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96 Mr. N E A L'$ IId Vol. of the a Francifcan, ifa Dominican or 7efuit, or any other Order, having feveral Names there entered in their Licence ; in cafe ofa Difcovery in one place, then to fly to another, and there to change their Names or Habit. For an Affurance oftheir Conflancy to their feveral Orders, they are to give monthly Intelli- gence to their Fraternities, of all Affairs, where- ' ever they be difperfed: fo that the Englfb abroad know News better than ye at home. When they return into England, they are taught their Lefton, to fay (if any enquire from whence they come) that they were poor Chriftians formerly ' that fled beyond Sea, for their Religion-fake, and are now return'd with glad News to enjoy the Liberty of Confcience. The i oo Men that went over r 646, were molt of them Soldiers in the Parliament's flrmy, and were daily to correfpond with thole Romanifts in the late King's Army, that were lately at Oxford, and pretended to fight for his facred Majefty : for at that time there were fomeRoman Catholicks who did not know the Defign a contriving againft our Church and State of England. But the Year following, 164.7, many of thole ' Romifh Orders who came over the Year before, ' were in Confultation together, knowing each ' other. And thofe of the King's Party asking fame, why they took with the Parliament's Side, and asking others, whether they were bewitched ' to turn Puritans, not knowing the Defign but at lait fecret Bulls and Licences being produced by thofe of the Parliament Side, it was declared between them, that there was no better Defign to confound the Church of England, than by pre - tended Liberty of Confcience. It was argued then, that England would be a fecond Holland, a Commonwealth; and if fo, what would become of