Hftoryofthe Puritans, exam n'd. a 17 ' ceeds : " But above all, the moft Reverend " IYilliam Laud Archbifhop of Canterbury, who was beheaded by red-hot Zealots, for the Caufe of Religion, (news himfelf an admirable Man ; " who being fo vehemently fet upon, loaded with fo many Calumnies, does not, in the moft fa- c. miliar Letters to Vofus, utter any ill Language, " against his fierceft Enemies ;" but, after the Example of his Saviour, when he was reviled, he reviled not; and when he fuffered; he threatned not; but bleffcd them that cnrfed him, and molt ardently pray'd for them that perfecuted him. " Here he is fo entirely purged from that monftrous Accufa:. tion, with which he was, by the moft enraged^ ":Enemies, openly and molt odioufly traduced be- " fore the whole World, as if he was endeavouring to bring back Popery into the Church of Eng- land, that Devilnefs itfelf can find nothing " where to fix its Teeth: here are his continued " Inftances repeated, no lefs than ten times over in his Letters, that Vofus would take upon himfelf _' the Talk of confuting Baroniz s ; ,infornuch, that he never left off to urge i t : " I greatly clefre (fays he) before 1 go to the Grave, to fee Baronius falling under your firms; nor may you expe3 any Letter from me without a Spur. This is the great Chara6ter that Limborch gives of A rchbifhop Laud; which plainly proves how groundiefs Mr. Meal's Affertion is and that he purfued no fuck Scheme, as that of uniting the two Churches of England and Rome. _Veal, p. 209. Mr. Peter Smart, one of the Pre- bendaries of Durham, andMinfer in that City, was imprOned by the High -Comnzigion of York this Sum- mer, [1629.1 for a Sermon preach'dfrom thofe Words, I hate all thofe that love fuperftitious Vanities, but thy Law do I love ; in which he took occafon to fpeak 4gainfl Images and Pictures, and the latepompous Ire- 3 novations,