OfZeale. 69 Butto draw to the Taft and aloft glorious propertie, this thing in zeale is molt coin- the eight rule, Mendable, whenwe are humbled in our owneroutes for thofe finneswhich weepic and cenfurein others, even as thoughwe ourfelues for want of inttruétionor prayer, were in fome fort guiltieof theirClines. Ifthis rulewerereceiued in judgement, and reverenced in praaifeofMinifters,Magiftrates, andmalters, when they are to admoniihtheir inferi- ours ofunne, iris lure it would breede in them greatconfctence and religion. Alas we fee many who can mangle and martyr a man for fome offence, who neuer learned for con- fcience faketo mourne for thofe infirmitieswhich fo bitterly he would inueigh againit in others. Let vs confider thisin minifters,how the Apoftle faith tothe Corinthians : Ifeare leaf when I come, my Godahafe meamong you, andIAidhewdile manyof themwhich hatefn- ` Coraz.,,. nedalreadie, &c. Which no doubt hedid as thinking that lit didnotduty enough, but that therewas cuesfome caufe of griefe in himfelfe. Did the Apoftle who had lò little or no cede fo to doe, thus lament and fufpebt himfelfe, asthough hehad notvfed allgood meanes,or with the meanesgood affeutións; and fhouldthe miniftersofourtime, whore gifts and paints are farre inferiour, nothingbe mooed for the finnes of themfor whom they ought to care and mourne? Well,1 hope that cuen at this day there are fome that Thefinnerof fearethey hawnot in preaching publikely, opened all the rnyitersesof God tothesas,they theAdzeare thinke they have failed in prisme admonition, they fufpea thetnfelues ofwant of piay- thefines of ingforthem, they are readieto accule ehemfelues, thatthey have not walked ló wifely theivfior. andwarily in viìng theirlibertie before them, as they ought tohaue done, or that theirlife hath not yeelded thatexample of godlineffeto themwhich they ought to haue done. And fo in the whole dilcourfe almost of the (Mines of thefeuerall Ch urches,the holy Ghoh run- neth on in this teneur, that whatioeuer is spoken ofthe Church, is fpoken to theAngels, thatis,tothe miniftersofthe Church,who are raid tohaue this or that Gnne,which indeede was inthe people. In the Primitiue Church when the credit oftheApoftles was called into queftion, they, might leeme to haue been much troubled about the matter: but they weremuch hum- bled by it, they examined themf-clues, they accufed themfelues,and afterwardethey initx- tucedanew nunifterie. But deal not this dutie as deepely charge miniitersand matters to mournefor theGnnes of theirpeoples Yesdoubtles, and for goodreafon. Forifthey willconfeffe thatthey inuitreioyce in the good things that befall their children andfa- milies, they mutt alfo lament the culls i lsichbetidethem, iolong as.they arcvndertheir tuitionand gouernment. FINIS. OF A GOOD NAME. THE FOVRTH SERMON. Prouerbs za. verfa. .tgoodmime istobedeftredaboutgreat riches, andlouingfauourabouefiluerandgold. LI that is tobedefired of a man is this that he be vertuous,godly,and trulyreli. gious. This becaufe itis in it feife moil excellentand molt contrarie to our na- ture, therefore the Scripturevfeth many arguments and reafons toperfwade vs thereunto :as in this place where theWileman would ftirre vs vp to theloue ofverrue,by Pettingbefore our eyes two principali effebts and fruitswhichwe may receive by