76 ThefourthSermon. purpofe tofteale againe when he is readie tobehanged ? Will a chi1depurpo{ tóplay the wantonwhen he is a beating? Nodoubt(es, but in theone there is cliddifhnes to fpeake- withoutaduife; in the other is feruilnes to be moued with nothingbut prefent feare. I rypocr fie graunt indeedethere ishypocrifie in them, yet thegroffe hypocrifie whereby menlabour 1.grolre todeceiueothers,is not inthem;but the clofeand molt dangerous hypocrifie wherebythe s.olnfe diuellbath beguiled their ownehearts through his fubtiltie. Thiswitcherie of the diuell (I fay) is thecaufe whymanypromífng amendement, doe not perforatethe fame. Thus we feehow mendoe miffeofthatprofit which ought tobereaped ofopen fhame: wethere- fore areto takea bettercourfe, and to labour, that asour faces doeblufh before men, fo ourfoulesmay be confoundedbeforethe Lord, that being throughly humbledvnder his handby godlyforrow,icmaypleafe him in mercieto raifevs vp. Now if wedoubt in this r cafewhether ourforrow be found or no,letvs trie it by theretwo rules. Firft, whether we canwith contented mindestakethepunifhment as a corre&ion from the Lord , and yet mourneand be grieved forthe finne: but infucka manner asgiving place toGods iuftice 2 in punifhing,welabour formercie theforgiuenes offinnes.Secondly,whether when we could keepethe finneclofe,wecan yetwith David freelyconfelre and fay, Again Thee O Lordhave I finned ? This ifwe can doe,it is a fureargument that our forrowis godly, and thatwehaue wellprofited bythatreproch whichour finnedidbring uponvs. As thefinne Speciau rules is fometitne foeuidentthatit cannot becouered, fo indeedethefinne may becommitted, what afecret and yeteithernot knowne norfufpeed atali, orelfebyprobable fufpicrons. Whenthe fosse úcaufeof finne is in this cafe,the Lordmaycaufe a man that bath fo finned , tobe accufed or mill eruurepar. fpoken offor that finne. Here the partie oiindingmuti firitlearnetodeaiewifelyand in fuch manner,as the finne maybe kept clofehill ifit maybe done without another finne: Ioósua.7. But ifan othof the Lord berequired, thenought wetoglue God the glorie, though it be s withour ownefhame,andconfelfe thefault. Secondly,fortheprofits whichmay bemade by fuch reports, wemull learnwith thankefull hearts to recetue this merciful( chaftife- mentof the Lord, and acknowledgeit tohis praifc t for he might haue punifhed vs for thole finneswhich weremanifeft,yet hebathpaffed ouer them : he mighthaste made there knowne, but he fparedour nameandourcredit. Therefore fora fecond fruite this mercie ofthe Lordmutt feadevstorepentance, andtoancarnet forrow for alloùrfinnes: for it were to too groife that wefhould continue in finne, becaufe we cannotbe conui&edof finne : forif the Lord didnot miflikethy finne,why fhould he raife fuch a reportof thee? Why fhouldhe faue thy good name,if hewere not minded toflew thee inertie ? And ifhe wouldnot banethee with all thy heartto repent theeofthy finne, whydod, hewhip thy nakedconfcienceforfinne? Thercforeifbythishoningkindnefli :webenotledvntore en- tance,verely it will be a finne that fhall not efcapevnpunifhed. Thuswehave heard how aneuill name loth arifeòffinnecommitted,and what profitmuft be takenhereof. from tmee Now let vs further confiderhow a minmutt profitby an euill nasse, notwhen hebath nngbetoprofit by forne finnedeferued it, but whenhebath only failedin this,thathe hath giuen occafion byeuil "Parts. tobe fúfpe&ed ofrou i. Thisoccafion is oftwo forts. Firft,whengood duties are either al- 2vyootcafuns together oinitted,or donewith a grudgingminde,or elfeas it wereof conftraint. This re- ofeuillreports. port muttteach thee,that although thoube notfoeuill as men wouldmake thee, yet thou art not fo good asthou fhou(delt be. Therefore by this thou mull learnt, asto be more carpfull of doinggood, fo to doeit withgreater and better courage : for theLordloueth a cheerefullgiuer. The fecondoccafion is inward, which althoughnoman can findeout,yet theLord for thygood doth caufè men to fpeake euillof thee for it. This inward occafioniswhen thy hearchathgiuenfomefull confent todoe mill, or at the leaftbath muchwandred in thin- kingof it. Herethe LordBothtake theebetime; and fufferethmento report of thee that thouhaftdone that, whichindeede thouhaft not done, yet in thy heart thouhafttaken "rneuiu pleafure in it,Then the waytoprofit bythis,is to confeife thegoodneile of the Lord, who thought "fling willnothave thee tofall into fuchs finne, as might deferue difcredit. For fuels is the nature íntheminde. ofman,that if any euillthought doe long tariein theminde, it will hardly bereftraincd raw age- before itcometo tiseoutward ale. Againe, bythis reportraifed on vs, wemuft take occa- fion