thosehaft true iadgrmeta for me. For as he prayed to be drreeted by knowledge, fo Ileallo prayeth for the effe't of it, that he might thereby fee themerciful( handof God,aft-tiling turn in alibis troubles. For ¡banechafe's thy precept:, that is, I know I ambut a man, I hauemany injuries of- ferednie, which may hale rise this way and that way ; ycc I preferre thy word before all tilde troubles. We mutt not thinke now, as theworld doth iudgeofGods children, that he chofe thereas a in oine,or offilly fimplic jty:but his eleftionwas with iudgement,whieh proceeded from confultation, which conlultationproceededofrcafons, vied on both fides ofhis caufes: fo that he madehis choyfeaduifedly,conlderately, and after long delibcra- ti ngof thematter he preferreth theword of Godbeforeall the pleafures ofthis life. It was nor then a ioolifh precilenes ofpuritanjfine,itwas nochildilh ftmplicitte,as of a man who chore this becauleireknew no other things, but it uvas of usifedonie. Wherefore the man ofGodhere ttachcth that it is not withGods children as the world deemethofthem, that Nn n ts, 8f