Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Ofa good name. Pionto call backe ourfelues, ifwehaue contented to coill,and with griefetobe forrowfult for íe : orifwe hauenot as yetcontented, wemuttlabourto repreffe thebeateof our affe- aions,andquench themby the;moyftureofthe word. And thus much !hall be fufficient forthofe reportswhich arife of tome tuftground andoccafion. The lalt poynt tobehandled, is to feewhatvfe ?mutt bemade ofthole reports which be Yfeoffztfe re-: altogether fal(è,and haueneither ground norgood beginning. For itmay come to palle,Port :. when a manbath auoyded euill , and done good; when hebath fhunned the occafion of euill,and done allgoodwith a cheerefuli heart, yethe may be very illreported of, andhis good name hindered. Now ifthis Both befall anyman,hemull knowchair is -theLordes doing, andthat the Lord Both it either to corre&finne, or elleto preuent it. TheLord (I fay)doth by this meanes corre&finne fometimes, either in the famekinde, or in Tomeo- ther. Inthe fame kindehe dealeth thus, hefuffereth thee tobe counted an adulterer, yet thou doersnowhue chaftly,and hateft Glthie finne : butthenhefeeth that thouhafteither been an adulterer,and haftnot repentedatall : orifthou haft fuddenlyrepented,yet now elsoubegionell to failç,and tocook in the hatred ofthatfinne. Againe, itafter examina- tionthou findethy felfedeere in that finne, yet knowethat the Lord by that reportdoth come&Come finne quitecontrarievntoit: asifthoufhouldeftbeaccufedbecaufethou fo- veanot thywife, whereas indeede thou founther too well : orotherwile liecaule thee to be counted an adulterer, thatthereby thoumaift be brought to fee thy couetous heart. And tofayall in oneword, we !hall neuer make true vie of reports, vntillwe haue been brought to fee and repent of foineparticularfinne,whicheither we tawnot before, or elfe hadnot throughly repented of. Furthermore,itmaycome topaffethat wehauing doneall good duties,auoyded allemil, and examined our repentance euen for particularfnnes, a yet flail webeeuillf okenofamongntnen. HerewemuftknowthattheLordbyreports Bothforewarn vs of will to come. Wearereportedof tobe of theFamilie of loue : here- byweare forewarned to take heede that wefall not into that finne, and foforth of other reports.When any filch reports arc carriedaboutofvs,wemull be made.fomuch the snore wane that we fall notinto that finne. And according tothe Aponlesrule,wemutt labour to Snifh thesondeof ourfaluation infeare : Whichthat we may doe,the Lordgraunt for his Cluifts fáke,to whombepraifefor euer inthe Church, Amen. 77 FINIS. OF HVMILITIE THE FIFT SERMON. Prouerbs 18.1x. Before deliracrtion theheart ofman is haretie: andbefore glarìegoethlowline. His Scripture agreeth wellwith that ofour Sauiour Christ, whofoereer exalteth Luk.r4.u. 1 s himfelfeJhalIbebrought low, andhethathumblethhimfelfeJhallbe exalted, asalfowith lsm4.s. 'the teftimonieoftheAponlesofChrift: Godrefaeththeproude,batgireeth grace to s.Pe0's'1 the humble.Examplcs further to prouethis areplentifull intheword, whether we looke to H 3 the