686 e.JVIa,F#er Greenhams r.F,eadíngs is, that theybe riffle foules,fimple men, andGods fooles , who know not whatthe world men: neth; butas theworld is of it (elfe too wife,fo it thinketh too hardlyofGods children: For it is not to be doubted, but that he had many temptations,and that he debating thembythewifedom of Gods fpirit,chofe the wcri of God. . Theyarc not ignoraet,what it is, tohaue worldly wealth, and pleafures and earthlycomma dit;es,but comparing there with the wealth of the foule , thepleafures of the fpirit andcommo- dities of the word, they by judgement and fufñcient aduife, preferthe wordofGod. Andhere- in is their bleflèd wifedome,that theytieing andweighingboth intheballance,,being mooedon one fideby carnali reafon, and fullained on the other fide by fpiritnall wifedome, they refufe the wort+, and choofe the beif,contrarie to the follie of the world, who alfobath fomefightofthem both, and yet refufeth ntoftcurfedlythe word, and choofethmoil foolilhly the pleafuresof this life. For as thepreferringof good things is thebleffing ofGod in the godly ; fo it is a fearefull lodgement in the ungodly, in preferring there tranfitonepleafures, beforeetemall treafures. Againe,what isthe caufeoffilchhaltingbetweenetwoprofeffìons,and of forh mammerings in religion ? furely thewant of choife, and apurpofe notrefolutely fee in anypart,in that whileO we will be betweene theflea, and the fpirit, betweene the Churchand the world,betweeneGod and the diuell,we knownot which flde to cleauevnto. For ifour choife were made, wee murk not PeekGods glory,andourglory;the honourofthe Gofp el & our own commendation.Forvn. doubtedly,if God hischildren thus walkein amammering,as thoughthey would glue the Lord the balk part of their profellion , and part flakes with hisglorie,fhall for their pleafure before tofeeke Paine, and Peeking (port, they(hall findfinart; when they lookefor profit , they (hall baue Joffe ; when they low for glory,they (hall reapeframe. This is theungular madeof God in this world to hischildren, to puni(h themhere, and to facethetn from thegreat lodgement to come. And as the Lordvleth inmerde their meanes tohis,to fchoolethen] in their choife,fo fo when they arecome to theirchoife, he alfainwifedome will trie them, Againe,withperníittingtheworldtooffer on the onefideprefermenr,or ifthatferueriot, on the otherfideimprifonments, he fuffercthSathan either to illude theta with faire promifes, or to terrifie them withfearefull threatning;,&giueth lcauetothe flefh,toallault them withdelights, or to oppreffethé withcalamities, that beam intruthprone their conflancy, whether they haue fochofen,asthey wil nm repentthein,or whethertheirchoife be as fore asfree. For many ifthey might be batted with gloryandeft imation,and might maintainsf+ill their credit, andwallow in wealth, wouldnot caregreatly toferueGod ; but withoutthis refolutepurpofe, wee (hallfurely find, that whetstrouble comnserh.we would (hrinke away. Whereforethe LordMeth his inthe furnace of a(llj&ion, and in the floodsof temptations hegagcth them, to trie their ltearts,to_liind their faith, to fcouretheta from thedroflè of inlidelitie,thedroffeoflècuririe,the droffeofhypo. critic; as the furnace is notonly for the trial' of gold,but after the trialhad, to purge itthfoughly fromcorruption. In deedfo long as we arefedwith the coardof our natural! corruptions, there is noconflict; theflea,rebelleth not agátn(l the fpirit : butwhen our lodgmentsare héauenly, andout affeei. ons fpiritual,fighting withcarnall reafon andearrhly cogitatioas,then isthemainebattell. When Sathan feeth a mangiven to the world, andalong ashe is in atnammcring, he f%riuethnot with him, but whenhe teeth himfelfe forfaken and defied,andthat Chrifl lean a firongerthenhe hatlr madeanentrance intothe houfe,thenhe rageth,thenhevied; hiscunning,all his lhifrs, and-fnn. monetha Parliament of feuen diuels more, who come all together to the calling out ofChriff, to thedcfcouragingofthe man newly called, and to make areentrieinto.his old poffeffion.Thus thenwe (hall fee, he is a rovingLyon, and that outfight )snot only withworldlypowers , butal- fowith fpirituallenemies in heauenly things. Solong is wefollow the Oft-pick fafhion.ofthis world,and frameour feluesto hue afterit,, we (,,all be at leaguewith them, and they will be at peace with vs: ifwe followherefies, heretikes will not fpeake ill of vs, if we like idolatrie idola. ter, willbe acquainted with vs; if weewill walke carefully ourfelues,.and willnot tcbukethe ¡Jones oftheworld,ordefie the dreamesof. herefres, happily we 1hallpaffe fcoc. free ; butwhen we hate thewodd,the world willhatevs, becaufe thoughwe bein theworld,wee arcnorof the world, Johns r 5. If weproclaime warre withhereues i heretikes will condemne vs, if weetaunr and buke the finnesand coldprofeffion ofvvorldlings, they willfhone putvs to filence. may