on the ii9.Pf Ime. 687 maybee, theywill bee content, that wee fhould beemomes, and doewell, and not rebate them; but when wepull attheir (innsby dictates, and lay violent handson their coldprofelii- on, then we (hall fee theenimitiebetween the feed of theferpenr, and the feed ofthewoman: Thuswe fee, fo longas wewill (hake hands wnh theworld , the flefhand the diuell, wee lhallbe quicrenough,butall our perils& dangers arc in rcil1ingtbcm. For all mull hauetbefetroubles, that make their choife,but all makenor this choife,and therefore are fo quiet: all mull fuffer per - fecutioo, that will hue godly inCirilf lefus; but fo few fuffer, becaufe fofew huegodly inChrilt lefus. Wee maynow conclude, thatall our confli&s are inRCW birth, not thatwee hauemore troubles andtemptations in regeneration, then in oldbirth : but becaufe wee were fo fowfed and brawned in them,that wee law then not tomuch , as weeoficrw anddo. being enlightenedwith Godslpirit. Why do the wicked thenfayofvs, Oh theft arenew profeflours ,newfangled,thefe men had need haue a newworld ? finelybecaufe there isnoagreement with theworldlings and Gods children. Butall theft troublesare tomake vsmore zealous in our choife. Truc ii s, she Lordcleated) fauourablywith vsinthe beginning, as afather dandlethhis children, andas the Bridegroomevlith the children of themarriage, but wee are growne andarepall children in knowledgeand profc(fion: he thinketh it meet weefhould bepurged asgold leuen times iodic fnrnace,Pfal. s . He shinkechwemull bepruned robriug forth fruit snoreahoundantly,Ioh.iy. If we daily citen withourfrnnes , astruelyas Godhash fworne ourfaluation, and it is molt lure we (hall be (sued : fo hash heordavnedmeanes, for fo many as lhallbe faued, ashis word,pray- er, theSacraments andddcipline,whichwhen they donot prcuailewithvs, yet pathhe fanélfi ed another meant, that is, aflliftion ; wherewithhe will ratherhumble vs, then we fhould leek out faluation, that when prayer cannot helpe vs, when the word dothnot in(imdl vs , when the facraments do not confirme vs, wino diliiplioe dochnotawevs, wee fhould tafleof this lafl re- medie, his fatherly correduion, Here we fee, deliberation did put the rearms in theballante , and eleftion made the choife, and Gods children comparing andexamining the loue of the world with the loue of God, though theybe made of the lamensould,shat others aremade of; yet teeing the judgement of Godonboth pal ts, theyponderthe reafonsof one fide, and therealiansofanother fide,and af- ter longdeliberation they forlake that glory,tithes anddignitiewhich theworld dothoffer, and taketh thatwhich the Lord in nrcrciebe flowech on them. But the wickedgo indeed fofarce, as they lie the good, but to theircondemnation : forlight comnring into theworld , they refufce' it ; and thoughwith Balaam fometitnes they delve to die the deathof the children ofGod , yet they blotoutshale motions , and forfaking theword, they follow error ; forlákingGod , they follow thedine(( ; forfakingtheChurch, theycleave to the world : la iull is their condemnation, for burying the light of Godhis fpttit. Verfe 174.1 haste longedforthyfaluationOLord, and shy law ismy delight. t-rHematiof Godgoetb on forward in (hewinghis vnfained affe&ion to theword,and 1 therefore Itere lie thewetli, both how belonged for st, and all ohow in themeanetune he flayech hitnklfe. Itmight feeurea general fpeech,andof lelfe importance which hevfeth here: for who is fo farnegonc,and bath fo (mall hopeof recouerie, that cannot fay,he long- ech for his faluation? for we reade thateuen BaLram defined to be faued, and themoll wic- ked in their life cuue will haue manywilliesoftheir faluation. What notablething dun is there here in the manof God? true it is,that dieLord wringeth out thus much oftencuen out of themouth of thewicked, veto whomhe imparteth fomuchof his right and good - nes,rhat they feewhat theyfhould do and delsre,buc yet in truth they do it not,in that their delire is fo fiore and lender. When weefee then that all their wilhingand praying corn- nsctli to nothing,it is lure theyarebut hypocrites. Againe, they will lay they long forfal- nation , but they will not vie the 'manesthereunto: as if one fhould lay, bee longed for bread,and pray daylie, give os thisdayour dalebread;and yet theywill ryther walke in no calling,or cls get it by frande and rapine,noc flaying thernielues at al on Gods prouidence, but they long rather for other things ioyned withGods glorie,then for God hisw ill, how. (omenm the tncanc fcalon theymake the help ofGod thcirprctcncc: fo it is inthcfpiritu Plan s all