Hif1ory ofthe Puritans, examin'a. i oi " end we command to be new printed, and this " our Declaration to be publifh'd therewith."] Two Paragraphs here omitted, as follow ["That we are fupreme Governour of theChurch " of England, and that if any difference arife a- " bout the External Polity, concerning injunc- tions, Canons, or other Conífitutions whatfoever, thereunto belonging ; the Clergy in their Convo- " cation is to order and fettle them, having firft " obtain'd leave under our Broad Seal fo to do, and we approving their faid Ordinances and Con- " ftitutions ; provided that none bemade contrary " to the Laws and Cuftoms of the Land. " That out of our princely Care, that the Churchmen may do the Work, which is proper unto them ; the Biíhops and Clergy from time to time in Convocation, upon their humble " Defire, (hall have licence under our Broad Seal, to deliberate of, and to do all fuch Things as be- " ing made plain by them, and affented to by us, " lhall concern the fettled Continuanceof the Doc- trine and Dilcipline of the Church of England " now eftablifh'd ; fromwhich we (hall not endure any varying in the leaf} Degree. " That for the prefent tho' force Differences have " been ill - railed,] We take comfort in this, that all " Clergymen within our Realm, have always molt " willingly fiabfcribed to the Articles, [eftablifhed ;] which is an Argument [to us] that they all agree " in the true, of ual, literal Meaning ofthem, [the Paid " Articles;] and that in thole curious Points, in which " the prefent Differences lie, Men of all Sorts take the Articles [of the Church. of England] to be for them : which is an Argument again, that none of " them intend any defertion of the Articles eflabl'd. " [That therefore in thefe both curious and un- happy Differences, which have for fo many hun- " dred Years, in different Times and Places exer- 1E1 3 cifed