Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Ofmurmursng. 61 full deliuerance out ofEgypt, which wasvnto them a frgneof theirfpiritualldeliuerance. And this is the nature ofall naturali and worldlymen,fo vniultly todifcerneofGods gra- cious goodneffe, that they bad rather forgot many fpirituall benefits and bleflings,then oheworldly and corporali commoditie. Forit is a greater griefetomen now adaies, that are inprofpentietoforgoe their riches,thentoforgot theirfinne. And againe,the want of riches Both vexe and trouble them more,then the want offpirituall and heauenly graces: andthe hauing of riches Both more rcioyce their hearts, then the burthenof finne,which procnreth Gods wrath, dothworke xirh their griefe. Such men know notthatriches are no :anerno f a nt ó forefignes ofGods fauour,though hen inthe abundanceofhis merciedoth let his Sonne cods faaarn. fhmeupon the wickedand vpon the good : fo that the hauingof riches is no argument that bee loueth vs ; nor the want of them is any argumentof his difpleafurc towards vs. Who fo therefore feekethGodin theft outward thingsonely, and bindethhis fauour vn- to thetn,doth neitherwith them,norwithout them,duly efteemeofthe fauourofGod,büt fetteth light thereby : whichalthough in plaine words liefpeaketh not, (for the children ofIfrael here did not,flatly fpeake againft the Lord, but againft hismunfters Mots and Aaron) yetwhilefthoe is carelesof theword, prayer and Sacraments, anddefpiferh and grudgeth againft Gods minifters and feruants,hemanifeftlydeclareth what priceit bea- reth inhis heart. Itftandeth carry man inhand then in his ovineheart to ferlehis Gone, and to be forrowfull for it ; toknowit is in him,and then to leaue it : leaft the godofthis world whom hee ferueth,doe for a while gluehim hisdelire, that in the worldto comeher may hauehim for hisportion : and toluch asacknowledge this murmuring tobe a finne, andbegrieuedfor it,there followed) remediestohelpeout of it. Foras much as impatience and murmuring proceedeth from infidelitie, the remedie Remedies a- therefore mint be fetched,firftfrom faith in Gods mercies,andin the benefits whichChrift gainft murmrt- bath byhis death purchafed veto vs, and inthe hopeof the refurreition to euerlafting ring. life,and inGods fatherly prouidence : which things ifwedo beleeue,wemutt alfo beleeue that God in thislifewill fufficiently minifter vnto all ourwants : and vnlell'e wee doebe- leeue them,we doe not,neithercanwe beleeue withalfurance,that the Lord willpreferue vs. Butifwe doubt whetherthe Lordwill helpevs inearthly things,wemuff needs much moredoubt ofhis fauour infpirituall benefits.First therefore the great and rich merde of BetecueGadt theLord,andhisfauourable dealingwith vs, being duly confrdered,Ihallbevery profi- table proaide;:ce toworke in vs patience : for ifwefee how the Lordforbeareth vs,and recvardeth vs, rmdpatience notaccording toour finnes: nay,ifwe fee that whenfor theripenes ofour frnnes lie might towards thee. confound vs,yet he Both not fo muchas punifhvs ; andwhen her mightiuftly punifh vs, yet hedealeth mercifullywith vs,and beltoweth his mercies vponvs. If(Ifay) we can ac- Rom.:.34. knowledgethis to be his ordinarie dealing, thatbyhis long flittering lie Both leadevs to repentance,and byhis manifold mercieshedoth as itwere weane vs fromour'finnes, this would much bridleour murmuring,and inftruét vs topatience. And yetwee fee afurther thingthen this inthispeopleofllrael:for theLordBoth notonely bearewith their finnes, and beftowmany mercies vpon them ; but to helpe them and todoe them good,heeBoth vfe extraordinariemcanes as tobringdowne bread fromheauen,tomakewater Oh out of therocke:wherehee lheweth, thatfor the fafetie of hispeople, mienwhen all meanes doe faile,and whentomans lodgement there isno way to finde out helpe or deliuerance; yetthere will theLordmagnifie Isis mercietowards hisferuants,and will worke wonders for their preferuation. Hee doth not thus deale with the Ifraehtes onely, but he maketh this his ordinarie dealing with his feruants from time to time. As Mofes applied) this place,whenhefaith,7he Lord bathfedtheewith thisMannafortieleeres,that thoremaiill know Dena that man limed; not by bread onely: and Chrift inour perfon being tempted to vfe vnlaw- fulltneanes,ouercame thediuell with this anfwere,Man liuetbnot by bread only.Teaching vs,andleaning vs anexampleto haue the faine anfwere in readines, in the like tempta- tions : knowing and alluring our hearts,that the Lord will by one 'manes or other,doe good votohis children,and difpofeofall things that fhallbefallthem for the belt : onely let them takeheedsof this that theyreft inhis word,and gono further,but by faith waste G on