cn the 119.PPfahne. 689 thy,r i. Inwhjc)placehealtodcfircthnoneotherlife, but that which is according tothe word ofGod. For all other hues hauc a vaine titleof life, but this is true life. Wee lee the man ofGod sloth not onhefcrlewith the Apoffle that inGodwe mouc,liue,and haueour being: but alto(pcaketh of a more excellent thing,to wit, that in himwee hue 1pintuallie. Agame,he looked, not inhimfclfe forany naturall life; but acknowledged) that mans life isof the wordofGod. Let vs therefore learnt with Daniel to commit our hues tothe Lord, Pfal.3 t. t f. Into thine hand I commendmy fpirit,&c. He 1 pcaketh this in his life tine, &com- mitted) it to the Lord,that as hegaucR1111140 he wouldvouchfafe to keep it beinggiten. Now we Ihall nrucr in truth fay the like, vntill the percemc how wee rccciuedour lift of God,how he nouriflicth it, and how to him wee nullsurrender it agame. Whereforewee are not to Irne,as doe the brute bcalls,and the heathen: but wee mutt hoc to cnjoyour lol- uation,and couctour fal uation to prailc theLord,bec aufe there is none other endofmans life,thcnGods glorie. As forthem which hue to any other end , Salomon judger) no better of the vntinely fruste then ofdtenr,who en toy many daycs in pleafurc,andafter goe to the darkenes. Be- fides we knowhow II other utferiour thingswere created toglonfieGod in Icruingtnan, and manwas made to glorifïcGod by the true vlc of theword. Let m,pule hife, &c. This is the vfual l phralcof the icripture,when they v1c to fee downe a thing more pathctocallic,asLuke i. fouledabmagnifie theLord . myfprntpratfthGod my Sauieur. AndPlal. i 03 .1.211d 104.1. My foulepratfe rhou theLord. Piai. t I 5.17. The dead prayfe not the Lord,neither arg that godotrne into the place offdence,and PfaL6.5. Indeath there Li noremembrance ofthee,in thegraue roho f allpray fe thee?and Flay 3 8.59.7hepit cannot pr.ri fe thee,the graue cannot confeffe thee,death cannot pratfe thee,ther that gotdonne into thepit cannot prafe thee: but the huirg,the listingfhall confeffe thee,at I do thisdav,t c. How grteuous athing it isnow, euerie man may lodge, that a Oran flrould goeout of thisworld,or euer he knew wherefore he came into theworld,and this is that which malted)vs io loth to die.7hiswas ;. it that made the faintsof God in former times fovnwdlingtoleauethis Irfe, not that they wanted any hopeof the life to come, or hadnot the toy of a bided re urreflion 3 but ey- ther they hadMine ipeciall fins heauiliepre (img their confetences, wherebythey liaddrf- honouredGod;or els they dcfired to huein greater measure to glorthe God , cyther In en_ tying into the wayof repentance, or els growing in the fane,atcer they hadeutred;becaufe asyet,they couldnot fay to truth: Ibane fought agood/ìght,Ihauerimagood racedhauékept thefaith,fromhenceforth a croon ofglorie iopreparedfor me. Forthey knew that,whereot we are tvtllinglie igaorant,that we (hall neuer vncellanthe praileGod in !raven, vnic(fewee carcfullie knit. God in earth; and wee (hall neuer praise God in the congregation of o. Angels,which praise notGod in thecongregation ofhis faints. Let vs renumber then,that we hue not to cate, as doe brute bealtcs;wehue not to hue,as sloe the heathen : we liueto hue well,as booing all the creatures to fettle to our vfe:wemull hue to Godsglorie,accor- dingto hiswill. It is requtfrtc that chrrfttans in this life should be prepared to pralle God in the life to come with Angels: for how (hall we crie hot,, hoh, holy, withAngels voles we 'carne toprailc God withhis Saints in this life. Neyther isthere any thing more effcbluall tomforce this do@rise, then toknowhow our life isgiucn vs of God to hisglorie, & that . it shall returne to hint opine.And as the children of God ere tins world, as though they vied is nogbutthey v reprayer,the wordand Sacraments molt carefulhe: to thevngodlic vle prayer,the word and facramcnts,as though they vied themnot ; butthey vie the world mo!tcarctullie. Some canpuiona good face , and run (lineaway with fin : but when Gods children lee the occahon ofweldoing taken from ihe',o) how it woundeth them! Ohhow it grieueth them, that they haue d ilhonoured God? it pinched) them fo to thehean,that they had rather die a thoufand deadts,thrcn fo difpleale God.l beythen decemc themfelues,that think they can be (sued,& vie thenpleafures too: but God his children dare nor fullie vie the. hbertie esen in lawfullthings, least by hide & little they (hould abule jr.And here isto be noted the vehemencie ofhis delight, that he contented not himfclfe to theversegot ngbefore,to fay: thy lair ifmy delight. ,but thy las it delght,C ibjiudvemenu/br/l help me: to letbeforree