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, ory of thePuritans, exanin'd. T 25 a Pouch by his fide, &c. Ibid. p. 234. The Infor- mation fets forth, " That being evil-affeüted to the " Difcipline _of the Church, he, with certain Confe- derates, without Confent of the Bop, haddefaced and pulled down a fair and coily Window in the Church, containing the Hiflrfry of the Creations which had flood there force hundred .Years, and 4' was . a great Ornament to it ; which prophane " Al might give Encouragement to other.. Schifmati- " cal. Perfons to commit the like Outrages." Pryn's Canterbury's Doom, p. i02. * In the Information: ' And the Reverend .Fa- ther in God, yohn Lord Bithop-of Sarum, having heard a Report of this purpofe, fent a Meffenger to Mr. Sherfield, and the other Confederates, to admonifh them to forbear to put it in execution ; and to that end, he wrote a Letter to Sherfield, which came to his hand. Davenant (fads IZeylin) at that time was Bi- íhop ofSarum, and lived, for the moll part, in his Palace there ; a Man of known Difaffeátion to the ' Church of Rome, and all the fuperítitious Vani- ties ánd Corruptions of it. Had he been made ' acquainted with it, there is no queftion to be made, but that he would have gratified the Man, in caufing the Paid Window to be taken down in a peaceable way; or elfe have given fuch good Reafons to the contrary, as would have qualified the Peccancy of the prefent Humour.' Neal, ibid. Mr. Sherfield, in his Defence, fays, That the Church of St. Edmund's was a Lay Fee, and exempted from the yurifdiaion . of the Bifhop of the Diocefe ; that the Defendant, with the reft of the Parifhioners, had lawful Power to take down the Glafs, and that it was agreed by a Veflry, that the Glafs fbould be made new; and accordingly that he * Rujliworth, Part II. p. 'y;. j Cyprianus Anglicus, p.: t 6. took