Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

688 GreenhannsR,e4dings all eftate of the foule; for although Idolaters, heretikes, and hypocrites fay that they long for theirfaluation: yetthey longindeede for theirprofic,pleafure,glorie,andfelf- Ioue.For ifthey longedfor that faluation which is of God , they would 'not fo follow their owne dreatnes,reuelations, andfuperfticions ,butvfe chore manes of theword, whichthe Lord himfelfebath appointed. As for prophaneProfeflours, theywill indeed fay asmuch as the other : but bring themto the worde, to prayer, to theSacraments, andto difcipline, yee fhall fcc they have no found longing, but are carried away withthe delires of theirowne lleflt and blood.Whereforewe feehowthis longing of the man of God differeth fròm the longing of othermen,aswemay fee by thefequeIe:for mydelight is inthy word.Where wee fee, that ashee longed afterfahtation,fo fleedelighted in the meanes thereunto. And here aswee oftenfhewed before, thelaw istaken for chatgenerall thingof the whole word of God , andnot forthe particular thing ofthemoralllaw , which confifteth in bidding and forbidding,inpromifestotheobedient ,&threacningstothisdifobedient. And this true longing is no newthing in him,but appertained)to al men,wemayreek in thefirftPfaltn wherehe is raid tobe blcdèd,whofcuerethhimfelfe from the wicked in thought,word and dced,both inreligion andmanners,& giuethhimfelfe tomeditate continuallyin theword. Nowifwewill trie our felues,wherher thistrue longing be in vs or no,weemuf fee whether itbeafrerthatfaluationwhich istobe ioyedof,or whetheritvani(hethawa ,andisnothingbut a torment oftheconfcience.Betides,thisisaruernote ofit: ifour deihebefound, it is notfàtif fied,vncill the thing longed for,beaccomplifhed. Aswe mayfee in natural] and humane things; as in them that arelcke with loue;they arcin continual] perplexitic ofminde, until] they haue obtained their loue: hkewifè mull welong after the word. Forlonging is a feruent delire, &not a thing quickliecome,and quickliegone; bats thing that bathbinfearched by reafon, and in iudgement hachbin chofen. So that aswee (hewedbefore,thereis agreat differencebetweenea lightning delire,and a fetled judgement whithcaufethvs in truth to long. In that hee nowma- keth mentionof his longing after hiseleeìion,he fheweth that hee hadcal hisaccounts, and fet downe howhenmight be abletoniente the nightieman, and roter bartailewith him,asir is ¡in the golpel. This longing cannot be in the wicked:Tor when they long,it is or world- lieplealares,and right longing comtneth from aright fighr,iudgement and affeetion,tvhich will bring in the carefull clingofthe meanes. For as itboldethin falle}onging;foalto inholy long., ings,thac afterlong debating, andexamining ofdnrfelues, andcallingouraccounts, what will Isethe fruitof the good,and what will be the end of linne,carefullie will vfethe meanes. For as the delire vfeth meaneglo longingvfathmeanes carefullie. Let vs nowexamineour felues,whereourfcruencie is: for ioyand hope,feare &forrow(stewa manshart; aswhat foeuer weioy in,whiles we haue it;rhat we forrow for, when we haueloft it. And letvs examine ourlonging,whether wecan vfe theword with delight or no,whether pray- er be pleafattt,whither the Sacraments be comfortable tovs no, andwhether thedifcipline of the Churchbe reuerende andprecious tovs. Ifourdefirebecold,our clingofthe meanes is affix cold: ifwe be ferventin defire,we arealfo feruent invfingof themeanes. TheApoffle(peaking to the Romans,chap. 6. after themannerofmen faith, he will notextort fomuch as hee might doc,but beewill dealewith themmoreeafilie;andwhereas hee mightrequire greaterobedience, he faith:at ye bane yourmembersfermentsunto vncleannes,and iniquitie, to commit iniqui.. tie:fo not, ismyour membersferuants veto righteoufnesinbolines. This isbut an humane thing, ifwefhould fee howwe haue longed after thingsnatural] and vnnaturall: ifwee (hould fee how we haue longed inordinacely,letvs fee ifour longingbe alike after the word, & let vs fay toour own foules,what was therefuch a longing in vs afterfuckthings whereofweare now a(hamed beforeGod inourprayers,and before men when they are butnamcd,and hauewe fuch (lender longing akerourfaluaeion? it is tobe feared,ourchoife is notyet made,fòr if it were, wefhould furely longmorc,and longing wefhould morevfe themeanes. Verle 1-,,v ,Lee myfoule limeand it!hallpraifetbee,and thy iudgementsJball helpme. HFre themanofGod deiheth life tonone otherend, butto praife God in keepingof r his word,as he laid before) Port.3. x. beneficiallto thyfermentithitiImay line e'kfle thy