Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

7 `IhefcondSermon., on him therein,andhe willglue that (hall be fuf icientfor them, ifnot in earthly benefits, yet in fpirituall graces. rbefecoad The fecond helpewhich wemull vfetorefraine our murmuring, isaliuely faithofour helpeagainfi redemption wrought by Chrifl,whicbconfifleth in the free forgiuenesof our finnes, and mnrmurmg, theimputation of Chriftsrighteoufnefièveto vs, in the fanbtifcation of his holle f iris. fi tnhpl pour re- Thirdly,in the hopeofeuerlafting life. Fielt then ifwee can fledfafllybeleeue, thatGod mbichhruhtwa for Chrilis fakehath freely forgiven vs all our fins,yea that he bath-givenvs hisonly be- partr, lowed fonne,that weemight be beloued inhim,wee (hallwithout any great adoe beleeue Roms that the Lordwill not luffer vs to wantanytbing,butwith himwillglue vs all things: for feeingfinue,whicb is the caufe ofall miferic,is takenaway from vs, thatfowee mightbee withChrdt inheritors ofthebeauens,wee maybefare that in themean time nomiferie !hall hurt vs. Thus Abraham hauing receiueda promife forfeed of his fonne ïfaac,doubting nothing butthat theLord wouldprouidemeanes tobring the fame topalle,in the afiùrancehere- Gen.24. ofPent his feruants to his owne people to providea wifeforhis fonne. Andthefechildren ofIfrael no.doubt,if theyhadbeleened that the Lordhad deliuered them out ofEgypt, that her might bringthem to thepromifed land, theywould neuer haue doubted ofhis mercifull preferuation,neither here in the wildernefiè,nor elfewhere, tillthey had come to the landofpromife. And agame,ifwee couldfirmely beleeue that God thefather for Chriftsfake dothnot onelynot imputeour finnesvntovs, but that he dothalto accept vs in therighteoufüef'e of his bonne,imputing thefame vnto vs, how fhould weedoubt of :mate orraiment, or any fachother thing ? For by thismeanes bee is madeour mercifull and 'cuing father,whichknowethperfeélly what things we Rand inneede of : and forhis power is ableden ingreatefl extremities tohelpe vs, andfor his loue and good will to- wards vs will helpe vs : and thus dothhe abide for euer,and is neuer changed.For though a mother fhould forget her children,yet will the Lord neuer forfakethole that loue lüm, 3. and infaith call vponhim. To this free forgiuenes of fins,and the imputationof Chriils tame thyyon. righteoufneilèvetovs, there mull bee added the fanóìificationofthefpirit,as the fecond part ofour redeinption:whicl, ifwe be once throughlyperfwaded of it,it (hall bea fpecial Theessserfion helpevetovs againfl all impatience and murmuring againftthe Lord : for it is agreater cfe(innerhow thing to turnea (inner, thentoworke wonders in nature. And therefore ifin our hearts great athing we canbeleeuethatGod bathmadevs of finfull and wickedmen, iuff and righteous; of 1L is. vilewretches,thevellelsofrighreoufneffe; ofthemanfionsofthediuell ,fittempies ofhis holie fpirit ; ifive doe beleeuethat heranmake of covetousmen,liberall men ; ofwhore- mongers 'chaft perfons ; ofoppreffors, vpright dealing men : yea, ifwee can beleeue that the Lord bothisable, and willingalto to definer vsfromany finne that is within vs, beit neuer fo ftrongeither by nature or by eaili cullome : and la&of all,ifwe can beleeue that Efay.u. he is able to makethe wolfeand the lambe to lie together, theleopard and thekid ; (hall we euer doubt that bee will once faire vs,orfuffervs to wantthethingthat ismeetefor vs, feeineit neuerfovnpoflible to beattained unto ? Thethi rdhelp, Thirdly,ifwe beleeue that with Chrift we (hall be raifedvpat thehalbday, wee (hall as finchao tthere- ftedfaftly beleeue thatlice will preferue vs: forit is a greater matter to raifevp ourbodies being deadand conlumed toduft, then topreferue themwhile(} they are aline : if flee can The feunb, doethegreater,he can doe alto the leffe. Moreouer,ifwebe perfwaded that ourheauenly , beleeueeter- fatherhath prepared a kmgdomeforvs in theheauens,we muft needes beleeue thatin this edlifeis lifehewill not heacie vs norforlake vu, butwill mercifully prouide for our neceflities for thine. if hewill giuevs thegreater benefits,he will allo giue vs the leffe,ifhe in wifedomefee itfit for hisglorie,and profitable for vs. Thefin /taya_ The fife thing weMull Iayourfeluesvpon,whenmurmuringdothaffaileand tempt vs, gainftmurmu- isfaithinGodsprouidence.Thisprouidenceis general' or articular in bothwhich wee ring. null be througlily grounded,ifwee will withllándalloccafons of murmuring, and not Tronidence. breakeoùtin temptations into impatience. The generali prouidence ofGod muff bee r confrdered,firftin.creation ofall things: fecondly,inpreferring them. Doe wee thenbe- leeue